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《最后的审判(续)》 第44节


  44、有一次,我听见来自英国的一些牧师彼此谈论唯信,还看见他们造了一种雕像来代表唯信。在昏暗的光线下,这雕像看上去就像一头巨兽,尽管在他们眼里像一个英俊男子。但当天堂之光被放进来时,它的上半部分就像一个怪物,下半部分则像一条蛇,与经上所描述的非利士人的偶像大衮(士师记16:23; 撒母耳记上5章)大同小异。一看见这一幕,他们向后退去,一些旁观者把这个雕像扔进一个池塘。

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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 44

44. I once heard some priests from Britain talking to each other about faith alone and saw a kind of statue they had made to represent how they saw faith alone. In the dim light they had, it looked like a huge giant, and to their eyes it had a beautiful human form; but when light from heaven was let in, the upper part looked like a monster and the lower like a serpent, not unlike the description of the Philistines’ idol, Dagon [Judges 16:23; 1 Samuel 5]. When they saw this, they backed away, and some bystanders threw the statue into a pond.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 44

44. I once heard some priests from Britain talking among themselves about faith alone; and I saw an image they had made to represent faith alone. This seen in a dim light looked like a large giant, though to their eyes it looked like a handsome man. But when light was admitted from heaven it appeared in its upper part like a monster, in its lower part like a snake, not very different from the description of Dagon the idol of the Philistines. On seeing this they drew back, and the by-standers threw it into a pool.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 44

44. I once heard presbyters from England conversing together concerning faith alone, and I saw a certain image made by them which represented faith alone. It appeared in obscure light like a great giant, and in their eyes like a beautiful man; but when the light of heaven was let in, the upper part of it appeared like a monster, and the lower like a serpent, not unlike the description which is given of Dagon, the idol of the Philistines. When they saw this they left it, and the bystanders cast it into a stagnant pool.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 44 (original Latin 1763)

44. Quondam audivi presbyteros ex Anglia de sola fide inter se loquentes; et vidi quoddam simulacrum ab illis factum, quod solam fidem repraesentaret. Hoc apparuit in obscuro lumine sicut magnus gigas, et coram oculis illorum sicut homo pulcher; sed cum immissa est lux e caelo, apparuit illud superius sicut monstrum, et inferius sicut serpens, non absimile secundum descriptionem idolo Philisthaeorum Dagoni: quo viso recesserunt, et ab adstantibus conjectum est in stagnum.

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