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《最后的审判(续)》 第15节







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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 15

15. I need to describe the judgment on Protestants in the following sequence:

1. The Protestants on whom the Last Judgment was carried out

2. The signs and the reckoning that preceded the Last Judgment

3. An outline of what happened during the judgment

4. The salvation of the sheep

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 15

15. The description of the Last Judgment on the Reformed will be given in the following order:

(i) Which of the Reformed it was who suffered the Last Judgment.

(ii) The signs and visitations which preceded the Last Judgment.

(iii) How the universal judgment took place.

(iv) The salvation of the sheep.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 15

15. The Last Judgment upon the Reformed shall be described in the following order.

I. Upon whom of the Reformed the Last Judgment was effected.

II. The signs and visitations before the Last Judgment .

III. How the universal Judgment was effected.

IV. The salvation of the sheep.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 15 (original Latin 1763)

15. Sed de Ultimo Judicio super Reformatos in hoc ordine dicetur:-

(i.) Super quos ex Reformatis ultimum judicium factum est.

(ii.) De Signis et Visitationibus ante ultimum judicium.

(iii.) Universale judicium quomodo factum est.

(iv.) De salvatione Ovium,

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