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《婚姻之爱》 第480节





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Conjugial Love #480 (Chadwick (1996))

480. (ii) Simple adultery is that committed by a bachelor with another man's wife, or by an unmarried woman with another woman's husband.

Adultery here and in the following pages means the promiscuity which is the opposite of marriage. It is the opposite because it violates the compact for life entered into by a married couple, tears their love apart, pollutes it and blocks the union begun at the time of their engagement and confirmed at the beginning of their marriage. 1For the conjugial love of a man with one wife after their agreement and compact unites their souls. Adultery does not dissolve this union, since it is indissoluble, but blocks it; as happens when someone stops up a spring and prevents a stream from flowing from it, filling a reservoir with smelly dregs. Likewise adultery smears over and covers up the conjugial love which arises from the union of souls; and when it is smeared over, the love of adultery rises up from below, and as it grows it become a fleshly love, which attacks conjugial love and destroys it. This is the source of the opposition between adultery and marriage.


1. This assumes that the text here needs to be corrected to read unionem...initiatam, ac...firmatam.

Conjugial Love #480 (Rogers (1995))

480. 2. Simple adultery is the adultery of an unmarried man with the wife of another, or of an unmarried woman with the husband of another. By adultery here and in the following discussions we mean licentiousness that is opposed to marriage. It is opposed because it violates the covenant for life established between the partners, sunders their love, defiles it, and closes off the union inaugurated at the time of their betrothal and established at the outset of their marriage. For following the pledge and covenant, the conjugial love of one man with one wife unites their souls. Adultery does not undo this union, because it cannot be undone, but it closes it off, like one who stops up a spring at its source and so prevents its flow, filling its reservoir with feculent and fetid waters. In similar manner does adultery cover with slime and overspread conjugial love, whose origin is the union of souls. Then, when it has been so overspread, there surges from below a love of adultery, which as it grows causes the person to become carnal, and rises up against conjugial love and destroys it. From this comes the opposition of adultery and marriage.

Love in Marriage #480 (Gladish (1992))

480. 2. Simple adultery is adultery of an unmarried man with another's wife, or an unmarried woman with another's husband. Adultery here and in what follows means the illicit love that is opposite to marriage.

It is opposite because it violates the life covenant settled between the partners, mangles their love, pollutes it, and shuts off the union begun at the time of engagement and confirmed in the beginning of the marriage. For the married love of a man with one wife unites their souls after the agreement and covenant.

Adultery does not dissolve this union, because it cannot be dissolved, but closes it off just like someone stopping up a spring where it bubbles out, thus stopping its stream, and filling the cistern with contaminated, smelly waters. In the same way, adultery plasters up and closes off the love in marriage, whose source is a union of souls. When this is plugged up, adulterous love rises up from below. As it grows it makes the former love physical, and this rises up against married love and destroys it. This is where the opposition of adultery and marriage comes from.

Conjugial Love #480 (Acton (1953))

480. II. THAT SIMPLE ADULTERY IS THAT OF AN UNMARRIED MAN WITH THE WIFE OF ANOTHER, OR OF AN UNMARRIED WOMAN WITH THE HUSBAND OF ANOTHER. By adultery here and in what follows is meant whoredom as opposed to marriage. It is opposed because it violates the covenant for life contracted between married partners, rends their love asunder, defiles it, and shuts off the union initiated at the time of betrothal and confirmed in the beginning of marriage; for after the pact and covenant, the conjugial love of a man with one wife unites their souls. Adultery does not dissolve this union, for it cannot be dissolved; but it shuts it off as one who shuts off a fountain at its source and thus stops its flow, and the basin is filled with filthy and stinking waters. In like manner conjugial love, whose origin is a union of souls, is besmeared and covered over by adultery; and when this is besmeared, then, from below rises up the love of adultery; and as this increases, the former love becomes carnal and the latter rises up against conjugial love and destroys it. Hence is the opposition between adultery and marriage.

Conjugial Love #480 (Wunsch (1937))

480. (ii) Simple adultery is of a single man with another's wife or of an unwedded woman with another's husband. By adultery, here and in what follows, is meant whoredom opposite to marriage. It is opposite in that it violates the life-contract made by the partners, tears apart and defiles their love, and occludes the union begun in betrothal and established at the outset of marriage. For after the pact and covenant the marital love of a man with one wife unites the souls. Adultery does not undo this union - it cannot be undone - but occludes it, as one stops up a fountain at its source and cuts off its flow, so that the cistern fills with feculent and stinking waters; so marital love, whose origin is a union of souls, is beslimed and dammed up by adultery. When marital love has been thus beslimed, the love of adultery rises from below, and with its increase, the former love turns carnal, while the latter surges up against it and destroys it. Hence the opposition of adultery and marriage.

Conjugial Love #480 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

480. (2) That simple adultery is that of an unmarried man with the wife of another, or of an unmarried woman with the husband of another. By adultery here, and in what follows, is meant scortation which is opposite to marriage. It is opposite because it violates the covenant of life contracted between married partners; rends their love asunder; befouls it; and closes up the union begun at the time of betrothal and confirmed at the beginning of the marriage. For the conjugial love of a man with one wife, after the pact and covenant, unites the souls. This union adultery does not dissolve, for it cannot be dissolved, but closes it up as if one should stop up a fountain at its source and thus stop its flow, and should fill the cistern with feculent and fetid waters. So conjugial love, whose origin is a union of souls, is smeared with mud and covered up by adultery; which being befouled there rises up from below the love of adultery; and as this increases the former love becomes carnal, and this rises up against conjugial love and destroys it. Hence the opposition of adultery and marriage.

De Amore Conjugiali #480 (original Latin (1768))

480. II. Quod Adulterium simplex sit viri coelebis cum uxore alterius, aut foeminae innuptae cum marito alterius. Per Adulterium hic et in sequentibus intelligitur scortatio opposita conjugio; oppositum est, quia violat foedus vitae pactum inter conjuges, discerpit amorem illorum, foedat illum, et occludit unionem tempore desponsationis initiatum, ac in principio conjugii firmatum; nam Amor conjugialis viri cum una uxore, post pactum et foedus unit animas; hanc unionem adulterium non solvit, quia non solvi potest, sed occludit, sicut qui obturat fontem in scaturigine ejus et inde venam, ac implet cisternam aquis faeculentis et putidis; similiter per adulterium oblimatur et operitur amor conjugialis, cujus origo est unio animarum; qua oblimata ab infra exsurgit amor adulterii, qui sicut increscit, fit ille carneus, et hic insurgit contra amorem conjugialem, et destruit illum: inde est oppositio adulterii et conjugii.

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