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《婚姻之爱》 第473节





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Conjugial Love #473 (Chadwick (1996))

473. There are also lesser reasons, which are still genuinely weighty ones and cause separation from bed, but yet not from home. For instance, a wife's ceasing to be fertile as the result of advanced age, leading to unwillingness and reluctance in the face of expressions of love, although the husband's ardour persists; and similar circumstances in which the judgment of reason sees justice, provided they do not offend the conscience.

Conjugial Love #473 (Rogers (1995))

473. There are also milder reasons that are real weighty ones, which separate from the bed, and yet not from the house. As for example, a cessation of childbearing on the part of the wife due to advanced age and a consequent intolerance toward and evasion of physical love, while ardor still persists on the part of the husband. Besides similar circumstances, in which rational judgment sees justice, and which do not hurt the person's conscience.

Love in Marriage #473 (Gladish (1992))

473. There are also milder reasons that are valid, important reasons, and they separate a spouse from bed, though not from the home - such as the end of childbearing in a wife, due to advancing age, and a resulting impatience with sexual love, and refusing it, while the man's sex drive continues. And other things like that, which rational judgment sees the justice of, and which do not wound the conscience.

Conjugial Love #473 (Acton (1953))

473. There are also milder causes which are real weighty causes and separate from the bed though not from the home, such as the cessation of childbearing with the wife due to the feebleness of advanced age, and hence a non-tolerance and refusal of actual love, while ardor still continues with the man; besides other like causes in which the rational judgment sees what is just, and which do not hurt the conscience.

Conjugial Love #473 (Wunsch (1937))

473. There are also milder causes which are weighty and real, separating from the bed though not from the house; such as the cessation of fertility in the wife from advancing age and consequent intolerance and refusal of actualized love while the ardor for it still remains with the man; besides like things in which the rational judgment finds justice, and the conscience is not hurt.

Conjugial Love #473 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

473. There are also milder causes which are really weighty, and separate from the bed though not from the house; such as the cessation of fertility with the wife from advancing age, and consequent intolerance and refusal of actual love, ardor still continuing with the man; besides other like causes in which the rational judgment sees what is just, and which do not wound the conscience.

De Amore Conjugiali #473 (original Latin (1768))

473. Dantur etiam causae mitiores, quae sunt sonticae reales, ac separant a toro, et tamen non a domo; prout apud uxorem ex provecto senio cessatio prolificationis, et inde intolerantia et tergiversatio ad actualem amorem, perstante usque ardore apud virum; praeter similia, in quibus rationale judicium videt justum, et conscientiam non laedunt.

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