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《婚姻之爱》 第86节









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Conjugial Love #86 (Chadwick (1996))

86. Good and truth in created objects take the form of each, because its form determines how every object receives incoming influence. What keeps the whole in existence is nothing other than Divine good and Divine truth perpetually flowing into the forms they have created. Thus remaining in existence or being preserved is a perpetual process of coming into existence or being created.

There are various possible examples of how the form of an object determines how it receives influences; for instance, the way vegetation of all kinds receives heat and light radiated by the sun. Any plant receives radiation in the way its form prescribes; every tree in its own way, every shrub in its, every plant and grass in its. The radiation reaching them all is the same, but the way it is received, being dictated by the form, ensures that each species remains true to itself. The same idea can be exemplified by radiation reaching every animal in a way dependent on its form. Even a peasant can see that form determines the force acting on it, if he listens to the various musical instruments, pipes, flutes, trumpets, horns and organs, which all make sounds appropriate to their forms as a result of a similar input of breath or air.

Conjugial Love #86 (Rogers (1995))

86. Goodness and truth are present in their created vessels according to each one's form because whatever flows into any vessel is received by it according to its form. The preservation of the whole is nothing but the constant flowing in of Divine goodness and Divine truth into forms created by that influx - continued existence or preservation being thus constant birth or creation.

The fact that whatever flows into any vessel is received by it according to its form can be illustrated by various examples. It may be illustrated, for instance, by the flowing in of heat and light from the sun into species of plant life of every kind. Each one of these receives that influx according to its form. Thus every tree receives it according to its form, every bush according to its form, every plant and every kind of grass according to its form. That which flows in is the same in every case, but the way it is received causes each species to remain the species it was, because the reception is according to the form.

The same point may also be illustrated by the influx into animals of every kind, according to each one's form.

Even an simple peasant can see that whatever flows in is received according to the form of the particular recipient if he reflects on various kinds of wind instruments - pipes, flutes, trumpets, horns, and pipe organs - and considers that from the same breath or influx of air they each make a sound according to their form.

Love in Marriage #86 (Gladish (1992))

86. Good and truth are in created things according to each thing's form because each creature accepts influence according to its own form. The continuation of everything is nothing but the perpetual influence of Divine Good and Divine Truth in the forms that good and truth create. In fact, being there - continuing to exist - is a perpetual coming to be, or creation.

Various things can illustrate that an object accepts influence according to its form. Take the influence of heat and light from the sun in all kinds of plants. Each of them accepts heat and light according to its makeup - every tree according to its makeup, every shrub according to its, every plant and every grass according to its makeup. The influence is the same for all, but the reception according to form - causes each species to remain its species. This same thing can be illustrated by the influence on all kinds of animals according to each one's form. Any peasant can tell when he hears different musical instruments - pipes, flutes, cornets, trumpets, and organs - that they make sounds, according to their own forms, from the same breath, or influence, of air.

Conjugial Love #86 (Acton (1953))

86. That good and truth are in created subjects according to the form of each, is because every subject receives influx according to its form. The preservation of the whole is nothing else than the perpetual influx of Divine Good and Divine Truth into forms created by that influx. Thus subsistence or preservation is perpetual existence or creation. That every subject receives influx according to its form may be illustrated in various ways, as for instance, by the influx of heat and light from the sun into plants of every kind. Each one of these receives this influx according to its form; thus every tree according to its form, every shrub according to its, every herb and every blade of grass according to its. The influx is the same into them all; but the reception, being according to the form, causes each species to remain the same. It may also be illustrated by the influx into animals of every kind, according to the form of each. That influx is according to the form of each thing, can be seen even by a rustic if he gives heed to the fact that various wind instruments, such as pipes, flutes, cornets, trumpets, and organs, give forth sound from the same blowing or inflow of air, according to their forms.

Conjugial Love #86 (Wunsch (1937))

86. Good and truth are in created subjects according to the several forms of these for the reason that everything receives influx according to its form. The maintenance of the whole is nothing but the perpetual influx of Divine Good and Divine Truth into forms created by them, for subsistence or maintenance is perpetual existence or creation. The fact that an object receives influx according to its form, may be illustrated by various things, as by the influx of heat and light from the sun into growths of every kind; each growth receives of these what accords with its form, thus every tree, shrub, herb and grain, each according to its form. Influx is the same into all, but reception according to the form causes each species to continue what it is. We might illustrate the fact further from the influx into animals of every sort according to the form of each. The simplest person can see that influx is according to form, if he considers various instruments of sound - reed-pipes, flutes, trumpets, horns and organs; all give forth sounds according to their forms under the same afflatus or influx of air.

Conjugial Love #86 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

86. Good and truth in created subjects are according to the form of each, because every subject receives influx according to its form. The conservation of the whole is nothing else than the perpetual influx of Divine good and Divine truth into the forms created by them; for thus subsistence or conservation is perpetual existence or creation. That every subject receives influx according to its form may be illustrated by various phenomena: As by the influx of heat and light from the sun into all kinds of plants. Each, one of these receives it according to its form: every tree according to its form; every shrub according to its form; every herb, and every grass according to its form. The influx is alike into all, but the reception, because it is according to the form, causes that each species continues to be the same species. The same may be illustrated by the influx into all kinds of animals according to the form of each. That influx is according to the form of each thing even a rustic may see if he attends to the various instruments of sound, pipes, flutes, cornets, trumpets, and organs, in the fact that these all sound from a similar breath or inflowing of the air, according to their forms.

De Amore Conjugiali #86 (original Latin (1768))

86. Quod Bonum et Verum in subjectis creatis sint secundum cujusvis formam, est quia omne subjectum recipit influxum secundum illam; Conservatio totius non est aliud quam perpetuus influxus Divini Boni et Divini Veri in formas a se creatas, sic enim subsistentia seu conservatio est perpetua existentia seu creatio. Quod omne subjectum recipiat influxum secundum suam formam, illustrari potest per varia; ut per influxum caloris et lucis e Sole in omnis generis Vegetabilia; quodlibet ex his recipit illum secundum suam formam, ita omnis arbor secundum suam, omne virgultum secundum suam, omnis herba et omne gramen secundum suam; influxus est similis in omnia, sed receptio, quia est secundum formam, facit ut quaelibet species maneat sua species: idem hoc etiam illustrari potest per influxum in omnis generis Animalia secundum cujusvis formam. Quod influxus sit secundum cujusvis formam, etiam a Rustico potest videri, si attendit ad varia Instrumenta soni, ad fistulas, tibias, tubas, buccinas, et organa, quod haec sonent ex simili afflatu seu influxu aeris secundum suas formas.

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