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《婚姻之爱》 第72节







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Conjugial Love #72 (Chadwick (1996))

72. Those who come into that love and can remain in it are those who love the truths the church teaches and do the good deeds it prescribes, because no others are accepted by the Lord. For they are linked with Him and can therefore be kept in that love by Him. There are two things which make the church and thus heaven with a man, the truth of faith and goodness of life. The truth of faith causes awareness of the Lord's presence, and goodness of life in accordance with the truths of faith brings about linking with Him, the result making the church and heaven. The truth of faith causes awareness of the Lord's presence, because it is a source of light; spiritual light is precisely this. Goodness of life brings about linking with Him because it is a source of heat; spiritual heat is precisely this, because it is love, and goodness of life is a matter of loving. It is well known that all light, even in winter, causes awareness of things as present, and heat combined with light makes a linking. For gardens and flower-beds can be seen in any light, but they only flower and bear fruit when heat accompanies the light. The conclusion from this is obvious: those who merely know the truths of the church are not endowed by the Lord with truly conjugial love, but only those who know the truths and perform the good deeds it prescribes.

Conjugial Love #72 (Rogers (1995))

72. Only those people come into truly conjugial love and only those can be in it who love the truths of the church and do the good things it teaches, for the reason that no others are accepted by the Lord. That is because people who love the truths of the church and do the good things it teaches are in a state of conjunction with the Lord, and consequently they can be kept in that love by Him.

There are two things which form the church and so heaven in a person: truth of faith and goodness of life. Truth of faith brings the Lord's presence, and goodness of life in accordance with truths of faith brings conjunction with Him and thus forms the church and heaven. Truth of faith brings presence because it has to do with light, that being what spiritual light is. Goodness of life brings conjunction because it has to do with warmth, that being what spiritual warmth is; for spiritual warmth is love, and goodness of life has to do with love. We also know that all light - even wintry light - brings presence, and that warmth united with light brings conjunction; for gardens and flower-beds become visible in every kind of light, but they do not produce flowers and fruit until warmth is combined with the light.

The evident conclusion from this is that people are blessed with truly conjugial love not if they only know the truths of the church, but if they know them and do the good things it teaches.

Love in Marriage #72 (Gladish (1992))

72. The people who love the truths of the church and take part in its good activities achieve the love in marriage and can participate in it, because the Lord receives no others. These are the ones who are in agreement with Him, so He can keep them in that love. Two things make up the church and therefore heaven in a person: the truth of his faith and the good in his life. The truth of faith brings about the Lord's presence, and the goodness in one's life according to the truths of faith establishes a union with Him, and thus a connection with the church and heaven. The truth of faith brings the Lord near because it is light. Spiritual light is nothing else. The goodness of one's life establishes a union with Him because it is heat. Spiritual heat is nothing else, for it is love, and the good of life is love. Everyone knows that all light - even winter light - brings presence, and heat together with light brings union. For orchards and flower beds appear in every light, but they do not flower and fruit except when heat joins the light.

These things lead to a conclusion - that the Lord cannot supply real married love for those who only know the church's truths, but for those who know them and take part in the good activities of the church.

Conjugial Love #72 (Acton (1953))

72. That those come into this love and can be in it, who love the truths of the Church and do its goods, is because no others are received by the Lord; for these are in conjunction with Him, and by Him can be held in this love. There are two things which make the Church and thence heaven with man: the truth of faith and the good of life. The truth of faith effects the Lord's presence, and the good of life according to the truths of faith, effects conjunction with Him and thus makes the Church and heaven. That the truth of faith effects the Lord's presence is because it pertains to light, spiritual light being nothing else. That the good of life effects conjunction, is because it pertains to heat; nor is spiritual heat anything else, for it is love, and the good of life pertains to love. It is well known that all light, even that of winter, effects presence, and that heat united with light effects conjunction; for gardens and flower-beds are seen in all kinds of light, but do not blossom and bear fruit except when heat conjoins itself to light. From the above, the conclusion is evident, that not those who merely know the truths of the Church are endowed by the Lord with love truly conjugial but those who both know its truths and do its goods.

Conjugial Love #72 (Wunsch (1937))

72. Only those come into, or can be in, true marital love, who love the Church's truths and do its goods, because no others are received by the Lord. These are in conjunction with Him, and so can be held by Him in that love. Two things make the Church and thus heaven with the human being: truth of faith and good of life. Truth of faith brings the Lord's presence, and good of life according to truths of faith effects conjunction with Him and makes the Church and heaven. Truth of faith effects presence, because it is of light; spiritual light is nothing else. Good of life effects conjunction, because it is of heat; spiritual heat is nothing else, for it is love, and good of life is of love. It is known that all light, even winter light, effects presence, and that heat united to light effects conjunction, for gardens and flower-beds appear in any light, but they do not flower and fructify unless heat is joined to the light. The conclusion is plain, that not those who only know the Church's truths, but those who know them and do its goods, are gifted by the Lord with true marital love.

Conjugial Love #72 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

72. The reason why those that love the truths of the church and do its goods, come into this love and can abide in it, is that they and no others are received by the Lord; for they are in conjunction with Him, and thereby can be kept by Him in this love. There are two things which constitute the church and therefore, heaven with man, truth of faith and good of life. Truth of faith constitutes the Lord's presence, and good of life according to the truths of faith effects conjunction with Him, and thus makes the church and heaven. Truth of faith constitutes the Lords presence because it is of light. Spiritual light is nothing else. Good of life effects conjunction because it is of heat. Spiritual heat is nothing else; for it is love, and the good of life is of love. And it is known that all light, even that of winter, brings presence, and that heat united with light effects conjunction; for fruit and flower gardens appear in all kinds of light but do not blossom and bear fruit except when heat conjoins itself with light. From these things the conclusion is plain that they who only know the truths of the church are not gifted by the Lord with love truly conjugial, but they that both know its truths and do its goods.

De Amore Conjugiali #72 (original Latin (1768))

72. Quod illi in illum Amorem veniant, et in illo esse possint, qui vera Ecclesiae amant, et bona ejus faciunt, est quia non alii recipiuntur a Domino; hi enim sunt in conjunctione cum Ipso, et inde possunt teneri in illo Amore ab Ipso. Sunt duo quae faciunt Ecclesiam et inde Coelum apud hominem, Verum fidei et Bonum vitae; Verum fidei facit praesentiam Domini, et Bonum vitae secundum vera fidei facit conjunctionem cum Ipso, et sic Ecclesiam et Coelum: quod Verum fidei faciat praesentiam, est quia est lucis; Lux spiritualis non aliud est; quod Bonum vitae faciat conjunctionem, est quia est caloris; calor spiritualis nec aliud est, est enim amor, et bonum vitae est amoris; et notum est, quod omnis lux etiam hyemalis faciat praesentiam, et quod calor unitus luci faciat conjunctionem; horti enim et floreta apparent in omni luce, sed non florent et fructificant, nisi dum calor conjungit se luci. Ex his patet conclusio, quod a Domino non donentur amore vere conjugiali, qui modo sciunt Ecclesiae vera, sed qui illa sciunt et ejus bona faciunt.

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