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《婚姻之爱》 第93节





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Conjugial Love #93 (Chadwick (1996))

93. This is also the source of conjugial love, because that sphere affects the form of wisdom human beings have, and angels too. A human being can go on advancing in wisdom up to the end of his life in the world, and afterwards in heaven for ever. The more he advances in wisdom, the more perfect his form becomes. This form does not admit sexual love, but only the love of one of the opposite sex; with her he can be united down to the most intimate level, which contains heaven and its happiness, and this union is the product of conjugial love.

Conjugial Love #93 (Rogers (1995))

93. This atmosphere is as well the origin of conjugial love, because it flows into forms of wisdom among people and also angels. For a person can grow in wisdom till the end of his life in the world, and afterwards to eternity in heaven, and as he grows in wisdom, so his form is perfected. This form does not receive a love for the opposite sex but love for one of the sex, for with this one he can be united even to inmost levels, where heaven resides with its felicities. This union is the union of conjugial love.

Love in Marriage #93 (Gladish (1992))

93. The love in marriage also comes from this because, for people and also for angels, that sphere pours into the matrix of wisdom.

For a person can grow in wisdom to the end of his life in the world and afterwards in heaven forever. And his makeup becomes more perfect in the measure that he grows in wisdom. This makeup receives, not sexual love, but love for one person of the other sex, for with her he can unite clear to the core, where heaven is, with its joys - and this union is the union in married love.

Conjugial Love #93 (Acton (1953))

93. That conjugial love is also thence, is because that sphere flows into the form of wisdom with men and also with angels. Man can grow in wisdom to the end of his life in the world and afterwards in heaven to eternity; and as he increases in wisdom, so his form is perfected, and this form receives, not love of the sex but love of one of the sex, it being with this one that he can be united even to his inmost wherein is heaven with its felicities. This union is the union of conjugial love.

Conjugial Love #93 (Wunsch (1937))

93. Marital love also comes of this sphere, because in men and angels this sphere flows into the form of wisdom. The human being can increase in wisdom to the end of life in the world and afterwards to eternity in heaven. As wisdom increases, his form is perfected. This form does not receive love for the sex, but love for one of the sex. With her he can be united to the inmosts, in which is heaven with its happinesses, and this union is one of marital love.

Conjugial Love #93 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

93. Conjugial love is also from this, because that sphere flows into the form of wisdom with men and also with angels; for man can grow in wisdom to the end of his life in the world and afterwards in heaven to eternity. And as he increases in wisdom his form is perfected; and this form receives, not the love of the sex, but the love of one of the sex. For with this one he can be united even to the inmosts in which heaven is with its felicities; and this union is of conjugial love.

De Amore Conjugiali #93 (original Latin (1768))

93. Quod etiam inde sit Amor conjugialis, est quia illa Sphaera influit in formam sapientiae apud homines, et quoque apud angelos; homo enim crescere potest sapientia ad finem vitae suae in Mundo, et postea in aeternum in Coelo: et quantum crescit sapientia, tantum perficitur ejus forma; et haec forma non recipit amorem sexus, sed amorem unius e sexu; cum hac enim potest uniri ad intima, in quibus est Coelum cum suis felicibus, et haec unio est amoris conjugialis.

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