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《最后的审判(续)》 第19节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 19

19. As long as they stayed there, the deeper levels of their minds were closed and the outward levels were open, so the evils that united them to the hells did not show. Once the Last Judgment started, though, their deeper levels were revealed; and then everyone could see what they were really like. Since they were in full cooperation with the hells, they could no longer pretend to live a Christian life but instead rushed enthusiastically into all kinds of evil and wicked practices. They turned into devils and even looked like devils—some black, some fiery, some as gray as corpses. The ones who were full of pride in their own intelligence looked black; the ones obsessed with gaining power over everyone looked fiery; and the ones who totally disregarded and had contempt for the truth looked as gray as corpses.

That is how the scenes of their drama changed.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 19

19. During the interval for which they remained there, the interiors of their minds were closed and the exteriors were open. This prevented their evils being seen, though through them they were united with the hells. But when the Last Judgment was at hand, the interiors were opened up, so that their real nature was evident to all; and because they were then united with the hells, they could no longer pretend to be living a Christian life, but took delight in rushing into every kind of wickedness and crime. They turned into devils, and could be seen to be such, some black, some fiery and some livid like corpses. Those who were proud of their own intelligence appeared to be black; those who had mad ideas of ruling over everyone had a fiery appearance; and those who neglected or despised the truth looked livid like corpses. Such was the change of scene which affected them.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 19

19. Meanwhile, so long as they remained there, the interiors of their minds were closed, and the exteriors were opened; by which means, their evils, by which they made one with the hells, did not appear. But when the Last Judgment was at hand, their interiors were disclosed, and they then appeared before all such as they really were; and since they then acted in unity with the hells, they were no longer able to simulate the Christian life, but from delight rushed into evils and crimes of every kind, and were turned into devils, and, moreover, were seen as such, some black, some fiery, and some livid like corpses; those who were in the pride of their own intelligence, appearing black; those who were in the insane love of ruling over all, appearing fiery; and those who were in the neglect and contempt of truth, appearing livid like corpses. Thus were the scenes of those theaters changed.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 19 (original Latin 1763)

19. Interea cum ibi permanserunt, occlusa sunt interiora mentis eorum, et aperta exteriora; per quod non apparuerunt illorum mala, per quae unum faciebant cum infernis. At cum instabat ultimum judicium, reclusa sunt interiora, et tunc coram omnibus apparuerunt quales erant: et quia tunc unum agebant cum infernis, non amplius vitam Christianam potuerunt simulare, sed ex jucundo ruebant in omnis generis mala et flagitia, ac versi sunt in diabolos, et quoque sicut illi visi sunt, quidam nigri, quidam ignei, et quidam lividi sicut cadavera: qui in fastu propriae intelligentiae fuerant, visi sunt nigri; qui in vesano amore imperandi super omnes visi sunt ignei; et qui in neglectu et contemptu veri, visi sunt lividi sicut cadavera. Ita scenae theatrorum istorum mutatae sunt.

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