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《最后的审判(续)》 第20节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 20

20. In the world of spirits, which is halfway between heaven and hell, Protestants make up the core, or form a central area, and are arranged there by nationality. In that central area, the British are in the middle, the Dutch to the south and east, the Germans to the north, the Swedes to the west and north, and the Danes to the west; but of these nationalities, only those people live in that central area whose earthly lives were governed by caring and by the faith that comes from caring. There are many communities there. Around them are Protestants who did not lead lives of faith and caring. These are the ones who made pseudo-heavens for themselves.

Heaven, though, is arranged differently than this, and so is hell. The reason Protestants occupy the central area there is that the Word is read among them and the Lord is worshiped as well, which means that this is where the greatest light is—a light that spreads from there as from its center to the whole circumference, and brings enlightenment. The light in which spirits and angels live comes from the Lord as the sun. That sun, in its essence, is divine love, and the light that radiates from it is, in its essence, divine wisdom. This is the source of everything spiritual in that world.

On the Lord as the sun in the spiritual world, and on the light and warmth that come from it, see Heaven and Hell 116140.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 20

20. In the world of spirits, which is midway between heaven and hell, the Reformed make up its inmost part or heartland; in it they are arranged according to their countries. The British occupy the centre of this heartland; the Dutch are towards the south and east; the Germans towards the north; the Swedes towards the west and north and the Danes towards the west. But only those who have lived a life of charity and the faith that goes with it are in the heartland. They have numerous communities there. Surrounding them are the Reformed who have not led a life of faith and charity; these are the ones who made something like heavens for themselves. But in heaven, as well as in hell, all occupy a different arrangement.

The reason why the Reformed make up the heartland there is that among them the Word is read, and the Lord is also worshipped. This produces the strongest light there, and it sheds its illumination as it spreads out as it were from a central point to all the surrounding areas. For the light enjoyed by spirits and angels radiates from the Lord as a sun, which in essence is Divine love, and the light radiating from it is in essence Divine wisdom. This is the source of all the spirituality of that world. On the Lord as the sun in the spiritual world and the light and heat from it see (HEAVEN AND HELL 116-140).

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 20

20. The Reformed constitute the inmost or middle part of the world of spirits, which is midway between heaven and hell, and are there arranged according to countries. In the center of this middle region are the English; towards the south and the east of it are the Dutch; towards the north, the Germans; towards the west and the north, the Swedes; and towards the west, the Danes. But those only who have lived the life of charity, and its faith, are in that middle region: many societies of them dwell there. Surrounding them are those of the Reformed, who have not lived the life of faith and charity: these are they who made as it were heavens to themselves. But there is a different arrangement of all in heaven, and also of all in hell. The reason why the Reformed constitute the middle there is, because with them the Word is read, and the Lord is also worshiped, from which the greatest light is there; and thence, as from a center, this light is propagated to all the circumferences and enlightens. For the light in which spirits and angels are, proceeds from the Lord as a sun, and this sun, in its essence, is the Divine love, and the light which proceeds from it in its essence is the Divine wisdom: all the spiritual of that world is derived from it. Concerning the Lord as the sun in the spiritual world, and concerning the light and heat of that sun, see the work on Heaven and Hell 116-140).

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 20 (original Latin 1763)

20. Reformati in mundo spirituum, qui est medius inter caelum et infernum, constituunt intimum ejus, seu faciunt meditullium, et ibi ordinati sunt secundum patrias. In illo meditullio sunt Angli in medio; Hollandi ad meridiem et orientem; Germani ad septentrionem; Sueci ad occidentem et septentrionem; et Dani ad occidentem: sed in meditullio illo non sunt alii quam qui vitam charitatis ac ejus fidei vixerunt. Societates illorum ibi plures sunt. Circum illos sunt Reformati, qui non vitam fidei et charitatis degerunt: hi sunt qui sibi sicut caelos fecerunt. Sed alia omnium ordinatio est in caelo, et quoque in inferno. Quod Reformati meditullium ibi faciant, est quia, apud illos Verbum legitur, et Dominus etiam colitur, ex quo ibi maxima lux est, quae lux inde ut a centro propagatur in omnes peripherias, ac illustrat. Lux enim in qua sunt spiritus et angeli, procedit a Domino ut Sole, qui in sua essentia est Divinus Amor, et inde lux procedens in sua essentia est Divina Sapientia; inde est omne spirituale istius mundi. De Domino ut Sole in Mundo spirituali, et de Lucas et Calore ex eo, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno (116-140).

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