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《最后的审判(续)》 第32节




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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 32

32. Supplement on the Spiritual World

The Spiritual World

The spiritual world was the topic of the book Heaven and Hell, which offers a description of many of the features of that world; and because we all enter that world after death, it also describes what our state will then be like.

Surely everyone knows that we will go on living after death, because we are born human, created in the image of God [Genesis 1:27], and because the Lord tells us this in his Word. Until now, though, there has been no knowledge of what life will be like for us then. People believe that we will then be souls, but their concept of a soul is that it is something airy or ethereal, which retains some capacity for thought, but has no eyesight, no hearing, and no ability to speak. Yet the fact is that we are still human beings after death—so much so that we do not realize we are not still in the physical world. As we used to in the world, we see, hear, and talk. As we used to in the world, we walk, run, and sit. As we used to in the world, we eat and drink. As we used to in the world, we sleep and wake up. As we used to in the world, we enjoy making love to our spouse. Briefly put, we are still human in every way.

This makes it clear that our death is simply a continuation of our life. Death is just a transition.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 32


The spiritual world was described in a special book called HEAVEN AND HELL; this contains numerous descriptions of that world, and, since everyone after death comes into it, of what his state will be then. Is there anyone who does not know that he is going to live after death, seeing that he was born a human being and created to be an image of God, and that this is the Lord's teaching in His Word? But no one up to now has known what kind of life awaits him.

People have believed that they would then be a soul, and they formed no idea of a soul except as air or ether, having some residual power of thought, but deprived of the sight the eye has, the hearing the ear has, and the speech the mouth has. Yet a person is just as much a person after death, to such a point indeed that he is unaware that he is not still in the former world. He can see, hear and speak as in the former world. He can walk, run and sit as in the former world. He can eat and drink as in the former world. He can sleep and wake up as in the former world. He can enjoy the delights of marriage as in the former world. In short, he is a person down to the last detail. This makes it plain that death is no more than a continuation of life, being merely a passing over.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 32



The spiritual world has been treated of in a special work on Heaven and Hell, in which many particulars of that world are described; and since every man enters that world after death, his state then is also described there. Who does not know that man will live after death, because he is born a man, and created in the image of God, and because the Lord, in His Word, teaches it? But what his future life will be has hitherto been unknown. It has been believed that he would then be a soul, of which no other idea was conceived than as of air or ether, in which some capacity of thought would reside, without such sight as belongs to the eye, without such hearing as belongs to the ear, and without speech such as belongs to the mouth. And yet man is equally a man after death; and such a man that he does not know otherwise than that he is still in the former world; he sees, hears, and speaks as in the former world; he walks, runs, and sits as in the former world; he eats and drinks as in the former world; he sleeps and wakes as in the former world; he enjoys conjugial delight as in the former world; in a word he is a man as to each and all things. From which it is plain, that death is but a continuation of life, and is only transition.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 32 (original Latin 1763)



De Mundo Spirituali actum est in singulari Opere De Caelo et Inferno, in quo descripta sunt plura istius mundi; et quia omnis homo post mortem in illum mundum venit, descriptus etiam ibi est status ejus tunc. Quis non novit, quod homo post mortem victurus sit, quia natus est homo, et creatus ad imaginem Dei, et quia Dominus in Verbo suo id docet? Sed qualis vita ei futura est, hactenus ignotum fuit, Creditum est, quod tunc esset anima, de qua non aliam ideam ceperunt quam sicut de aere aut aethere, in quo cogitativum quid resideret, absque visu qualis est oculi, absque auditu qualis est auris, et absque loquela qualis est oris: cum tamen homo est homo aeque post mortem, et talis homo ut non sciat aliter quam quod adhuc sit in priori mundo; videt, audit, loquitur sicut in priori mundo; ambulat, currit, sedet sicut in priori mundo; edit et bibit sicut in priori mundo; dormit et evigilat sicut in priori mundo; delicio conjugiali fruitur sicut in priori mundo; verbo est homo quoad omnia et singula. Ex quo patet, quod mors sit modo continuatio vitae, et quod sit modo transitus.

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