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《婚姻之爱》 第520节






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Conjugial Love #520 (Chadwick (1996))

520. Since the natural and the spiritual in each individual are closely connected like the soul and the body (for without the spiritual flowing in and enlivening the natural a person is not human), it follows that one who lives in the spiritual marriage also lives in a happy natural marriage; and, by contraries, one who lives in spiritual adultery also lives in natural adultery, and vice versa. Now since all in hell live in the pairing of evil and falsity, a state which is spiritual adultery itself, and all in heaven in the marriage of good and truth, a state which is marriage itself, the whole of hell is therefore called an adultery, and the whole of heaven a marriage.

Conjugial Love #520 (Rogers (1995))

520. The natural and spiritual elements in every person cohere like soul and body, for without the spiritual element flowing in and animating his natural one, a person would not be human. It follows in consequence that a person who possesses the spiritual marriage also enjoys a happy natural marriage, and on the other hand that a person who is caught up in spiritual adultery is also caught up in natural adultery; and vice versa.

Now because all those who are in hell are caught up in the connubial alliance of evil and falsity, and this is the essence of spiritual adultery, and all those who are in heaven are caught up in the marriage of good and truth, and this is the essence of marriage, therefore the whole of hell is called an adultery, and the whole of heaven a marriage.

Love in Marriage #520 (Gladish (1992))

520. The worldly and the spiritual levels in any person are united like soul and body, for without the spiritual influence that gives life to the part of him in nature he is not a person. Consequently, someone who is in spiritual marriage is also in a happy earthly marriage and vice versa; someone who is involved in spiritual adultery is also involved in earthly adultery, and the other way around. Now, everyone in hell is in a marriage of the evil and the false, and this is spiritual adultery itself. And everyone who is in heaven is in a marriage of good and truth, and this is marriage itself. Therefore all of hell is called adultery, and all of heaven is called marriage.

Conjugial Love #520 (Acton (1953))

520. With every man the natural and the spiritual cohere together like soul and body, for without the spiritual, which flows in and vivifies the natural, man would not be man. From this it follows, that he who is in spiritual marriage is also in a happy natural marriage and, on the other hand, that he who is in spiritual adultery is also in natural adultery, and vice versa. Now because all who are in hell are in the connubial connection of evil and falsity, and this is spiritual adultery itself, and because all who are in heaven are in the marriage of good and truth and this is marriage itself, therefore, hell as a whole is called adultery, and heaven as a whole is called marriage.

Conjugial Love #520 (Wunsch (1937))

520. Since natural and spiritual cohere with every human being like soul and body - for apart from the spiritual, flowing in and vivifying the natural, man is not man - it follows that one who is in the spiritual marriage is also in happy natural marriage, and on the other hand, one in spiritual adultery is also in natural adultery, and vice versa. Now, because all in hell are in a union of evil and falsity, and this is veritable spiritual adultery, and all in heaven are in the marriage of good and truth, and this is veritable marriage, therefore hell as a whole is called adultery, and heaven as a whole is called a marriage.

Conjugial Love #520 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

520. Since the natural and the spiritual with every man are closely connected like the soul and the body, for man without the spiritual, which flows in and vivifies the natural, would not be man; it follows thence, that whoever is in spiritual marriage is also in a happy natural marriage, and on the other hand that whoever is in spiritual adultery is also in natural adultery, and vice versa. Now, as all who are in hell are in the intermarriage of the evil and false, and this is spiritual adultery itself, and as all who are in heaven are in the marriage of good and truth, and this is marriage itself, therefore, the whole hell is called adultery and the whole heaven is called a marriage.

De Amore Conjugiali #520 (original Latin (1768))

520. Quoniam Naturale et Spirituale apud unumquemvis hominem cohaerent sicut Anima et corpus, nam homo absque spirituali quod influit et vivificat naturale ejus, non est homo, 1inde consequitur, quod qui in Conjugio spirituali est etiam sit in Conjugio naturali felici; et vice versa, quod qui in Adulterio spirituali est, etiam sit in Adulterio naturali, et vicissim. Nunc quia omnes qui in Inferno sunt, in Connubio mali et falsi sunt, et hoc est ipsum Adulterium Spirituale, et omnes qui in Coelo sunt, in Conjugio boni et veri sunt, et hoc est ipsum Conjugium, ideo totum Infernum vocatur Adulterium, ac totum Coelum vocatur Conjugium.


1. Prima editio: homo;

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