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《婚姻之爱》 第519节






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Conjugial Love #519 (Chadwick (1996))

519. The Word is violated by those in the Christian church who adulterate its good and its truths. They do this if they separate truth from good, and good from truth. Also, if they take appearances of truth and fallacies for real truths and confirm them. Also, if they know the truths taught from the Word, but live wicked lives; and others who behave in similar ways. These violations of the Word and the church correspond to the forbidden degrees listed in Leviticus 18.

Conjugial Love #519 (Rogers (1995))

519. Violation of the Word is committed by people in the Christian Church who adulterate its good and truths, and this is done by those who separate truth from good and good from truth. It is done as well by those who mistake appearances of truth and fallacies for genuine truths and defend them. And so, too, by those who know truths of doctrine from the Word and live evilly. Likewise by others of a similar character.

There is a correspondence between these violations of the Word and of the church and the forbidden classes of people enumerated in Leviticus 18.

Love in Marriage #519 (Gladish (1992))

519. Those in the Christian church who adulterate the good things and the truths of the Word violate it. And those who separate truth from good and good from truth do this. So do the ones who take apparent truths, and falsities, for real truths and confirm them, and also people who know the truths of instruction from the Word and live evilly, and others like that. These violations of the Word and church correspond to the levels of adultery prohibited in Leviticus 18.

Conjugial Love #519 (Acton (1953))

519. Violation of the Word is committed by those in the Christian Church who adulterate its goods and truths. Those do this who separate truth from good and good from truth; also those who take appearances of truth and fallacies for genuine truths, and confirm them; and also those who know truths of doctrine from the Word and live an evil life; besides other such persons. These violations of the Word and the church correspond to the prohibited degrees enumerated in Leviticus 18.

Conjugial Love #519 (Wunsch (1937))

519. Violation of the Word is committed by those in the Christian Church who adulterate its goods and truths. Those who separate truth from good and good from truth commit this violation; likewise those who take appearances of truth and fallacies for genuine truths and confirm them; as also those who know truths of doctrine from the Word but live an evil life; besides others. These violations of the Word and of the Church correspond to the prohibited degrees enumerated in Leviticus 18.

Conjugial Love #519 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

519. Violation of the Word is committed by those in the Christian Church who adulterate its goods and truths; and they do this who separate truth from good and good from truth, as also by those who take and confirm appearances of truth and fallacies for genuine truth; and they also who know truths of doctrine from the Word and live an evil life; and other such. These violations of the Word and of the church correspond to the prohibited degrees enumerated in Leviticus 18.

De Amore Conjugiali #519 (original Latin (1768))

519. Violatio Verbi fit ab his, qui in Ecclesia Christiana adulterant bona et vera ejus, et illi hoc faciunt, qui separant verum a bono, et bonum a vero; tum qui apparentias veri et fallacias pro genuinis veris assumunt et confirmant; ut et, qui vera doctrinae ex Verbo sciunt, et male vivunt, praeter similes alios. Hae Violationes Verbi et Ecclesiae correspondent Gradibus prohibitis, Levit. 18. enumeratis.

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