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《婚姻之爱》 第488节






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Conjugial Love #488 (Chadwick (1996))

488. (viii) Adultery in the second degree is due to lust, when it is committed by those who can certainly consult their intellect, but are unable to do so at the time for circumstantial reasons.

There are two elements which are in conflict in a person who is becoming spiritual instead of natural; these are generally called the spirit and the flesh. Since the love of marriage belongs to the spirit and the love of adultery to the flesh, they are in conflict. If the love of marriage wins, it tames and subdues the love of adultery by moving it away. But if it happens that the lust of the flesh is aroused beyond the level at which it can be controlled by the spirit guided by reason, it follows that the condition is turned upside down, and the tide of lust swamps the spirit with its lures, so that it is no longer subject to its own reason, and thus in control of itself. This is what is meant by adultery in the second degree. Such acts are committed by those who are certainly able to consult their intellect, but are unable to do so at those moment due to contingent events.

[2] Examples will illustrate this. For instance, if a promiscuous wife captivates a man's mind by her wiles, enticing him into her bedroom, and arousing him to the point where he becomes incapable of judgment, and the more so, if she then threatens to expose him, if he will not. Equally if a promiscuous wife is skilled in witchcraft, or inflames a man with drugs to such a point that the drive of the flesh deprives the intellect of the freedom to act with reason. Likewise if a man leads on with sweet blandishments another's wife, until her will is so inflamed as to be no longer controllable; and other similar events. These and the like contingent events reduce the gravity of adultery and allow a milder view of the opprobrium incurred by the man or woman seduced; this reason supports and approves. The imputation of adultery in this degree will be discussed next.

Conjugial Love #488 (Rogers (1995))

488. 8. Adulteries of the second degree are adulteries of lust, which are committed by people who are indeed able to consult the intellect, but for reasons of circumstance at the moment cannot. In a person who, from being natural, is becoming spiritual, there are two elements which in the beginning fight against each other. These are commonly called the spirit and the flesh. Moreover, because a love for marriage is one of the spirit, and a love for adultery is one of the flesh, a combat then arises between them as well. If the love for marriage wins, it subdues and overcomes the love for adultery, which is accomplished by its removal. But if it happens that the lust of the flesh is roused to a heat beyond what the spirit is able in accord with reason to restrain, it follows that the person's state is inverted and the heat of the lust overwhelms the spirit with temptation, until he is no longer possessed of his reason and so able to control himself. This is what we mean by adulteries of the second degree, which are committed by those who are indeed able to consult the intellect, but for reasons of circumstance at the moment cannot.

[2] But let examples serve to illustrate; as for instance: If a wanton wife employs her wiles to captivate a man's heart, enticing him into her bedroom and setting him on fire until he loses his judgment; and the more so if she also then threatens him with disgrace if he does not comply. So, too, if some wanton wife is skilled in sorcery and witchcraft, or uses potions to kindle a man, so that the heat of the flesh deprives his intellect of its freedom of reason. Likewise if a man uses sweet enticements to seduce another's wife, until her will is so on fire that she is unable any longer to resist. To which may be added other, similar examples.

Reason assents and concedes that these and like circumstances lessen the gravity of adultery and incline in a milder direction attributions of blame for it on the part of the seduced man or woman.

The imputing of adultery of this degree is considered in the discussion that follows next.

Love in Marriage #488 (Gladish (1992))

488. 8. Adulteries of the second level are adulteries of passion, committed by people who can indeed consult their intellect, but not at the time, because of the circumstances. In the beginning there are two things that struggle with each other in a person who changes from worldly to spiritual, which are commonly called spirit and flesh. Married love belongs to spirit and adulterous love belongs to flesh, so there is also a struggle between these. If married love wins it masters and subdues the adulterous love, which is done by removing it. But if it happens that bodily passion is excited to surge beyond what one's spirit can hold back by reason, it creates an inverted situation, and the surge of passion swamps the spirit with such enticements that it is no longer in control of its reason, and therefore of its judgment. This is the meaning of second degree adultery done by people who can indeed consult their intellect, but not at the moment, because of the circumstances.

But examples are illustrative - for instance, if a whorish wife captures a man's mind by cunning, enticing him into a bedroom and exciting him until control of his judgment escapes, and more so if at the same time she threatens him with shame if he does not. Equally, if some whorish wife is good at trickery or excites the man with aphrodisiacs to the point where the enthusiasm of his body takes away his intellect's freedom to think. Similarly, if a man leads someone else's wife on by pleasing enticements until her aroused desire is no longer under her control. And other cases like that.

Reason agrees and assents that these contingencies and others like them soften the seriousness of adultery and swing the assignment of blame for it onto the milder side for the seduced man or woman.

Next, the blame for this degree of adultery.

Conjugial Love #488 (Acton (1953))

488. VIII. THAT ADULTERIES OF THE SECOND DEGREE ARE ADULTERIES FROM LUST, WHICH ARE COMMITTED BY THOSE WHO ARE INDEED ABLE TO CONSULT THE UNDERSTANDING, YET, ON ACCOUNT OF CONTINGENT CAUSES, ARE NOT ABLE AT THE TIME. With the man who from natural is becoming spiritual there are two things, commonly called the spirit and the flesh, which in the beginning combat against each other. And since the love of marriage is of the spirit, and the love of adultery of the flesh, there is a combat between these also. If the love of marriage conquers, it subdues and subjugates the love of adultery, this being done by its removal. But if it happens that the lust of the flesh is aroused to a heat beyond what the spirit acting from reason can restrain, it follows that the state is inverted and the heat of lust pours such allurements over the spirit that it is no longer master of its reason and hence of its duty. This is what is meant by adulteries of the second degree which are committed by those who are indeed able to consult the understanding but, on account of contingent causes, cannot do so at the time. But let examples illustrate. If by cunning arts a meretricious wife captivates a man's mind, enticing him into her bedroom and so inflaming him that he becomes impotent of judgment, and the more if she then also threatens him with disgrace if he does not. So likewise if some meretricious wife is skilled in sorceries, or so excites a man with potions that the burning heat of the flesh deprives his understanding of its freedom of reason. Likewise if a man by soft allurements leads on the wife of another until her will, being inflamed, has no longer any control; besides other similar cases. That these and parallel contingencies alter the grievousness of the adultery and turn the predication of censure to something milder for the seduced man or woman--this, reason both favors and assents to. As to the imputation of this degree of adultery, this now follows.

Conjugial Love #488 (Wunsch (1937))

488. (viii) Adulteries of the second degree are adulteries from lust, committed by those who are able, indeed, to consult the understanding but for contingent reasons cannot at the moment. In the man who from natural is being made spiritual, two elements battle together in the beginning; these are commonly called spirit and flesh. The love of marriage, being of the spirit, and the love of adultery, which is of the flesh, then wage a battle, too. If the love of marriage wins, it tames and subdues the love of adultery, which is done through its removal; but if, as may happen, the lust of the flesh is excited to a heat beyond what the spirit from reason can restrain, it follows that the man's state is inverted and the heat of lust overwhelms the spirit with allurements until he no longer possesses reason or responsibility. This is meant by adulteries of the second degree, committed by those who are indeed able to consult the understanding but for contingent reasons cannot at the moment. But let instances serve for illustration: as when a meretricious wife by cunning captivates a man's mind, enticing him into her bedroom and inflaming him until he loses the mastery of his judgment, and the more if she also threatens disgrace, if he does not comply; likewise if some meretricious wife is skilled in sorceries, or with magic potions so excites a man that the burning heat of the flesh takes the freedom of reason away from his understanding; likewise if a man by suave allurements leads on another's wife until her inflamed will is no longer in her control; besides other like situations. Reason assents and acquiesces that these and similar contingencies lessen the gravity of adultery and make milder the predications of blame for it in the man or woman seduced. Now follows about the imputation of this degree of adultery.

Conjugial Love #488 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

488. (8) That adulteries of the second degree are adulteries of lust, which are committed by those who although able to consult the understanding, yet for contingent causes at those moments cannot. With the man who from natural is becoming spiritual there are two things that in the beginning contend against each other, which are commonly called the spirit and the flesh. And as the love of marriage is of the spirit and the love of adultery is of the flesh, a contest then is also waged between these. If the love of marriage conquers, it subdues and subjugates the love of adultery, which is done by the expulsion of it. But if it comes to pass that the lust of the flesh is excited to surging heat beyond what the spirit by reason can control, it results that the state is reversed, and the surging heat of lust overwhelms the spirit with incitements, even so that it no longer is master of its reason, nor thence master of itself. This is meant by adulteries of the second degree being committed by those who, although able to consult the understanding, yet for contingent causes at those moments, cannot. But let examples serve for illustration: If a meretricious wife by cunning captivates a man's mind, enticing him into her bed-chamber, and inflaming him until he loses the mastery of his judgment, and the more if she then threatens him with disgrace if he does not: So, if some meretricious wife is skilled in deceptive arts, or with stimulating potions so excites a man that frenzy of the flesh takes away the freedom of reason from his understanding: Likewise if a man by pleasing allurements leads on the wife of another until her will, being inflamed, is no longer within her control; besides other such cases. That these and like contingencies lighten the gravity of adultery, and give a milder turn to the attribution of blame for it, against the man or the woman seduced, reason favors and admits. Now follows a consideration of the imputations of this degree of adultery.

De Amore Conjugiali #488 (original Latin (1768))

488. 1VIII. Quod Adulteria secundi gradus sint adulteria libidinis, quae fiunt ab illis, qui quidem possunt consulere intellectum, sed propter contingentes causas illis momentis non possunt. Sunt duo, quae in principio apud hominem, qui a naturali fit spiritualis, inter se pugnant, quae communiter vocantur spiritus et caro; et quia amor conjugii est spiritus, et amor adulterii est carnis, fit tunc etiam pugna inter illos; si amor conjugii vincit, domat et subjugat ille amorem adulterii, quod fit per remotionem: at si contingit, quod libido carnis excitetur in aestum ultra quam ut spiritus ex ratione possit cohibere, sequitur, quod invertatur status, ac aestus libidinis obfundat spiritum illecebra, usque ut non amplius suae 2rationis, et inde sui juris sit: hoc intelligitur per adulteria secundi gradus, quae fiunt ab illis, qui quidem possunt consulere intellectum, sed propter contingentes causas illis momentis non possunt.

[2] Sed sint exempla illustrationi; ut si uxor meretrix astutiis captat animum viri, alliciendo in thalamum, et exaestuando usque dum impos judicii evadit; et plus si tunc etiam, objicit ignominiam, si non: pariter si aliqua uxor meretrix callet praestigias, aut veneficiis accendit virum eo usque ut oestrum carnis auferat intellectui liberum rationis: similiter si vir suavibus allectamentis, adducit uxorem alterius usque dum voluntas ejus accensa non amplius suae potentiae sit; praeter similia alia. Quod haec et parilia contingentia leniant gravitatem adulterii, ac in mitiorem partem vertant praedicationes vituperii ejus pro seducto aut seducta, ratio favet et adstipulatur. De imputatione hujus gradus Adulterii sequitur.


1. Prima editio: 488

2. Prima editio: non suae

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