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《最后的审判(续)》 第45节


  45、从灵界中的英国人可以发现,他们可以说有两种不同的宗教观:一种基于信仰的教义,一种基于生活的教义。那些被任命为牧师的人专注于信仰的教义,而那些没有被任命为牧师,通常被称为平信徒的人则专注于生活的教义。这种生活的教义明显体现在安息日在教堂向即将领受的人所宣读的祷文中。其中公开声明,他们若不避恶如罪,就是在把自己扔进永恒的诅咒;这时如果他们靠近圣餐,魔鬼就会像进入犹大那样进入他们。我有时与牧师谈论这生活的教义,说该教会与他们的信仰教义并不一致。他们不回答,但却有一些他们不敢说出来的想法。关于这篇祷文或训词,可参看《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》(5, 6, 7节)。

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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 45

45. From people from Britain in the spiritual world I have gathered that they have two different religious perspectives: one is focused on teachings about faith, and the other on teachings about the way to live. Individuals who have been ordained into the priesthood are focused on teachings about faith, while individuals who have not been ordained (commonly known as the laity) are focused on teachings about how to live. This focus on how to live is manifestly present in the prayer read in churches on Sundays to people who are about to take the Holy Supper, in which it is clearly stated that if they are not turning their backs on evil deeds because they are sins, they are casting themselves into eternal damnation, and that if they come to take Holy Communion on any other terms, the Devil will enter into them as he entered into Judas [Luke 22:3; John 13:27].

I have occasionally talked with British clergy about the discrepancy between this teaching of the importance of how we live and the teachings about faith. They gave no response, but were having thoughts that they did not dare express.

You may find this prayer in 5, 6 7 of Teachings about Life for the New Jerusalem.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 45

45. I perceived that those in the spiritual world who are from Britain have two theological systems, one based upon the doctrine of faith, the other on the doctrine of life. Those ordained into the priesthood base themselves on the doctrine of faith, those not so ordained, but generally called laymen, base themselves on the doctrine of life. This doctrine is plainly to be seen in the exhortation read every Sunday in their churches to those attending the Sacrament of the Holy Supper. In this it is openly said that if they do not shun evils as sins they are casting themselves into eternal damnation, and that, if they approach the Holy Communion in any other way, the Devil will enter into them as he did into Judas. I have on occasion talked with priests about the conflict between their doctrine of life and their doctrine of faith, and they had nothing to say in reply, but they did not dare to speak out what they were thinking. You can see that exhortation quoted in (THE DOCTRINE OF LIFE FOR THE NEW JERUSALEM 5-7).

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 45

45. It was perceived from those of the English who are in the spiritual world, that they have as it were a twofold theology, one from the doctrine of faith, and the other from the doctrine of life; from the doctrine of faith for those who are initiated into the priesthood: from the doctrine of life for those who are not initiated into the priesthood, and who are commonly called the laity. This doctrine of life is set forth in the exhortation which is read in the temples on any Sabbath day, to those who go to the Sacrament of the Supper; in which it is openly said that if they do not shun evils as sins, they cast themselves into eternal damnation, and that if they then approach the holy communion the devil will enter into them, as he entered into Judas. I have sometimes spoken with the priests concerning this doctrine of life, that it does not agree with their doctrine of faith. They made no reply, but thought what they did not dare to utter. You may see that exhortation in The Doctrine of Life for the New Jerusalem 5-7.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 45 (original Latin 1763)

45. Ex illis qui ex Anglia in mundo spirituali sunt, perceptum est quod illis sit sicut duplex theologia, una ex doctrina fidei, et altera ex , doctrina vitae; ex doctrina fidei illis qui initiantur in sacerdotium, ex doctrina vitae illis qui non sacerdotio initiati sunt, et vulgo vocantur laici. Haec doctrina exstat in oratione quovis die Sabbathi praelecta in templis coram illis qui Sacramentum Cenae obeunt; in qua aperte dicitur, quod si mala ut peccata non fugiunt, se in damnationem aeternam conjiciant, et quod alioqui, si ad sanctam Communionem accederent, diabolus in illos intraturus sit sicut in Judam. De hac doctrina vitae non concordante cum doctrina fidei eorum, quandoque locutus sum cum sacerdotibus, qui nihil respondebant, sed cogitabant quae non eloqui ausi sunt. Orationem illam videas in Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma (5-7).

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