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《婚姻之爱》 第92节







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Conjugial Love #92 (Chadwick (1996))

92. (v) The influence of the marriage of good and truth coming from the Lord produces sexual love and also conjugial love.

It has been shown above (84-87) that good and truth are universal principles of creation, and are thus present in all created things, in each case in a way depending on their form; and also that good and truth proceed from the Lord not as two, but as one. It follows from these premises that there is a universal sphere of marriage which proceeds from the Lord, pervading the universe from first to last, and so from angels right down to worms. The reason such a sphere of the marriage of good and truth proceeds from the Lord is that it is equally a sphere of propagation, that is, of reproduction and fruitfulness; and this is the same as the Divine providence which keeps the universe in being by a succession of generations.

Now since that universal sphere, marrying good and truth, influences things that receive it in accordance with their form (86), it follows that the male receives it in accordance with his own form, that is, in his intellect, since he is an intellectual form. The female too receives it in accordance with her own form, that is, in her will, since she is a form of will arising from her husband's intellect. Since this same sphere is also a reproductive sphere, it follows that this is the source of sexual love.

Conjugial Love #92 (Rogers (1995))

92. 5. From the marriage of good and truth flowing in from the Lord comes love for the opposite sex and also conjugial love. We showed above (nos. 84-87) that goodness and truth are universal in creation, and are therefore in all created vessels; that they are present in these vessels according to each one's form; and that good and truth emanate from the Lord not as two entities but as a unity. It follows from this that there is a universal conjugial atmosphere emanating from the Lord and pervading the universe from the firsts to the lasts of it, thus from angels all the way down to worms.

Such an atmosphere of a marriage of good and truth emanates from the Lord because it is at the same time an atmosphere of propagation, that is, of procreation and fructification. It is also the same thing as the Divine providence in the preservation of the universe by successive generations.

Now because that universal atmosphere, which is an atmosphere of a marriage of good and truth, flows into its vessels according to each one's form (no. 86), it follows that the male sex receives it according to its form, thus in the intellect, because the male is an intellect-oriented form, and that the female sex receives it according to its form, thus in the will, because the female is a will-oriented form derived from the intellect-oriented form of the male. And because the same atmosphere is also an atmosphere of procreation, it follows that it is the origin of love between the sexes.

Love in Marriage #92 (Gladish (1992))

92. 5. Sexual love comes from the marriage of good and truth flowing in from the Lord, and so does married love. Nos. 84-87 above show that good and truth are everywhere in creation and thus in all created objects, that they are there according to each object's form, and that good and truth are not two things but go out from the Lord as one. This means that a ubiquitous sphere of marriage goes out from the Lord and pervades the universe from beginning to end, which is to say from the angels all the way to the worms. Such a sphere of the marriage of good and truth goes out from the Lord because it is also a sphere of reproduction - that is, of making offspring and producing fruit - and this is identical with Divine Providence's preservation of the universe by one generation producing another.

Now, since this universal sphere that belongs to the marriage of good and truth enters subjects according to each one's makeup

(no. 86), it means that a man receives it according to his makeup, or in understanding things, because he is a form of understanding.

And a woman receives it according to hers, or in volition, because she is a form of volition coming from a man's understanding of things. And that sphere is also a sphere of reproducing, so therefore sexual love comes from it.

Conjugial Love #92 (Acton (1953))

92. V. THAT FROM THE INFLUX OF THE MARRIAGE OF GOOD AND TRUTH FROM THE LORD, THERE IS LOVE OF THE SEX AND THERE IS CONJUGIAL LOVE. That good and truth are the universals of creation, and hence are in all created subjects; that they are in them according to the form of each; and that good and truth proceed from the Lord, not as two but as one, has been shown above (nos. 84-87.) It follows from this, that a UNIVERSAL CONJUGIAL SPHERE proceeds from the Lord and pervades the universe from its primes to its ultimates, thus from angels even to worms. That this sphere, being the sphere of the marriage of good and truth, proceeds from the Lord, is because it is also the sphere of propagation, that is, of prolification and fructification; and this is the same as the Divine Providence for the preservation of the universe by successive generations. Now because this universal sphere, which is the sphere of the marriage of good and truth, flows into subjects according to the form of each (n. 86), it follows that the male receives it according to his form, that is, in the understanding, he being an intellectual form, and that the female receives it according to her form, thus, in the will, she being a voluntary form from the intellectual form of the man. And because that same sphere is the sphere of prolification, it follows that from this comes love of the sex.

Conjugial Love #92 (Wunsch (1937))

92. (v) Love for the sex and marital love come by an influx of the marriage of good and truth from the Lord. Good and truth, we have said, are the universals of creation and so are in all created things, in each according to its form. Good and truth also proceed from the Lord not as two but as one. It follows (see n. 84-87) that a universal marital sphere proceeds from the Lord and pervades the universe from first to last, from the angels to the lowliest forms of life. The sphere of the marriage of good and truth proceeding from the Lord has this range because it is also the sphere of propagation, that is, of prolification and fructification; which is the same as the Divine Providence's maintenance of the universe by successive generations. Now, because this universal sphere, which is the sphere of the marriage of good and truth, flows into subjects according to the form of each (86), it follows that the male receives it according to his form, thus in the understanding, because he is an intellectual form; and that the female receives it according to her form, thus in the will, because she is a volitional form from man's intellectual. Inasmuch as the same sphere is also one of prolification, it follows that sexual love is thence.

Conjugial Love #92 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

92. (5) That from the influx of the marriage of good and truth from the Lord, there is the love of the sex, and there is conjugial love. It has been shown above in n. 84-87, that good and truth are the universals of creation, and that hence they are in all created subjects; that they are in them according to the form of each; and that good and truth proceed from the Lord not as two but as one. It follows from this that a Universal Conjugial Sphere proceeds from the Lord, and pervades the universe from its first things to its last, thus from angels even to worms. The reason why such a sphere of the marriage of good and truth goes forth from the Lord, is that it is the sphere also of propagation, that is, of prolification and fructification; and this is the same as the Divine Providence for the conservation of the universe by successive generations. Now, as this universal sphere, which is of the marriage of good and truth, flows into subjects according to the form of each (n. 86), it follows that the male receives it according to his form, that is, in the understanding, because he is in an intellectual form; and that the female receives it according to her form, thus in the will, because she is a volitional form from the intellectual of the man. And as this same sphere is the sphere of prolification, it follows that from this comes the love of the sex.

De Amore Conjugiali #92 (original Latin (1768))

92. V: Quod ex influxu Conjugii boni et veri a Domino sit Amor Sexus, et quod sit Amor conjugialis. Quod Bonum et Verum sint universalia creationis, et inde in omnibus subjectis creatis; et quod in his sint secundum cujusvis formam; et quod Bonum et verum non ut duo, sed ut unum procedant a Domino, supra n. 84, 85, 86, 87, ostensum est; ex his sequitur, quod Universalis Sphaera conjugialis procedat a Domino, ac pervadat Universum a primis ad ultima ejus, ita ab Angelis usque ad vermes. Quod talis Sphaera Conjugii boni et veri procedat a Domino, est quia illa etiam est Sphaera propagationis, hoc est, prolificationis et fructificationis; et haec eadem est cum Divina Providentia conservationis Universi per successivas generationes. Nunc quia Sphaera illa universalis, quae est Conjugii boni et veri, influit in subjecta secundum cujusvis formam, 86, sequitur quod Masculus recipiat illam secundum suam, ita in Intellectu, quia ille est forma intellectualis; et quod Foemina recipiat illam secundum suam, ita in Voluntate, quia illa est forma voluntaria ex intellectuali viri; et quia eadem illa sphaera etiam est sphaera prolificationis, sequitur quod inde sit Amor sexus.

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