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《最后的审判(续)》 第51节




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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 51

51. The cities where the Dutch live are protected in a unique way. All their streets are covered and gated to prevent the Dutch from being seen by anyone on the surrounding cliffs and hills. They structure things in this way because of their deep-seated concern to keep their negotiations confidential and not make their intentions public, since in the spiritual world observers can see your plans just by looking at you.

Curious visitors sometimes come there to find out what life is like in those cities. When they are about to leave the Dutch take them to gateways [at the ends] of their streets that are locked, then take them by other routes to more gateways that are locked, until the visitors become thoroughly frustrated, at which point they are finally released. This is done to ensure that they never come back.

[2] 1Wives who seek to control their husbands live on one side of the city and are allowed to get together [with their husbands] only when the husbands have sent them an invitation, which is done with some formality. Then those couples are taken to homes occupied by married partners, neither of whom is trying to dominate the other. They are shown how well-decorated and clean these homes are and how enjoyable their lives are, and they see that this is because mutual love is part of the couple’s marriage. The wives who are attentive to this, and are moved by it, stop trying to control their husbands and instead share life together with them. These couples are then given homes nearer to the center and are called angels. This is because marriage love is a heavenly love; it has nothing to do with domineering.


1. [NCBS note] The section numbering in the first edition goes from 51 to 53, skipping 52.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 51

51. The towns where the Dutch live are protected in a peculiar manner. All their streets are roofed over, and there are doors to the streets, to prevent them being spied on from the surrounding rocks and hills. This is because of their inborn anxiety to conceal their designs and to keep their intentions to themselves. For in the spiritual world such things are brought to light by looking at them. If anyone comes to them with the idea of investigating their condition, when he wishes to leave, he is brought to closed street-doors and then brought back and taken to several more; and this continues until he is extremely annoyed, when he is finally let out. This is done to prevent him coming back.

1Wives who aim to keep their husbands under their control live at one side of the town, and do not meet their husbands except when they are invited, which invitations are civilly given. Then these wives are taken to houses where married couples live without one dominating the other. They are shown how well furnished and smart their houses are, and how pleasant a life they lead, being told that this is the result of the mutual love of a married couple. The women who pay attention to this and are impressed stop trying to dominate, and they live together. Then they are given a dwelling nearer the centre, and are called angels. The reason is that the love of married couples is a heavenly love, and it is untouched by a desire to dominate.


1. Previous English editions have added here the number 52, which is missing from the numerical sequence in the first edition.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 51

51. The cities in which the Dutch dwell, are guarded in a peculiar manner, all the streets in them are covered, and in the streets are gates, in order that they may not be viewed from the surrounding rocks and hills. This they do from their inherent prudence in concealing their designs, and not divulging their intentions; for these things in the spiritual world are brought forth by inspection. When anyone enters a city with the purpose of exploring their state, when he is about to depart, he is led to the closed gates of the streets, back and forth to many, and this to extreme weariness, and he is then let out; this is done to the end that he may not return. Wives who claim dominion over their husbands, dwell on one side of the city, and only meet them by invitation, given formally; and the husbands then lead them to houses, where married pairs are living, without there being any dominion of the one over the other, and show them how neat and clean their houses are, and how delightful their life is, and that these are the results of mutual and conjugial love. Those who attend to, and are affected with these things, desist from dominion, and they live together, and they then obtain a dwelling nearer to the middle, and are called angels. The reason is, that conjugial love is a celestial love, which is without dominion.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 51 (original Latin 1763)

51. Urbes in quibus Hollandi habitant, sunt singulari modo custoditae; omnes plateae in illis sunt tectae, et ii, plateis sunt portae, propter causam ne spectentur e petris et collibus circum; hoc fit illis propter insitam illis prudentiam occultandi sua consilia, et non divulgandi suas intentiones; nam talia in mundo spirituali per inspectiones protrahuntur. Cum aliquis animo explorandi statum illorum in urbem venit, ille dum exiturus est, ducitur ad portas platearum clausas, et sic reducitur et ducitur ad plures, et hoc usque ad summam molestiam, et tunc emittitur; hoc ob finem ne redeat. Uxores, quae imperium super maritos affectant, habitant ad unum latus urbis, nec saepius conveniunt, quam cum invitantur, quod fit civili modo; et tunc illas etiam deducunt ad domos, ubi conjuges absque imperio unius super alterum vivunt, et ostendunt quam ornatae et mundae illorum domus sunt, et quam jucundum vitae illis est, et quod haec sint ex mutuo et conjugiali amore. Illae, quae ad haec attendunt et afficiuntur, desistunt a dominio, et una vivunt, et tunc nanciscuntur habitationem propius ad medium, et vocantur angeli. Causa est, quia amor conjugialis est amor caelestis, qui est absque imperio.

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