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《最后的审判(续)》 第31节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 31

31. Then I saw angelic spirits rising from the lower regions in great numbers and being lifted up into heaven. These were the sheep, individuals from previous centuries who had been held there and protected by the Lord so that they would not be overcome by the malignant aura that flowed out from the dragon and so that their caring would not be suffocated by it.

These are the people meant in the Word by the ones who woke up and came out of their graves, by the souls of those who had been killed because of their testimony for Jesus, and by those who were part of the first resurrection.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 31

31. Then I saw a vast number of angelic spirits rising from the depths and being lifted up to heaven. These were the sheep, who had been kept back and guarded by the Lord for centuries past, to prevent them from coming into the malign sphere of influence emanating from the dragon-people and having their charity stifled. These are the people meant in the Word by those who came out of their graves, and by the souls of those slain for bearing witness to Jesus, who awoke from sleep; and by those of the first resurrection.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 31

31. I then saw angelic spirits in great numbers rising from below, and elevated into heaven, who were the sheep, there reserved and guarded by the Lord for ages back, lest they should come into the malignant sphere flowing forth from dragonists, and their charity be suffocated. These are they, who are meant in the Word, by "those who went forth from the sepulchers"; also, by "the souls of those slain for the testimony of Jesus," who were watching; and by those "who are of the first resurrection."

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 31 (original Latin 1763)

31. Vidi tunc angelicos spiritus ex inferis assurgentes in multa copia, et elevatos in caelum, qui fuerunt oves, ibi reservati et custoditi a Domino a saeculis retro, ne venirent in malignam sphaeram a draconicis effluentem, et charitas eorum suffocaretur. Hi sunt qui intelliguntur in Verbo per "exeuntes e sepulcris;" tum per "animas occisorum propter testimonium Jesu," qui evigilarunt; et per illos "qui e resurrectione prima sunt."

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