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《婚姻之爱》 第61节








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Conjugial Love #61 (Chadwick (1996))

61. It will be shown in the next chapter or section [83-102] that conjugial love is the product of the marriage of good and truth. It is mentioned here only to show that this love, being of celestial, spiritual and holy origin, is celestial, spiritual and holy. In order to see that conjugial love originates from the marriage of good and truth, it is important for a short account of it to be given here.

I said just above (60) that the linking of good and truth is in every single created thing; and linking is impossible unless it is reciprocal, since a one-sided link not balanced by one on the other side falls apart of its own accord. Since then there is a linking between good and truth, and this is reciprocal, it follows that there is truth of good, that is, coming from good, and there is good of truth, that is, coming from truth. It will be seen in the next chapter that truth of good, that is, truth coming from good, is to be found in the male, and constitutes his masculinity; and good of truth, that is, coming from truth, is to be found in the woman, and constitutes her femininity. These two are linked in a marriage union. This is mentioned here to give some preliminary idea of the subject.

Conjugial Love #61 (Rogers (1995))

61. In the next chapter we will demonstrate that conjugial love comes from the marriage between good and truth. We only introduce the concept here to show that this love is celestial, spiritual and holy, because it comes from a celestial, spiritual and holy origin.

In order to show that conjugial love originates from the marriage between good and truth, it is useful that something be said about it in brief summary here.

We said just above that there is a union of good and truth in each and every created thing. And union does not come about without reciprocation, for union on one side and not on the other in return, of itself comes undone.

Now because there is a union of good and truth, and this a reciprocal one, it follows that there is a truth of good, or truth from good, and also a good of truth, or good from truth. In the next chapter we will show that the truth of good or truth from good exists in the male and is the essence of masculinity, and that the good of truth or good from truth exists in the female and is the essence of femininity. We will also show that there is a conjugial union between the two.

This much is mentioned here to give a preliminary idea of the concept.

Love in Marriage #61 (Gladish (1992))

61. The next chapter will show that the love in marriage comes from a marriage of good and truth. It is mentioned here only to show that the love in marriage is heavenly, spiritual, and holy because it comes from a heavenly, spiritual, and holy source. To show that the source of the love in marriage is a marriage of good and truth, it will be appropriate to take a short cut and say something about it here. I already said that there is a combination of good and truth in each and every created thing, and the combination does not happen unless it is reciprocal, for a connection from one side and not the other dissolves itself.

Now, because the union of good and truth exists and is reciprocal, it means that there is truth belonging to good or truth that comes from good, and there is good belonging to truth, or good on account of truth. This truth that belongs to good, or comes from good, is in man and is masculinity itself. And the good that belongs to truth, or is there on account of truth, is in a woman and is femininity itself. There is a marital union between those two. This will be seen in the next chapter. I mention it here just to introduce the concept.

Conjugial Love #61 (Acton (1953))

61. That conjugial love proceeds from the marriage of good and truth will be shown in the treatise or chapter that follows. It is mentioned here merely that it may be seen that this love is celestial, spiritual, and holy, because from a celestial, spiritual, and holy origin. That it may be seen that the origin of conjugial love is from the marriage of good and truth, it is important that here something concerning it be presented in a brief summary. It was said just above, that there is a conjunction of good and truth in each and every created thing, and conjunction is not possible unless it be reciprocal, for conjunction from the one side and not in turn from the other is dissolved of itself. Now since there is a conjunction of good and truth, and since it is reciprocal, it follows that there is a truth of good or truth from good and a good of truth or good from truth. That the truth of good or truth from good is in the male and is the masculine itself, and that the good of truth or good from truth is in the female and is the feminine itself, and that there is a conjugial union between these two, will be shown in the chapter that next follows. It is mentioned here that some preliminary idea may be had concerning it.

Conjugial Love #61 (Wunsch (1937))

61. We shall offer our demonstration that marital love proceeds from the marriage of good and truth in the next chapter; here the fact is only mentioned, that the reader may see that this love, having a celestial, spiritual and holy origin, is itself celestial, spiritual and holy. Still, to make it somewhat clear that the origin of marital love is in the marriage of good and truth, we need to say a brief word on the subject here. We said just above that in each and all things created there is a conjunction of good and truth. Conjunction is impossible, however, unless it is reciprocal, for conjunction on one side and not also on the other dissolves of itself. Because, then, there is a conjunction of good and truth and this is reciprocal, it follows that there is "truth of good" or truth from good, and that there is "good of truth" or good from truth. In the following chapter it will be seen that truth of good, or truth from good, is in the male and constitutes masculinity, and that good of truth, or good from truth, is in the female and is femininity; likewise that there is a marital union between the two. But we seek only to give a preliminary idea of the subject here.

Conjugial Love #61 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

61. That conjugial love proceeds from the marriage of good and truth will be shown in the following article or chapter. It is brought forward here only that it may be seen that this love is celestial, spiritual, and holy, because from a celestial, spiritual, and holy origin. And in order that it may be seen that the origin of conjugial love is from the marriage of good and truth, it is important that something should be briefly said here on that subject. It has been stated just above that there is a conjunction of good and truth in each and all created things. But there is no conjunction unless it is reciprocal, for conjunction on the part of one and not in turn on the part of the other is of itself dissolved. Now, as there is a conjunction of good and truth, and it is reciprocal, it follows that there is truth of good, or truth from good, and that there is good of truth, or good from truth. It will be seen in the chapter next following that the truth of good, or truth from good, is in the male, and is the very masculine, and that the good of truth, or good from truth, is in the female and is the very feminine; and that there is a conjugial union between these two. This is mentioned here in order that some preliminary idea may be had of it.

De Amore Conjugiali #61 (original Latin (1768))

61. Quod Amor conjugialis procedat ex Conjugio boni et veri, in sequente Transactione seu Paragrapho demonstrabitur; hic solum adducitur illud propter causam, ut videatur quod ille Amor sit coelestis, spiritualis et sanctus, quia ex coelesti, spirituali et sancta origine. Ut videatur quod origo Amoris conjugialis sit ex Conjugio boni et veri, interest ut aliquid in brevi compendio de eo hic dicatur: mox supra dictum est, quod in omnibus et singulis creatis sit conjunctio boni et 1veri, et conjunctio non datur nisi sit reciproca, nam conjunctio ab una parte, et non vicissim ab altera, ex se solvitur; nunc quia est conjunctio boni et veri, et haec reciproca, sequitur quod sit Verum boni seu Verum ex bono, et quod sit Bonum veri seu Bonum ex vero; quod Verum boni seu verum ex bono, sit in Masculo, et quod sit ipsum Masculinum, ac quod Bonum veri seu bonum ex vero, sit in Foemina, et quod sit ipsum Foemininum, tum quod unio conjugialis sit inter illa duo, in Transactione proxime sequente videbitur; id hic memoratur, ut aliqua praeliminaris idea sit de eo.


1. Prima editio: est

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