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《最后的审判(续)》 第26节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 26

26. The reckoning was carried out by angels. Before any community that is bound together by evil comes to an end, there is always a reckoning first. During the reckoning the angels kept urging the people to change their ways and threatening them with destruction if they did not.

During that time the angels also explored whether there were any good people among them, and removed these from the community; but the crowds were so stirred up by their leaders that they hurled insults at the angels and charged at them, trying to drag them into the public square and torment them in all kinds of unspeakable ways. What happened there was like what happened in Sodom [Genesis 19:129].

Many of them came from a faith separated from caring; and there were a few as well who claimed to believe that caring was important but still lived wicked lives.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 26

26. Visitations were also carried out by angels, for a visitation always takes place before a badly constructed community is destroyed. The angels kept urging them to desist, and threatening ruin if they did not. They also checked to see if there were any good people mixed in with them, and set these aside. But the crowd, whipped up by their standard-bearers, heaped insults on them, rushing at them to drag them to a public square and assault them fearfully. What happened there was like what happened in Sodom. Many of them had a faith separated from charity, and there were some who made a show of charity but still lived wicked lives.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 26

26. Visitations also were made by angels; for before any ill conditioned society perishes, visitation always precedes. The angels exhorted them to desist, and denounced destruction upon them if they did not. Then they also sought out and separated any good spirits who were intermingled with them. But the multitude, excited by their leaders, reviled the angels, and rushed in upon them, for the purpose of dragging them into the forum, and treating them in an abominable manner; just as was done in Sodom. Most of them were in faith separated from charity; and there were also some who professed charity, and yet lived shamefully.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 26 (original Latin 1763)

26. Visitationes etiam factae sunt per angelos; nam antequam aliqua societas male sarta perit, visitatio semper praecedit. Angeli exhortabantur illos ut desisterent; et si non; denuntiabant illis exitium. Tunc etiam explorabant, num aliqui boni illis intermixti essent, quos separabant. Sed turba excitata ab antesignanis suis, contumeliis illos afficiebant, irruentes, ut in forum illos traherent, ac nefandis modis affligerent: factum est ibi sicut in Sodoma. Plerique ex illis fuerunt ex fide separata a charitate; et quoque aliqui, qui charitatem professi sunt, et usque flagitiose vixerunt.

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