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《婚姻之爱》 第518节




  518、在前面关于主与教会的结合(116)节以及善与真理的结合(83节)中。我们说过有一种那种结合与世间的婚姻关系。这点可以从《圣经》中清楚看到,在《圣经》中通奸就象征着对真理和善的侵犯。这可以《The Apocalypse Revealed 》一书134节中清楚看到。

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Conjugial Love #518 (Chadwick (1996))

518. It was proved earlier, where the marriage of the Lord and the church was dealt with (116f.), and also the marriage of good and truth (83f.), that this marriage has a correspondence with marriages on earth. The consequence of this is that the violation of this marriage has a correspondence with immoral behaviour and adultery. This is plainly to be seen from the Word, where immoral behaviour 1and acts of adultery mean falsification of the truth and adulteration of good. This can be plainly seen from the numerous passages cited from the Word in Apocalypse Revealed 134.

Conjugial Love #518 (Rogers (1995))

518. In the previous part where we took up the marriage of the Lord and the church (nos. 116ff) and the marriage between goodness and truth (nos. 83ff), we showed that there is a correspondence between that marriage and marriages on earth. It follows in consequence of this that there is a correspondence between violation of that marriage and whoredoms and adulteries. The fact of this is clearly apparent from the Word itself, where whoredoms and adulteries symbolize falsifications of truth and adulterations of good, as may be seen evidenced in the passages from the Word extensively cited in The Apocalypse Revealed, no. 134.

Love in Marriage #518 (Gladish (1992))

518. Where the marriage of the Lord and the Church (nos. 116) and the marriage of good and truth (nos. 83) were dealt with it showed that that marriage corresponds to marriages on earth. As a consequence of this, violation of that marriage corresponds to illicit sex and adultery. It is obvious from the Word itself that this is so, in that the illicit sexual acts and adulteries there stand for falsifications of truth and adulterations of good, as is easy to see in the many passages brought together from the Word in Apocalypse Revealed, no. 134.

Conjugial Love #518 (Acton (1953))

518. In the preceding pages, when treating of the marriage of the Lord and the Church (nos. 116 seq.) and the marriage of good and truth (nos. 83), it was demonstrated that the former marriage corresponds to marriages on earth. From this it follows that the violation of it corresponds to whoredoms and adulteries. That such is the case is manifestly evident from the Word itself, in that by whoredoms and adulteries there, are signified falsifications of truth and adulterations of good. This can be seen in clear light from the passages from the Word abundantly adduced in THE APOCALYPSE REVEALED, no. 134.

Conjugial Love #518 (Wunsch (1937))

518. Earlier, when we treated of the marriage of the Lord and the Church (nn. 116 seqq.), and of the marriage of good and truth (nn. 83 seqq.), we showed that this marriage corresponds to marriages on earth. It follows that the violation of this marriage corresponds to whoredoms and adulteries. That it does is plain from the Word itself in that falsifications of truth and adulterations of good are signified there by whoredoms and adulteries, as one can see plainly from the large number of passages adduced from the Word in Apocalypse Revealed 134.

Conjugial Love #518 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

518. Where the marriage of the Lord and the church was treated of before, n. 116 and the following numbers, and where the marriage of good and truth was treated of, n. 83 and the following, it was shown that that marriage corresponds to marriages on earth. It follows thence that violations of that marriage correspond to scortations and adulteries. That it is so is very plain from the Word itself, in that by scortations and by adulteries there, the falsifications of truth and the adulterations of good are signified, as may be seen in evidence from passages out of the Word cited in abundance in Apocalypse Revealed 134.

De Amore Conjugiali #518 (original Latin (1768))

518. Prius, ubi actum est de Conjugio Domini et Ecclesiae 116 seq. et ubi de Conjugio boni et veri 83 seq. 1demonstratum est, quod illud Conjugium correspondeat Conjugiis in terris; inde consequitur, quod violatio illius Conjugii correspondeat scortationibus et adulteriis: quod ita sit, manifeste patet ex ipso Verbo, quod ibi per Scortationes et Adulteria significentur falsificationes veri et adulterationes boni, ut in evidentia videri potest ex locis e Verbo in Apocalypsis Revelata 134, in copia adductis.


1. Prima editio: seq (absque puncto)

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