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《婚姻之爱》 第62节








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Conjugial Love #62 (Chadwick (1996))

62. (iii) This love stands by correspondence for the marriage of the Lord with the church.

This means that husband and wife love each other, as the Lord loves the church and wants the church to love Him. It is well known in Christendom that there is a correspondence between these things, but so far no one knows what sort of correspondence it is. This will therefore be explained in another section following this devoted to this subject [64]. The correspondence is mentioned here so that it may be seen that conjugial love is celestial, spiritual and holy, because it corresponds to the celestial, spiritual and holy marriage of the Lord and the church. This correspondence also follows from conjugial love being the product of the marriage of good and truth, as stated in the previous section, because the marriage of good and truth is what makes the church with a person. For the marriage of good and truth is the same as the marriage of charity and faith, since good has to do with charity and truth with faith. It is impossible to fail to acknowledge the fact that this marriage is what makes the church, because it is a universal truth; and every universal truth is acknowledged as soon as it is heard. This is due to the Lord's influence, and at the same time to the confirmation given by heaven. Now since the church, being from the Lord, is His, and since conjugial love corresponds to the marriage of the Lord and the church, it follows that this love comes from the Lord.

Conjugial Love #62 (Rogers (1995))

62. 3. There is a correspondence between this love and the marriage of the Lord and the church. In other words, as the Lord loves the church and wants the church to love Him, so a husband and wife love each other.

In the Christian world, people know there is a correspondence between these two relationships, but they do not yet know the nature of it. Therefore this correspondence will be explained in a separate chapter as well, in the chapter after next. 1It is mentioned here in order to show that conjugial love is celestial, spiritual and holy, because it corresponds to the celestial, spiritual and holy marriage of the Lord and the church.

This correspondence also follows from the origin of conjugial love from the marriage between good and truth, referred to under the preceding heading, because the church in a person is a marriage of good and truth. For a marriage of good and truth is the same thing as a marriage of charity and faith, since good is a matter of charity and truth is a matter of faith. One cannot help but recognize that this marriage forms the church, because it is a universal truth, and every universal truth is acknowledged as soon as it is heard, which occurs as a result of the Lord's influx and, at the same time, the affirmation of heaven.

Now, since the church is the Lord's, being from the Lord, and since conjugial love corresponds to the marriage of the Lord and the church, it follows that this love comes from the Lord.


1. See "The Marriage of the Lord and the Church and Correspondence to It," nos. 116ff.

Love in Marriage #62 (Gladish (1992))

62. 3. This love corresponds to the marriage of the Lord and the church. In other words, a husband and wife love each other just as the Lord loves the church and wants the church to love Him. The Christian world knows about the correspondence between these things, but does not yet know what it is like, so a special chapter that follows will show what the correspondence is like. I mention it here to show that the love in marriage is heavenly, spiritual, and holy because it corresponds to the heavenly, spiritual, and holy marriage of the Lord and the church.

Moreover, this correspondence results from the source of married love being the marriage of good and truth (mentioned in the last article) because the marriage of good and truth is the church with mankind. For the marriage of good and truth is the same thing as a marriage of charity and faith, since good is charity, and truth is faith - a marriage that constitutes the church. It is impossible not to see this, because it is a universal truth, and all universal truths are recognizable as soon as they are heard. This is because of the Lord's influence and also his encouragement from heaven.

Now, since the church is the Lord's because it comes from the Lord, and since the love in marriage corresponds to the marriage of the Lord and the church, this means that this love is from the Lord.

Conjugial Love #62 (Acton (1953))

62. III. THAT THE CORRESPONDENCE OF THIS LOVE IS WITH THE MARRIAGE OF THE LORD AND THE CHURCH, that is, as the Lord loves the Church and wills that the Church shall love Him, so husband and wife mutually love each other. That there is a correspondence between these marriages is known in the Christian world, but not as yet its nature. This correspondence, therefore, shall be explained in a particular chapter which also follows. It is mentioned here to the end that it may be seen that conjugial love is celestial, spiritual, and holy, because it corresponds to the celestial, spiritual, and holy marriage of the Lord and the Church. This correspondence, moreover, follows from the origin of conjugial love from the marriage of good and truth, treated of in the preceding article, the marriage of good and truth being the Church with man. The marriage of good and truth is the same as the marriage of charity and faith, since good pertains to charity and truth to faith. That this marriage makes the Church must needs be acknowledged for it is a universal truth, and every universal truth is acknowledged as soon as heard. This is due to influx from the Lord and at the same time to confirmation by heaven. Now, as the Church is the Lord's because from the Lord, and as conjugial love corresponds to the marriage of the Lord and the Church, it follows that this love is from the Lord.

Conjugial Love #62 (Wunsch (1937))

62. (iii) There is a correspondence between this love and the marriage of the Lord and the Church. That is, husband and wife love each other as the Lord loves the Church and wishes the Church to love Him. The Christian world has known that there is a correspondence between the two unions, but not what the nature of it is. This correspondence, too, will be explained in a separate chapter 1to follow. Mention is made of it here to the end that it may be seen that marital love is celestial, spiritual and holy from its correspondence with the celestial, spiritual and holy marriage of the Lord and the Church. This correspondence indeed results from the origin of marital love in the marriage of good and truth (of which in the preceding proposition), inasmuch as this marriage is the Church with a human being. For the marriage of good and truth is the same thing as the marriage of charity and faith, good being of charity, and truth of faith, and that this marriage makes the Church cannot but be acknowledged, for it is a universal truth, and every universal truth is acknowledged when first heard, due to influx from the Lord and to confirmation from heaven. Furthermore, as the Church is the Lord's, being from Him, and as marital love corresponds to the marriage of the Lord and the Church, it follows that this love is from the Lord.


1. 116

Conjugial Love #62 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

62. (3) That the correspondence of this love is with the marriage of the Lord and the church. That is, as the Lord loves the church and desires that the church shall love Him, so husband and wife mutually love each other. It is known in the Christian world that there is a correspondence between them; but what is its nature is not yet known. This correspondence shall therefore, be explained in a particular chapter which also follows. It is mentioned here to the end that it may be seen that conjugial love is celestial, spiritual, and holy, because it corresponds to the celestial, spiritual, and holy marriage of the Lord and the church. This correspondence moreover follows from the origin of conjugial love from the marriage of good and truth, of which in the preceding section, because the marriage of good and truth is the church with man; for the marriage of good and truth is the same as the marriage of charity and faith, since good is of charity and truth is of faith. That this marriage constitutes the church cannot but be acknowledged, for it is a universal truth, and every universal truth is acknowledged as soon as it is heard, which comes from the influx from the Lord and at the same time from the confirmation of heaven. Now, as the church is the Lord's because from the Lord, and as conjugial love corresponds to the marriage of the Lord and the church, it follows that this love is from the Lord.

De Amore Conjugiali #62 (original Latin (1768))

62. III: Quod illius Amoris correspondentia sit cum Conjugio Domini et Ecclesiae; hoc est, quod sicut Dominus amat Ecclesiam, ac vult ut Ecclesia amet Ipsum, ita maritus et uxor se mutuo ament; quod Correspondentia 1sit inter illa, in Orbe Christiano notum est, sed qualis illa est, nondum notum est, quare illa Correspondentia in singulari Paragrapho, qui etiam sequitur, explanabitur: hic memoratur illa, propter finem, ut videatur quod Amor conjugialis sit coelestis, spiritualis, et sanctus, quia correspondet coelesti, spirituali et sancto Conjugio Domini et Ecclesiae: haec Correspondentia etiam sequitur ex Origine amoris conjugialis ex Conjugio boni et veri, de qua in Articulo praecedente, quia Conjugium boni et veri est Ecclesia apud hominem; Conjugium enim boni et veri est idem cum Conjugio charitatis et fidei, quoniam bonum est charitatis et verum est fidei; quod hoc Conjugium faciat Ecclesiam, non potest non agnosci, quia est Universale verum, et omne Universale verum agnoscitur, ut primum auditur, quod est ex influxu Domini et simul confirmatione Coeli: nunc quoniam Ecclesia est Domini quia a Domino, et quoniam Amor conjugialis correspondet Conjugio Domini et Ecclesiae, sequitur quod ille Amor sit a Domino.


1. Prima editio: Correspondenti

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