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《婚姻之爱》 第85节







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Conjugial Love #85 (Chadwick (1996))

85. Since then the Lord God the Creator is love itself and wisdom itself, and the universe was created by Him, being thus a work coming from Him, it is inevitable that in each and every created thing there is some element of good and truth from Him. For whatever is made by and comes from someone bears a similar stamp given by him. The truth of this can also be seen rationally, by considering the order observable in every detail of the created universe. This can be seen in one thing being created for the sake of another, so that one depends on another, like the links in a chain. For everything was created for the sake of the human race, from which a heaven of angels could be made. By this means creation returns to its source, the Creator Himself. As a result the created universe is linked with its Creator, and this link keeps it permanently in existence.

It is as a result of this that good and truth are called universal principles of creation. Anyone who uses his reason to study this can see that it is plainly so; he can see in everything created what has reference to good and what has reference to truth.

Conjugial Love #85 (Rogers (1995))

85. So, then, since the Lord God the Creator is love itself and wisdom itself, and the universe was created by Him, being in consequence a work, so to speak, issuing from Him, it must be that in each and every created thing there is some goodness and truth from Him. For whatever is accomplished by and issues from anyone, derives from him a character similar to his.

Reason can also see that this is so from the order which each and every thing in the universe was created in, in which one thing exists for the sake of another, and in which one thing therefore depends on another, like the links in a chain. For all things exist for the sake of the human race, that from it may come the angelic heaven by which creation returns to the Creator, its source. From this comes the conjunction of the created universe with its Creator, and by that conjunction its everlasting preservation.

That is why we say that goodness and truth are universal in creation. The fact of this is evident to everyone who considers it reasonably. In every created thing he sees something that relates to good and something that relates to truth.

Love in Marriage #85 (Gladish (1992))

85. So since the Lord God, the Creator, is love itself and wisdom itself, and He created the universe out of Himself - an undertaking coming from Himself - there cannot help being some good and truth from Him in each and every created thing. For what is done by and comes out of anyone bears his imprint. Reason can also see that this is so from the regular succession of each and every thing in the created universe. One thing is for the sake of another, and so one depends on another like a chain made up of links.

Indeed, all things are for the sake of the human race, so an angelic heaven can come from it. Through the human race creation returns to the Creator it came from. This joins the created universe with its Creator, and through the conjunction there is eternal continuation.

This is behind the statement that good and truth are the universal elements of creation. It is clear to any sensible thinker that this is true. In every created thing he sees what traces back to good and what traces back to truth.

Conjugial Love #85 (Acton (1953))

85. Since, therefore, the Lord God the Creator is Love Itself and Wisdom Itself, and the universe was created by Him, being thus as a work proceeding from Him, it must needs be that in each and every created thing there is something of good and truth from Him; for what is made by any one and proceeds from him, bears his likeness. Moreover, reason can see that such is the case, from the order in which each and everything in the universe has been created, this order being, that one thing is for the sake of another and that one therefore depends upon another like a chain on its links; for all things are for the sake of the human race, to the end that from that race there may be an angelic heaven whereby creation returns to its Source, the Creator Himself. Thence is the conjunction of the created universe with its Creator, and by conjunction, everlasting preservation. It is on this account that good and truth are said to be the universals of creation. That such is the case is plain to every one who reflects upon the matter from reason; for in every created thing he sees that which refers itself to good, and that which refers itself to truth.

Conjugial Love #85 (Wunsch (1937))

85. Since, then, the Lord God the Creator is Love itself and Wisdom itself, and the universe was created by Him and is like a work proceeding from Him, something of good and truth from Him cannot but be in each and all created things; for what is made and proceeds from any one, derives from him something similar. Reason can see this from the order impressed upon each and all things of the created universe: one thing is for another, and hence one depends on the other, as a chain on links. For all things are for the sake of the human race, that there may arise from it an angelic heaven, in which creation returns to its Creator, from whom it is; so there is conjunction of the universe with its Creator, and by conjunction everlasting maintenance. Hence it is that good and truth are called the universals of creation. That they are universals, is plain to any reasoning observer. In everything created he sees something referable to good, and something referable to truth.

Conjugial Love #85 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

85. Since then the Lord God the Creator is Love itself and Wisdom itself, and the universe was created by Him, which is therefore, as a work proceeding from Him, it cannot be but that in each and all things created there is something of good and of truth from Him. For what is done and goes forth from anyone bears a likeness of him. And reason can also see that it is so, from the order in which each and all things were created in the universe, which is that one thing is for another and that therefore, one depends upon another, like the links of a chain. For they are all for the sake of the human race, to the end that from this there may be an angelic heaven, through which the creation returns to the Creator Himself from whom it came. Hence there is a conjunction of the created universe with its Creator, and through conjunction perpetual conservation. It is on this account that good and truth are said to be the universals of creation. That it is so is plain to everyone who reflects upon the matter from reason. He sees what relates to good and what relates to truth in every created thing.

De Amore Conjugiali #85 (original Latin (1768))

85. Cum itaque Dominus Deus Creator est Ipse Amor et Ipsa Sapientia, et ab Ipso creatum est Universum, quod inde est sicut Opus procedens ab Ipso, non potest aliter, quam quod in omnibus et singulis creatis sit aliquid Boni et Veri ab Ipso; nam quod fit et procedit ab aliquo, trahit simile ab illo. Quod ita sit, etiam potest ratione videri ex Ordine, in quo omnia et singula Universi creati sunt, qui est, quod unum sit propter alterum, et quod inde unum pendeat ab altero, sicut catena ex uncis; sunt enim omnia propter Humanum Genus, ut ex illo sit Coelum Angelicum, per quod redit Creatio ad Ipsum Creatorem, a Quo: inde est conjunctio Universi creati cum suo Creatore, et per conjunctionem sempiterna conservatio. Ex hoc est, quod Bonum et Verum dicantur Universalia creationis: quod ita sit, patet cuivis contemplatori ex ratione; hic videt in omni creato id quod se refert ad bonum, et id quod se refert ad verum.

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