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《最后的审判(续)》 第50节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 50

50. It is easy to identify the Dutch in the spiritual world because they dress as they did in the earthly world, except that the clothes of the ones who have accepted the spiritual faith and way of life just mentioned are neater and more elegant. The reason they still dress the same is that they remain steadfastly loyal to their religious principles, and in the spiritual world everyone is clothed according to those principles. This is why people in the spiritual world who are devoted to divine truths wear clothes of white linen.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 50

50. The Dutch are easily distinguished from others in the spiritual world, because they are seen to be dressed in much the same way as in the natural world, with the difference that those who have accepted a spiritual faith and way of life have smarter clothes. The reason they wear similar clothes is that they cling so resolutely to their religious principles; and in the spiritual world it is these which determine what everyone wears. So those who possess Divine truths are dressed in white garments and fine linen.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 50

50. The Dutch are easily distinguished from others in the spiritual world, because they appear in like garments as in the natural world, with the difference that those are in more shining ones who have received faith and that spiritual life. They appear in similar garments, because they remain constant in the principles of their religion; and in the spiritual world all are clothed according to their religious principles; whence it is, that they who are in Divine truths, have garments of white and of fine linen.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 50 (original Latin 1763)

50. Hollandi dignoscuntur probe ab aliis in mundo spirituali, quia in similibus vestibus apparent sicut in mundo naturali, cum differentia quod in nitidioribus illi qui receperunt fidem et vitam illam spiritualem. Quod in similibus vestibus appareant, est causa quia in principiis religionis suae constanter manent; et in mundo spirituali omnes vestiuntur secundum illa; quare vestimenta alba et ex bysso sunt illis qui in Divinis veris sunt.

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