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《婚姻之爱》 第472节





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Conjugial Love #472 (Chadwick (1996))

472. (ix) The truly weighty reasons are those which arise from justice.

In order to recognise these, it is enough to list some which are genuinely weighty reasons. For instance, lack of parental love leading to the rejection of children, insobriety, drunkenness, uncleanliness, immodesty, a readiness to betray household secrets, to engage in law-suits, to assault people, to exact vengeance, to do wrong, to steal and to deceive; inward unlikeness leading to antipathy; forwardness in demanding conjugal rights, which make the husband as cold as stone; interest in magic and sorcery; a strongly irreligious attitude and such like.

Conjugial Love #472 (Rogers (1995))

472. 9. Weighty reasons that are real are ones which are founded on justice. To gain a concept of these reasons, it is enough to list some that are real weighty ones; as for example: A lack of parental love and a consequent rejection of the little children. Intemperance. Drunkenness. Lack of cleanliness. Shamelessness. Having an urge to broadcast secrets of the home. Having an urge to argue; to strike blows; to take revenge; to act maliciously; to steal; to deceive. An internal dissimilarity causing antipathy. A shameless demand for the man's performance of his conjugal duty, causing him to become a cold stone. Resorting to sorcery and witchcraft. Extreme impiety. And other like things.

Love in Marriage #472 (Gladish (1992))

472. 9. The serious reasons that are valid are the just ones. To recognize these reasons only requires listing a few that are truly important - like no love for children and rejection of them on account of it, intemperance, drunkenness, uncleanness, shamelessness, eagerness to spill household secrets, quarreling, beating, getting revenge, being malicious, stealing, cheating, inner differences that cause bad feelings, demanding fulfillment of the marriage obligations, which makes a man as cold as a stone, addiction to magic and sorcery, extreme impiety, and other things like that.

Conjugial Love #472 (Acton (1953))

472. IX. THAT WEIGHTY CAUSES ARE REAL WHEN BASED ON WHAT IS JUST. For the knowing of these causes, it suffices to recite some that are real, such as an absence of parental love and the consequent rejection of infants; intemperance, drunkenness, uncleanness, shamelessness; proneness to divulge the secrets of the home, to quarrel, strike blows, take revenge, do evil, steal, deceive; internal dissimilitude causing antipathy; a shameless demand for the conjugial debt whereby the man becomes a cold stone; addiction to magical arts and sorceries; extreme impiety, and other like faults.

Conjugial Love #472 (Wunsch (1937))

472. (ix) Weighty causes, which are real, rest on what is just. To know these causes it is enough to enumerate some which are weighty and real, like no storge and consequent refusal to have children; intemperance, drunkenness, uncleanness, shamelessness, a passion for divulging family secrets, wrangling, striking, vengefulness, mischief-making, stealing or deceiving; internal dissimilitude from which is antipathy; bold demand of the marital debt as a result of which the man turns into a cold stone; addiction to magic and sorcery, extreme impiety and other like things.

Conjugial Love #472 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

472. (9) That the weighty causes are real which are from what is just. In order to know these causes it is sufficient to enumerate some of those that are really weighty: For example, no love for infants, and hence the rejection of infants; intemperance; drunkenness; uncleanness; shamelessness; a passion for divulging the secrets of the house, for wrangling, for striking, for revenging, for mischief-making, stealing, cheating; internal dissimilitude which begets antipathy; a forward requirement of the conjugial debt whence the man becomes as a cold stone; addiction to magic and sorcery; extreme impiety; and other like depravities.

De Amore Conjugiali #472 (original Latin (1768))

472. IX. Quod causae sonticae reales sint, quae ex justo sunt. Ad cognoscendum has causas, sufficit recensio aliquarum, quae sonticae reales sunt, sicut nulla storge et inde rejectio infantum, intemperantia, ebrietas, immunditia, impudicitia, cupiditas promulgandi secreta domus, litigandi, verberandi, vindicandi, malefaciendi, furandi, fallendi; dissimilitudo interna, ex qua antipathia; proterva expostulatio debiti conjugialis, ex qua vir fit frigidus lapis; applicatio ad magias et praestigias; summa impietas: et similia alia.

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