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《最后的审判(续)》 第3节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 3

3. In the Christian world it is commonly thought that on the day of the Last Judgment the whole of the heavens that we see with our eyes and the whole earth that we live on are going to come to an end, that new heavens and a new earth are going to come into being to replace them, and that our souls will then be reunited with our bodies, allowing us to live as human beings again.

This particular belief has arisen because the Word has been understood only in its literal meaning: in fact, there was no other way it could be understood before its spiritual meaning was disclosed. There is also the fact that many people have come to believe that the soul is nothing more than a breath that we exhale and that spirits—and angels, too—are made of wind. As long as that was all there was to their understanding of souls and spirits and angels, there was no other way they could think about the Last Judgment.

In fact, though, we are completely human after death, just as human as we are in this world except that we are then clothed with spiritual bodies rather than our former earthly ones. And spiritual people see spiritual bodies just as earthly people see earthly bodies. Once we come to understand that this is the case, then we are in a position to realize that the Last Judgment is not going to happen in this earthly world but in the spiritual world. After all, that is where all the people who have ever lived and died are gathered together.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 3

3. The generally held view in Christendom is that on the day of the Last Judgment the whole visible sky and the whole inhabited earth will be destroyed and their place will be taken by a new heaven and a new earth. At that time people's souls will recover their bodies, and they will thus resume a personal life as before. This view has become an article of faith because the Word has been understood only in its literal sense, as was inevitable before its spiritual sense was disclosed. Another reason was that many people have been induced to believe that the soul is merely the breath a person breathes out, and that spirits, and likewise angels, are gaseous substances.

So long as the nature of souls, spirits and angels was so little understood, it was impossible to imagine the Last Judgment in any other way. But when it comes to be understood that a person exists as a person after death, just as he was in the world - the only difference being that he is then clothed in a spiritual body in place of his former natural body, and the spiritual body is as visible to those who are spiritual as the natural body is to those who are natural - then it comes to be understood that the Last Judgment will not take place in the natural, but in the spiritual world. In that world all human beings who have ever been born and have died are gathered.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 3

3. It is a common opinion in the Christian world, that the whole heaven we see, and the whole earth inhabited by men will perish at the day of the Last Judgment, and that a new heaven and a new earth will exist in their places; that the souls of men will then receive their bodies, and that man will thus again be man as before. This opinion has become a matter of faith, because the Word has not been understood otherwise than according to the sense of its letter; and it could not be understood otherwise, until its spiritual sense was disclosed, also, because by many the belief has been acquired that the soul is only a breath exhaled by man; and that spirits, as well as angels, are of the substance of wind. While there was such a deficiency of understanding concerning souls, and concerning spirits and angels, the Last Judgment could not be thought of in any other manner. But when it comes to be understood, that a man is a man after death, just as he was a man in the world, with the sole difference that then he is clothed with a spiritual body, and not as before with a natural body; and that the spiritual body appears before those who are spiritual, even as the natural body appears before those who are natural, it may then also be understood, that the Last Judgment will not be in the natural, but in the spiritual world; for all the men who were ever born and have died, are together there.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 3 (original Latin 1763)

3. Communis opinio in Christiano orbe est, quod universum caelum quod oculis spectatur, et quod universa terra quae ab hominibus habitatur, die ultimi judicii peritura sint, et quod novum caelum et nova terra loco illorum exstitura; et quod tunc animae hominum recepturae sint sua corpora, et sic homo futurus homo sicut prius. Haec opinio fidei facta est ex eo, quod Verbum non aliter intellectum sit quam secundum sensum litterae ejus; nec aliter potuit intelligi, antequam sensus ejus spiritualis detectus est: tum ex eo, quod a multis inducta sit fides, quod anima sit modo halitus exspiratus ab homine; quodque spiritus sint substantiae venti, similiter angeli. Quamdiu non plus in intellectu de animabus, deque spiritibus et de angelis fuit, non potuit aliter cogitari de ultimo judicio. Sed quando in intellectum venit, quod homo sit homo post mortem, quemadmodum fuit homo in mundo, cum sola differentia quod tunc indutus sit corpore spirituali, et non naturali sicut prius, et quod corpus spirituale coram illis qui spirituales sunt, simile appareat, quemadmodum corpus naturale apparet coram illis qui naturales sunt, tunc etiam in intellectum venire potest, quod ultimum judicium non futurum sit in mundo naturali, sed in mundo spirituali; in hoc mundo enim omnes homines usquam nati et defuncti simul sunt.

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