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《婚姻之爱》 第431节







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Conjugial Love #431 (Chadwick (1996))

431. (vii) Likewise there is uncleanness in the church, and cleanliness there.

The reason is that the church is the Lord's kingdom on earth, corresponding to His kingdom in the heavens, and the Lord also links them together to make one. He divides those who are there, as He divides heaven and hell, and He does so according to their loves. Those who are given to the improper and obscene pleasures of scortatory love attract to themselves similar people from hell; but those who are given to the proper and chaste pleasures of conjugial love are associated by the Lord with similar angels from heaven. These angels of theirs, when they [are present] with a person [and] 1stand beside deliberate and confirmed adulterers, notice the foul smells (mentioned in 430 above) and withdraw a little.

On account of the correspondence of filthy loves with dung and mud, the Children of Israel were commanded to carry with them a trowel to cover up their excrement, so that Jehovah God walking in the midst of the camp should not see the nakedness of the thing, and turn back (Deuteronomy 23:13-14). This command was given because the camp of the Children of Israel represented the church, and the filth corresponded to the lewdness of fornication. 'Jehovah God walking in the midst of their camp' meant His presence there together with angels. They were to cover it because all the places in hell where groups of such people live are covered over and shut off. That too is why it say 'so that He should not see the nakedness of the thing.' I have been allowed to see that all parts of hell are shut off; moreover, when they were opened to allow the entry of a new demon, such a stench was given off that it turned my stomach. The extraordinary thing is that these smells are as pleasant to them as dung is to pigs. From this it is obvious how we must understand the statement that uncleanness in the church comes from scortatory love and cleanliness there from conjugial love.

Conjugial Love #431 (Rogers (1995))

431. 7. So, too, uncleanness in the church, and cleanness in it. The reason is that the church is the Lord's kingdom on earth, corresponding to His kingdom in heaven; and the Lord also joins the two together so that they are united. Moreover, the Lord distinguishes between the people who are in it, as He does between heaven and hell, setting them apart in accordance with their loves. People who are caught up in the shameless and obscene delights of licentious love draw to themselves spirits of a like character from hell, while people who abide in the modest and chaste delights of conjugial love are affiliated by the Lord with angels of a like character from heaven. When the angels associated with the latter are present in a person near deliberate and purposeful adulterers, they smell the foul odors mentioned above (no. 430) and withdraw a little.

[2] Because of the correspondence between filthy loves and piles of excrement and dirt, the children of Israel were commanded to carry a stake with them by which to cover their excrement, lest Jehovah their God, walking in the midst of their camp, see the nakedness of the thing and turn away (Deuteronomy 23:13-14). This was commanded, because the camp of the children of Israel represented the church, and those unclean elements corresponded to the lascivious delights of licentious lusts; and Jehovah God's walking in the midst of their camp symbolically meant His presence in the company of angels. They were to cover those things for the reason that all those places are covered and closed over in hell where companies of such spirits live; which is why it is added, lest He see the nakedness of the thing. I was granted an opportunity to see that all places in hell are closed over; and also to experience that, when they were opened (which happened when a new demon was entering), such a foul-smelling odor arose from them that it made my stomach ill. Moreover, what is astonishing, those stenches are as delightful to them as piles of excrement are to pigs.

It is apparent from this how the statement should be interpreted, that uncleanness in the church springs from licentious love, and that cleanness in it springs from conjugial love.

Love in Marriage #431 (Gladish (1992))

431. 7. The same goes for uncleanness in the church and cleanness there. The reason is that the church is the Lord's kingdom on earth, corresponding to His kingdom in the heavens. And, besides, the Lord joins these kingdoms together and makes them one. He also separates those who are there as He separates heaven and hell, and He separates them according to loves. Those who dwell in illicit love's shameless and obscene pleasures associate with their likes from hell, but those who dwell in married love's modest and chaste pleasures the Lord associates with angels from heaven who are the same. When these angels with a person come near confirmed and open adulterers with a person, they notice the heavy odor mentioned above (no. 430) and draw away a little.

Because foul loves correspond to filth and mire, the descendants of Israel were ordered to carry a paddle with them to cover their excrement so that Jehovah God, walking among their tents, would not see the nakedness of the thing and turn away (Deut.

23:13-14). This was ordered because the descendants of Israel's camp represented the church, and those unclean things symbolized the wanton acts of fornication, and "Jehovah God walking among their tents" stood for His presence with angels. They were to cover their excrement because all the places in hell where such a crowd lives are covered and closed - which is also why it says "so ... [He] would not see the nakedness of the thing."

I have been allowed to see that all the places in hell are closed, and also that when they are opened - which was done when a new demon was going in - it gave off such a stench that the odor turned my stomach. And, remarkably, those stinks are as delightful to them as excrements are to pigs.

These observations show how to understand the idea that uncleanness in the church is from illicit love and cleanness there is from the love in marriage.

Conjugial Love #431 (Acton (1953))

431. VII. THAT IT IS THE SAME WITH UNCLEANNESS IN THE CHURCH, AND WITH CLEANNESS THERE. The reason is because the Church is the Lord's kingdom on earth corresponding to His kingdom in the heavens, and the Lord so conjoins the two kingdoms that they make one. He also makes distinction among those who are there, just as He makes distinction between heaven and hell, the distinctions being according to loves. Those who are in the shameless and obscene delights of scortatory love join to themselves their like from hell; but those who are in the modest and chaste delights of conjugial love are associated by the Lord with like angels from heaven. When with man, these their angels, if they stand near adulterers who are such from confirmation and purpose, perceive the offensive smells spoken of above (no. 430), and draw somewhat back.

On account of the correspondence of filthy loves with excrement and mire, it was commanded the sons of Israel that they should carry with them a paddle with which they should cover their excrement, lest Jehovah God walking in the midst of their camp should see the nakedness of the thing and turn back (Deuteronomy 23:13, 14). This was commanded because the camp of the sons of Israel represented the Church, and those unclean things corresponded to the lascivious things of whoredom. By Jehovah God walking in the midst of their camp was signified His presence together with angels. That they should cover it, was because all those places in hell where troops of such lascivious spirits dwell, are covered over and shut up. Therefore it is also said, "lest He see the nakedness of the thing." That all places in hell are shut up--this it has been given me to see; and also that when they were opened, which was done when a new demon entered, so offensive a smell exhaled therefrom that it troubled my stomach with a feeling of heaviness; and what is surprising, those stenches are as delightful to them as dung is to swine. From the above, the meaning of the statement that uncleanness in the Church is from scortatory love, and cleanness there from conjugial love, is evident.

Conjugial Love #431 (Wunsch (1937))

431. (vii) Similarly uncleanness in the Church, and cleanness there. For the Church is the Lord's kingdom on earth corresponding to His kingdom in heaven. The Lord also conjoins Church and kingdom, so that they make one. He also distinguishes those in the Church, as he distinguishes heaven and hell, according to loves. Those in the shameless and obscene delights of scortatory love join to themselves like spirits from hell; but those in the modest and chaste delights of marital love are associated by the Lord with like angels from heaven. When these, their angels, in attendance on man, stand near confirmed and deliberate adulterers, they perceive the offensive odors of which we spoke above (430) and withdraw a little.

On account of the correspondence of filthy loves with ordure and filth, the children of Israel were commanded

To carry a paddle with them with which to cover their excrement, lest Jehovah God walking in the midst of their camp see the nakedness of the thing, and turn back (Deuteronomy 23:13-14).

This was commanded because the camp of the children of Israel represented the Church, and those unclean things corresponded to the lascivious things of whoredom. By Jehovah God's walking in the midst of their camp, His presence by angels was signified. The reason for the word "cover" is that all the places in hell where droves of such spirits live are covered and closed up, wherefore, too, it is said "lest He see the nakedness of the thing." I was enabled to observe that all such places in hell are closed up, and when they were opened, which was done when a new demon entered, such an offensive odor exhaled thence that it assailed my stomach with heaviness. Amazing to relate, those stenches are as delightful to them as ordure is to swine. It is plain from this how it is to be understood that the unclean in the Church is from scortatory love, and the clean from marital love.

Conjugial Love #431 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

431. (7) Likewise the uncleanness in the church; and the cleanness there. The reason is that the church is the Lord's kingdom on earth corresponding to His kingdom in the heavens; and the Lord also conjoins them that they may make one. And He likewise distinguishes those who are there, just as He distinguishes heaven and hell, and distinguishes them according to their loves. Those that are in the immodest and obscene delights of scortatory love join to themselves their like from hell; but those who are in the pure and chaste delights of conjugial love are associated by the Lord with similar angels from heaven. These their angels, when in attendance on men they stand near confirmed and determined adulterers, perceive the stench spoken of above (n. 430) and withdraw a little.

On account of the correspondence of filthy loves with excrement and mire, it was commanded the sons of Israel:

That they should carry with them a paddle with which they should cover their excrement, lest Jehovah walking in the midst of their camp should see the nakedness of the thing and turn back (Deuteronomy 13:14).

This was commanded because the camp of the sons of Israel represented the church, and those unclean things represented the lasciviousness of scortations; and by Jehovah God walking in the midst of their camp was signified His presence with the angels; that they should cover it, was because all those places in hell where crowds of such abide are covered and closed; and for that reason it is also said, 'lest He see the nakedness of the thing.' That all the places in hell are closed it has been given me to see; and also that when they were opened, which was when a new demon entered, a stench exhaled therefrom so foul that it infested my belly with a heavy oppression; and what is surprising, those foul odors are as delightful to them as excrements are to swine. From which it is plain how it is to be understood that what is unclean in the church is from scortatory love, and what is clean there is from conjugial love.

De Amore Conjugiali #431 (original Latin (1768))

431. VII. Quod similiter immundum in Ecclesia, et mundum ibi: Causa est, quia Ecclesia est Regnum Domini in terris correspondens Regno Ipsius in Coelis; et quoque Dominus conjungit illa, ut faciant unum; distinguit etiam illos qui ibi sunt, sicut distinguit Coelum et Infernum, et distinguit secundum amores; illi, qui in impudicis et obscoenis jucundis amoris scortatorii sunt, adsciscunt ad se similes ex Inferno; at illi, qui in pudicis et castis jucundis amoris conjugialis sunt, a Domino associantur angelis similibus e Coelo: hi Angeli illorum, dum apud hominem adstant adulteris ex confirmato et proposito, sentiunt graveolentia illa, de quibus supra 430, et paulum recedunt.

[2] Propter correspondentiam spurcorum amorum cum stercoribus et coenis, mandatum est filiis Israelis, "Ut clavum apud se ferrent, quo tegerent excrementum suum, ne Jehovah Deus ambulans in medio Castrorum illorum videret nuditatem rei, et reverteretur," ; 1hoc mandatum est, quia castra filiorum Israelis repraesentabant Ecclesiam, ac immunda illa correspondebant lascivis scortationum; et per Jehovam Deum ambulantem in medio castrorum illorum significabatur praesentia Ipsius cum angelis; quod tegerent, erat causa, quia tecta et occlusa sunt omnia illa loca in inferno, ubi catervae talium degunt, quare etiam dicitur, ne nuditatem rei videat; quod omnia loca in Inferno occlusa sint, datum est videre, et quoque quod cum aperirentur, quod factum est cum novus daemon intrabat, tale graveolentum inde exhalatum sit, ut gravedine infestaret ventrem meum; et quod mirabile est, putores illi sunt illis ita jucundi sicut stercora sunt porcis. Ex his patet, quomodo intelligendum est, quod immundum in Ecclesia sit ex Amore scortatorio, et quod mundum ibi sit ex amore conjugiali.


1. Prima editio: Deutr. Deuteronomium 23:14-15.

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