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《最后的审判(续)》 第16节




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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 16

16. 1. The Protestants on whom the Last Judgment was carried out. The only Protestants on whom the Last Judgment was carried out were individuals who in this world had acknowledged God, read the Word, listened to sermons, observed the sacrament of the Supper, and had not neglected the church’s holy days of worship, but who had seen nothing wrong with adultery and various kinds of theft, deceit, vengefulness, hatred, and the like. Even though they acknowledged God, they thought nothing of sins against him; they read the Word but thought nothing of its precepts for life; they heard sermons but paid no attention to them; they took the sacrament of the Supper but did not desist from the evils of their prior life; they observed the holy days of worship, but did nothing to amend their lives. So outwardly they lived as though they were religious, but inwardly they had no religion whatsoever.

[2] These were the people meant by the dragon in Revelation 12, for it says there that the dragon appeared in heaven, fought with Michael in heaven, and drew down a third of the stars of heaven. It says these things because people like this communicated with heaven by virtue of their acknowledgment of God, their reading of the Word, and their outward worship.

They are also meant by the goats in Matthew 25[4146], who are not told that they have done evil things but that they have failed to do good things. All such people fail to do good things that are genuinely good, because they do not turn their backs on evil deeds as sinful; even though they do not do them, they see nothing wrong with them. This means that they are doing them in spirit, and even do them physically when they can get away with it.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 16

16. (i) Which of the Reformed it was who suffered the Last Judgment. The Last Judgment took place only on those of the Reformed who in the world had claimed to believe in God, read the Word, listened to sermons, attended the sacrament of the Lord's Supper and had not neglected the customary practices of the church's worship; but who had none the less regarded as permissible acts of adultery, various kinds of stealing, lies, revenge, hatred and such things. While claiming to believe in God, they thought nothing of sinning against Him. While reading the Word, they paid no attention to the rules of conduct it contains. While listening to sermons, they did not heed them. They attended the sacrament of the Lord's Supper without putting a stop to the wickedness of their former life. They did not neglect the customary practices of worship, but did not improve their conduct. So they lived externally as if devoted to religion, while internally there was no religion in them. These are the people meant by the dragon in chapter 12 of Revelation. It says there that the dragon was seen in heaven, that it fought in heaven with Michael and pulled down a third of the stars from heaven. These things were said because their declared belief in God, their reading of the Word and their outward show of worship enabled such people to be in touch with heaven. The same people are meant by the goats in chapter 25 of Matthew; they were told, not that they had behaved wickedly, but they had failed to do good. All these fail to do good deeds that are really good, because they do not shun evils as sins; and even if they do not do evil actions, they still think them permissible and so do them in spirit, and physically too if they can.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 16

16. I. Upon whom among the Reformed the Last Judgment was effected.

The Last Judgment was effected upon those only of the Reformed, who in the world confessed God, read the Word, heard preaching, partook of the sacrament of the Supper, and did not neglect the solemnities of the worship of the church; and yet thought that adulteries, various kinds of theft, lying, revenge, hatred, and the like, were allowable. These although they confessed God, still made no account of sins against Him; they read the Word, and still they made no account of the precepts of life in it; they heard preachings, and still they paid no attention to them; they went to the sacrament of the Supper, and still they did not desist from the evils of their former life; they did not neglect the solemnities of worship, and still they amended their lives in nothing. Thus they lived as if from religion, in their externals, yet in their internals they had nothing of it. These are they who are meant by "the dragon" in ; for it is there said of the dragon, that it was seen in heaven, that it fought with Michael in heaven, and that it drew down the third part of the stars from heaven; which things are said, because these, by means of the confession of God, by reading the Word, and by external worship, communicated with heaven. The same are meant by "the goats" in Matthew 25; to whom it is not said that they did evils, but that they omitted to do goods; and all such omit to do goods which are goods, because they do not shun evils as sins, and although they do not do them, still they think them allowable, and thus do them in spirit, and also in body, when permitted.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 16 (original Latin 1763)

16. (i.) Super quos ex Reformatis ultimum judicium factum est.-Ultimum judicium non super alios ex Reformatis factum est, quam super illos, qui in mundo professi sunt Deum, legerunt Verbum, audiverunt praedicationes, obiverunt sacramentum Cenae, ac solennia cultus ecclesiae non neglexerunt; et tamen ut licita reputaverunt adulteria, varii generis furta, mendacia, vindictas, odia, et similia: hi tametsi Deum professi sunt, usque nihili fecerunt peccata contra Ipsum; Verbum legerunt, et usque nihili fecerunt praecepta vitae ibi; audiverunt praedicationes, et usque nihil attenderunt; sacramentum Cenae obiverunt, et usque non a prioris vitae malis destiterunt; ac solennia cultus non neglexerunt, et usque nihil emendarunt vitam; ita vixerunt in externis sicut ex religione, et tamen in internis nulla illis religio fuit. Hi sunt qui per "draconem" in Apocalypsi (cap. 12) intelliguntur; nam de dracone ibi dicitur, quod visus sit in caelo, quod cum Michaele in caelo pugnaverit, et quod e caelo detraxerit tertiam partem stellarum; quae dicta sunt, quia tales per professionem Dei, lectionem Verbi, et per cultum externum, communicaverunt cum caelo. Iidem etiam intelliguntur per "hircos" apud Matthaeum (cap. 25 1); ad quos non dicitur quod mala fecerint, sed quod omiserint bona facere; et illi omnes omittunt bona, quae bona sunt, facere, quia mala ut peccata non fugiunt; et tametsi illa non faciunt, usque licita reputant, et sic spiritu faciunt illa, et quoque corpore dum licet.


"1. xxv. pro ""xxiv."""

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