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《最后的审判(续)》 第34节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 34

34. It is clear that people are still human after death—even though they are not visible to our physical eyes—from the angels seen by Abraham, Gideon, Daniel, and other prophets; from the angels seen at the Lord’s tomb and later from those seen a number of times by John in Revelation; and above all from the Lord himself, who showed the disciples that he was human by being touched and by eating and yet he also vanished from their sight. The reason they could see him was that the eyes of their spirits were opened, and when these are opened we can see things in the spiritual world just as clearly as we see things in this earthly world.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 34

34. It is evident that a person remains a person after death, even though not visible to the eyes, from the angels seen by Abraham, Gideon, Daniel and other prophets; or from the angels seen in the Lord's tomb, and many times after that by John, as described in Revelation; and above all from the Lord Himself, who showed Himself to the disciples to be a man by touch and by eating, yet was able to vanish from the sight of their eyes. The reason why they saw Him was that at that time the eyes of their spirits were opened, and when they are open objects in the spiritual world are as plain to see as those in the natural world.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 34

34. That a man is equally a man after death, although he does not appear before the eyes, may appear from the angels seen by Abraham, Gideon, Daniel, and other prophets; from the angels seen in the Lord's sepulchre, and afterwards, oftentimes, by John in the Apocalypse; especially from the Lord Himself, who showed His disciples that He was a Man, by touch, and by eating, and yet became invisible before their eyes. The reason why they saw Him was, because the eyes of their spirits were then opened; and when these are opened, the things in the spiritual world appear as clearly as the things in the natural world.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 34 (original Latin 1763)

34. Quod homo sit aeque homo post mortem, tametsi non coram oculis apparet, constare potest ex angelis visis Abrahamo, Guideoni, Danieli, et aliis prophetis; ex angelis visis in sepulcro Domini, ac postea multoties Johanni in Apocalypsi; cumprimis ex Ipso Domino, qui quod esset Homo ostendit discipulis per tactum et per esum, et tamen coram oculis illorum inconspicuus factus est. Quod viderint, erat, quia tunc aperti sunt oculi spiritus illorum; et cum hi aperiuntur, apparent illa quae in mundo spirituali sunt, aeque clare sicut illa quae in mundo naturali.

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