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《婚姻之爱》 第479节







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Conjugial Love #479 (Chadwick (1996))

479. (i) There are three types of adultery, simple, double and triple.

The Creator of the universe divided the whole creation into genera, and each genus into species, and each species into varieties, and these again similarly, and so on. His aim was to bring into existence an image of the infinite in the perpetual variation of characters. So the Creator of the universe divided up kinds of good and their truths, and likewise evils and their falsities, after these had arisen. All things without exception in the spiritual world were divided by the Creator into genera, species and varieties, and all things good and true were assigned to heaven, and all things evil and false to hell, one set being arranged as diametrically opposite to the other; these facts can be established from what was revealed in the work on HEAVEN AND HELL, published in London in 1758. So too in the natural world He divided and divides the forms of good and truth and evil and falsity that people have, and so people themselves; this can be known from their fate after death, heaven for the good, hell for the wicked. Now since all things to do with good, and all to do with evil, are divided into genera, species and so on, therefore marriages are so divided, and so likewise are its opposites, the kinds of adultery.

Conjugial Love #479 (Rogers (1995))

479. 1. There are three kinds of adultery: simple adultery, double adultery, and triple adultery. The Creator of the universe distinguished each and every thing He created into kinds, and each kind into species, and differentiated each species, and likewise every variety, and so on; and this in order to present an image of the Infinite in an endless multiplicity of qualities. In similar manner the Creator of the universe distinguished qualities of good and their accompanying truths, and likewise, after they arose, qualities of evil and their accompanying falsities.

It may be seen from the revelations disclosed in the work, Heaven and Hell (published in London, in the year 1758), that He has distinguished each and every thing in the spiritual world into kinds, species and varieties, and that He has gathered all good qualities and truths into heaven, and all evil qualities and falsities into hell, and arranged the latter in diametric opposition to the former. He has also so distinguished and continues to distinguish goods and truths and evils and falsities among people, thus people themselves, as may be known from their lot after death, which for the good is heaven, and for the evil, hell.

Now because everything relating to good and everything relating to evil has been distinguished into kinds, species, and the like, therefore marriages are distinguished into these, too, and likewise their antitheses, which are adulteries.

Love in Marriage #479 (Gladish (1992))

479. 1. There are three types of adultery - simple, double, and triple.

The Creator of the universe divided each and every thing that He created into general types, and each type into different varieties, and He subdivided each variety and each particular kind the same way, and so on, so that infinity would be represented in the continual variety of qualities. Thus the Creator of the universe divided the good things and the truths that go with them and similarly the bad things and the falsities that go with them, once they had sprung up.

Things brought to light in the book Heaven and Hell (published in London in 1758) may establish that He divided each and every thing in the spiritual world into types, varieties, and particular kinds, and that He gathered all good and true things together in heaven and all evil and false things in hell and arranged the latter diametrically opposite to the former.

The fate of people after death - heaven is for the good and hell is for the bad - tells us that in the natural world He has divided and does divide the good and true things and the evil and false things in people, and thus the people themselves.

Now, since all things having to do with good and all things having to do with evil are divided into kinds, species, and so forth, by the same token marriages are divided into them, and similarly the opposite of marriages, which are adulteries.

Conjugial Love #479 (Acton (1953))

479. I. THAT THERE ARE THREE KINDS OF ADULTERIES SIMPLE, DOUBLE, AND TRIPLE. The Creator of the universe has distinguished each and every thing which He created into genera or kinds, and each kind into species. He has likewise distinguished each species and each distinction of the species, and so on, and this to the end that an image of the infinite may exist in a perpetual variety of qualities. Thus the Creator of the universe has distinguished goods and their truths, and likewise, after they had arisen, evils and their falsities. That He has distinguished each and every thing in the spiritual world into kinds, species, and varieties, and that He has gathered all goods and truths into heaven, and all evils and falsities into hell, and has disposed the latter diametrically over against the former, is made evident by the disclosures in the work on HEAVEN AND HELL, published in London in the year 1758. That in this way He has also distinguished and does distinguish goods and truths and evils and falsities in the natural world with men, and thus men themselves, can be learned from man's lot after death, in that for the good there is heaven and for the evil hell. Now since all things that pertain to good, and all that pertain to evil are distinguished into kinds, species, and so on, therefore marriages are so distinguished, and likewise their opposites which are adulteries.

Conjugial Love #479 (Wunsch (1937))

479. (i) There are three kinds of adulteries: simple, double, and triple. The Creator of the universe distinguished each and all things which He made into kinds and each kind into species, and differentiated each species likewise and every variety of it, to the end that an image of the infinite might be presented in the endless variety of qualities. The Creator of the universe so distinguished goods and their truths and similarly - after they had arisen - evils and their falsities. That He distinguished each and all things in the spiritual world into kinds and species and varieties, gathered all goods and truths into heaven, and all evils and falsities into hell, and disposed the latter in an order diametrically opposite to the former, is plain from disclosures in the work on Heaven and Hell, published in London in the year 1758. From the lot of men after death, namely, that for the good there is heaven and for the evil there is hell, it may be known that the Creator has similarly distinguished and distinguishes goods and truths and evils and falsities with men, and thus men themselves, in the natural world. Now, because all things of good and all things of evil are distinguished into kinds, species, and so on, marriages are distinguished into them, too, and similarly their opposites, which are adulteries.

Conjugial Love #479 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

479. (1) That there are three kinds of adulteries, simple, double, and triple. The Creator of the universe has distinguished all things and everything that He created into kinds; and every kind into species; and has discriminated every species, and each variety likewise, and so on, to the end that an image of the infinite shall be presented in the perpetual variety of qualities. The Creator of the universe thus distinguished goods and their truths; and likewise evils and their falsities after they had arisen.

That He has distinguished all things and everything in the spiritual world into kinds and species and varieties; and that He has brought together all things good and true in heaven; and all things evil and false in hell; and has disposed them exactly opposite to each other, is made evident by the disclosures in the work on Heaven and Hell, published in London in the year 1758.

That in the natural world also He has thus distinguished, and does distinguish, goods and truths, and evils and falsities with men, and thus distinguishes men, may be known from their lot after death, in that for the good there is heaven and for the evil there is hell.

Now, as all good things which are of good and all that are of evil are distinguished into kinds, species, and so on, therefore, marriages are so distinguished; and likewise their opposites which are adulteries.

De Amore Conjugiali #479 (original Latin (1768))

479. I. Quod Tria genera adulteriorum sint, simplex, duplicatum, et triplicatum. Creator universi omnia et singula quae creavit, distinxit in genera, et unumquodvis genus in species, et unamquamvis speciem discriminavit, et quamvis discriminationem similiter, et sic porro; propter finem, ut existat imago Infiniti in perpetua qualitatum varietate: ita Creator universi distinxit bona et illorum vera, ac similiter mala et horum falsa postquam exorta sunt. Quod in genera, species ac differentias, distinxerit omnia et singula in Mundo Spirituali, et quod omnia bona et vera contulerit in Coelum, ac omnia mala et falsa in Infernum, ac quod disposuerit haec e diametro contra illa, ex detectis in Opere de Coelo et inferno, Londini Anno 1758, edito, constare potest: quod in Mundo naturali ita quoque distinxerit et distinguat bona et vera, ac mala et falsa apud homines, ita homines, potest nosci ex sorte illorum post mortem, quod bonis sit coelum, ac malis infernum. Nunc quia omnia quae boni sunt, et omnia quae mali, distincta sunt in genera, species, et porro, ideo in illa distincta sunt Conjugia, et similiter horum opposita, quae sunt Adulteria.

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