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《婚姻之爱》 第471节





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Conjugial Love #471 (Chadwick (1996))

471. (viii) The weighty reasons for having a concubine of this kind are genuine and not genuine.

Besides those which are just grounds for taking a concubine, because they are just grounds for a separation, there are also weighty reasons depending on the husband's judgment and sense of justice; so these too must be mentioned. But since the judgments of justice can be perverted, these reasons are to be distinguished into genuine weighty reasons and ones which are not genuine, which will be described separately.

Conjugial Love #471 (Rogers (1995))

471. 8. Weighty reasons for taking a mistress in such a circumstance are real and unreal. In addition to just reasons, which are just grounds for separation and so become just grounds for taking a mistress, there are also weighty reasons, which depend on the judgment and justice in the husband; and this being the case, therefore these, too, must be mentioned. However, because the judgments of justice can be perverted, and the perverted judgments turned by rationalizations into semblances of justice, therefore we distinguish these reasons into real weighty reasons and ones that are not real and describe them separately.

Love in Marriage #471 (Gladish (1992))

471. 8. There are serious reasons for this type of concubinage, some valid and some specious. Besides the just reasons that are justified reasons to separate and therefore justified reasons to have a concubine, there are also important reasons that depend on the judgment and justice of the man himself, so they are noted here, too.

But the judgments of justice can be abused, and made to appear just by rationalization, so these reasons are divided into the valid ones and the specious ones and discussed separately.

Conjugial Love #471 (Acton (1953))

471. VIII. THAT THE WEIGHTY CAUSES OF THIS CONCUBINAGE ARE REAL AND UNREAL. In addition to just causes, which are just causes of separation and so become just causes of concubinage, there are also weighty causes which depend on the judgment and justice of the man. These must therefore be mentioned; but since the judgments of justice may be perverted and by confirmations be turned into appearances of justice, these causes are distinguished into real and unreal weighty causes, and are described separately.

Conjugial Love #471 (Wunsch (1937))

471. (viii) The weighty causes of this concubinage are real and not real. Besides just causes (which are just causes of separation first and then become just causes of concubinage) there are also weighty causes, which turn on judgment and justice in the man. These are to be named, too; but as judgments upon justice can be perverted and turned by confirmation into appearances of what is just, we therefore distinguish these causes into weighty causes real and not real, and describe them separately.

Conjugial Love #471 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

471. (8) That weighty causes of this concubinage are real, and not real. Since, besides the just causes-which are just causes of separation and thence become just causes of concubinage-there are also weighty causes, which depend on the judgment and the justice of the man, these ought therefore, to be mentioned. But as the judgment of justice may be perverted, and by confirmations be converted into an appearance of justice, for that reason these causes are distinguished into real weighty causes, and not real, and are described separately.

De Amore Conjugiali #471 (original Latin (1768))

471. VIII. Quod Causae sonticae hujus concubinatus, sint reales et non reales. Quoniam praeter causas justas, quae sunt justae separationis, et inde fiunt justae concubinatus, etiam dantur causae sonticae, quae dependent a judicio et justitia apud virum, ideo hae quoque memorandae sunt; sed quia judicia justitiae possunt perverti, ac in apparentias justi per confirmationes converti, ideo hae causae in sonticas reales et non reales distinguuntur, et seorsim describuntur.

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