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《婚姻之爱》 第430节










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Conjugial Love #430 (Chadwick (1996))

430. (vi) The uncleanness of hell is due to scortatory love, and the cleanliness of heaven is due to conjugial love.

The whole of hell is awash with filth, and the source of all of it is indecent and obscene scortatory love; its pleasures are turned into such filth. Who could believe that every pleasure of love is made visible in the spiritual world in various sights, made perceptible in various smells, and clearly to be viewed in the form of various animals and birds? The kinds of thing which portray the wantonness of scortatory love in hell are dung and mud; the smells which make them perceptible there are stenches and foulness; and the forms of animals and birds which make them clear to view are pigs, snakes, and the birds called ochim and tziim. 1

On the other hand the chaste pleasures of conjugial love are portrayed in heaven by gardens and flowery meadows; the smells which make them perceptible are the aroma of fruits and the fragrance of flowers; and the forms of animals which make them clear to view are lambs, kids, doves and birds of paradise. The reason why the pleasure of loves are turned into these and similar forms is that all the things that come into existence in the spiritual world are correspondences. The inward levels of the minds of the people there are turned into these forms as they pass through and become outward, so as to be grasped by the senses. But it should be known that there are countless varieties of uncleanness, into which the wantonness of fornication is turned as it passes into corresponding forms. These varieties are classified into genera and species, which will be seen in the following sections, where adultery and its degrees are discussed. But such uncleanness does not emerge from the pleasures of the love of those who have come to their senses, because they have been washed clean of them in the world.

Isaiah 13:21; Jeremiah 50:39, Psalms 74:14; see True Christian Religion 45[2].

Conjugial Love #430 (Rogers (1995))

430. 6. The uncleanness of hell springs from licentious love, and the cleanness of heaven from conjugial love. The whole of hell is filled with unclean things, and the universal origin of them is shameless and obscene licentious love. Into such things are the delights of that love turned.

Who can believe that every delight of love is, in the spiritual world, made visible in the form of various sights, perceptible in the form of various odors, and observable in the form of various species of animals and birds?

Examples of sights under whose forms the lascivious delights of licentious love are made visible in hell are piles of excrement and dirt. Odors by which they are made perceptible are its stinks and stenches. And some of the species of animals and birds under whose forms those lascivious delights are made observable there are pigs, snakes, and birds called ochim 1and tsiyyim 2.

It is the converse, however, with the chaste delights of conjugial love in heaven. Examples of sights under whose forms those delights are made visible there are gardens and fields of flowers. Odors by which they are made perceptible are redolent aromas of fruits and fragrances of flowers. And some of the species of animals under whose forms those delights are made observable are lambs, young goats, doves, and birds of paradise.

The delights of their loves are turned into these and other like things because all the phenomena found in the spiritual world are correspondent forms. The inner qualities of their minds are turned into such correspondent forms when they pass over and become outward manifestations discernible to the senses.

It should be known, however, that there are countless varieties of unclean things into which the lascivious delights of licentious lusts are turned when they pass over into their correspondent forms. The varieties are distinguished, moreover, in accordance with the kinds and classes of those lascivious delights, which are described later on where we take up adultery and its degrees 3. But in the case of people who have repented, such unclean things do not issue from the delights of their love, because they have been cleansed of them in the world.


1. A Hebrew word (Oy), appearing only once in the Old Testament (Isaiah 13:21). It seems to refer to howling or screeching creatures, perhaps screech owls, but the actual identity is unknown. It may not be a precise term. No. 264:4 identifies as a bird of the night.

2. Another Hebrew word (Oy), appearing six times in the Old Testament (Psalms 72:9, 74:14; Isaiah 13:21, 23:13, 34:14; Jeremiah 50:39). It seems refer to desert dwellers, and in contexts suggesting animals, to desert creatures, but the actual identity is unknown. It, too, may not be a precise term.

3. See nos. 478 ff.

Love in Marriage #430 (Gladish (1992))

430. 6. The filthiness of hell is from illicit love, and the cleanness of heaven is from married love. All hell seethes with obscenities, and their common source is a shameless and obscene love of illicit sex.

In hell they take pleasure in things like that.

Who would think that in the spiritual world all of love's delights emerge as various sights to see, various odors to smell, and various forms of birds and animals to look at? In hell the sights that illicit love's lascivious pleasures emerge to be seen as are excrements and filth. The odors they emerge as to smell there are stenches and fumes. And the forms of birds and animals that they emerge in to be seen are pigs, snakes, and birds called ochim and tziim [birds of night].

But the chaste joys of married love in heaven are the other way around. The sights that they emerge to be seen as are gardens and flowery fields, the odors that they emerge to the smell as are the scents from fruits and the fragrances from flowers, and the animal forms that they emerge to be seen as there are lambs, kids, turtledoves, and birds of paradise.

The pleasures of loves turn into things like that because all the things that come forth in the spiritual world are correspondences.

The inner things in people's minds turn into these correspondences when they are externalized before the senses.

But note that there are innumerable varieties of uncleannesses that the wanton acts of fornication turn into when they emerge in their correspondences. And the varieties are according to the genera and species of those acts, which appear in later articles that deal with adulteries and their degrees. But impurities like that do not emerge from the pleasures of the loves of those who have repented, because they have been washed clean of them in the world.

Conjugial Love #430 (Acton (1953))

430. VI. THAT THE UNCLEANNESS OF HELL IS FROM SCORTATORY LOVE, AND THE CLEANNESS OF HEAVEN FROM CONJUGIAL LOVE. All hell abounds in uncleanness, the universal origin of which is shameless and obscene scortatory love, the delights Whereof are turned into such uncleanness. Who can believe that in the spiritual world every delight of love is presented under the form of various appearances that it may be seen, of various odors, that it may be sensed, and of various forms of beasts and birds that it may be observed? In hell the appearances under which the lascivious delights of scortatory love are presented to be seen are excrements and mire; the odors under Which they are there presented to be sensed, are stenches and noisome vapors; and the forms of beasts and birds under which they are presented to be observed are swine, serpents, and the birds called ochim and tziim. 1The reverse is the case with the chaste delights of conjugial love in heaven. The appearances under which these are there presented to be seen are gardens and flowery fields; the odors under which they are there presented to be sensed are odors from fruits and fragrances from flowers; and the forms of animals under which they are there presented to be observed are lambs, kids, turtle-doves, and birds of paradise. The delights of love are turned into these and like forms because all things which exist in the spiritual world are correspondences. The internals of the minds of the inhabitants of that World are turned into such correspondences when they pass over and become external things before the senses. It should be known, however, that there are innumerable varieties of uncleanness into which the lasciviousness of whoredoms is turned when it goes forth into its correspondences. These varieties are according to the general and specific nature of the lasciviousness as described in the following pages where adulteries and their degrees are treated of. But in the case of those who have repented, such uncleanness does not go forth from the delights of their love, for they have been cleansed in the world.


1. These are two Hebrew words occurring in the Psalms, Isaiah, and Jeremiah, the meaning of which is unknown; but in some passages, the context indicates that they sometimes mean some evil birds of night.

Conjugial Love #430 (Wunsch (1937))

430. (vi) The uncleanness of hell is from scortatory love, and the cleanness of heaven from marital love. All hell abounds with uncleannesses. The universal origin of them is shameless and obscene scortatory love; its delights are turned into such uncleannesses. Who can believe that every delight of a love is presented in the spiritual world under various semblances to be seen, under various odors to be perceived, and under various forms of beasts and birds to be beheld? The semblances under which in hell the lascivious delights of scortatory love are presented to be seen are ordure and filth; the odors by which they are presented to be perceived are stenches and evil fumes; and the forms of beasts and birds under which they are presented to be beheld are swine, snakes, and the birds called ochim and tziim. 1But the reverse is true of the chaste delights of marital love in heaven. The semblances under which these are presented to the sight there are gardens and flower-filled fields; the odors by which they are presented to perception are the redolences from fruits and the fragrances from flowers; and the forms of animals under which they are presented to the eye are lambs, kids, doves and birds of paradise. The delights of loves are turned into these and similar things for the reason that all things which exist in the spiritual world are correspondences. Into these the internals of the minds of the inhabitants are turned when they issue and form externals before the senses. It is to be known, however, that there are innumerable varieties of uncleannesses into which the lasciviousness of whoredom turns when it passes into its correspondences; and the varieties are according to its kinds and species, of which see in what follows where we treat of adulteries and their degrees. Such uncleannesses do not issue, however, from the delights of the love of those who have repented, for they have been cleansed of them in the world.


1. See note at264.

Conjugial Love #430 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

430. (6) That the uncleanness of hell is from scortatory love; and that the cleanness of heaven is from conjugial love. All hell reeks with uncleannesses, and the universal origin of them is shameless and obscene scortatory love. Into such things its delights are turned. Who could believe that in the spiritual world every delight of love is presented to the sight under a variety of appearances? to sensual perception under various odors? and to view under various forms of beasts and birds? The forms under which the lascivious delights of scortatory love are presented to view in hell are excrements and mire; the odors under which they are presented to the sensible perception there are stenches and noisome vapors; and the forms of beasts and birds under which they are there presented to view are swine, serpents, and birds called Ochim and Tziim. But the very opposite are the chaste delights of conjugial love in heaven. The appearances under which these are there presented to the sight are gardens and flowery fields; the odors under which they are presented to sensible perception are the aromas from fruits and the fragrant perfumes from flowers; and the forms of animals under which they are there presented to view are lambs and kids, turtle-doves and birds of paradise. The reason why the delights of love are turned into such and similar forms is that all things that come into existence in the spiritual world are correspondences. The internals of their mind are turned into them as they go forth and become external before the senses. It should be known, however, that there are innumerable varieties of unclean things into which the lewdnesses of scortations are turned as they go forth into their correspondences; and the varieties are according to the kinds and species of them, which may be seen in what follows, where adulteries and the degrees of them are treated of. But such unclean things do not go forth from the delights of the love of those who have repented, because they have been washed from them in the world.

De Amore Conjugiali #430 (original Latin (1768))

430. VI. Quod immundum inferni sit ex Amore scortatorio, et quod mundum Coeli sit ex Amore conjugiali. Totum infernum scatet immunditiis, et harum universalis origo est impudicus et obscoenus Amor scortatorius; in tales vertuntur jucunda ejus: quis potest credere, quod omne jucundum amoris, in Mundo Spirituali sistatur sub variis speciebus videndum, sub variis odoribus sentiendum, et sub variis formis bestiarum et avium conspiciendum: Species, sub quibus in inferno jucunda lasciviosa amoris scortatorii sistuntur videnda, sunt stercora et coena; Odores, per quos illa sistuntur sentienda, ibi sunt putores et nidores: et Formae bestiarum et avium, sub quibus illa ibi sistuntur conspicienda, sunt sues, serpentes, aves ochim et tziim vocatae. Vice versa autem jucunda casta amoris conjugialis in Coelo; Species, sub quibus illa ibi sistuntur videnda, sunt horti et campi floriferi; Odores, per quos illa ibi sistuntur sentienda, sunt redolentiae ex fructibus et fragrantiae ex floribus; et formae animalium, sub quibus illa ibi sistuntur conspicienda, sunt agni, haedi, turtures et aves paradisiacae. Quod jucunda amorum in talia et similia vertantur, est quia cuncta, quae in Mundo Spirituali existunt, sunt correspondentiae; in has vertuntur interna mentium illorum, dum transeunt et fiunt externa coram sensibus. At sciendum est, quod sint innumerabiles varietates immunditiarum, in quas lasciviae scortationum, dum in suas correspondentias abeunt, vertuntur; et varietates sunt secundum genera et species illarum, quae videantur in sequentibus, ubi agitur de Adulteriis et illorum gradibus; ast a jucundis amoris illorum, qui resipuerunt, non tales immunditiae exeunt, quia in Mundo ab illis lavati sunt.

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