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《最后的审判(续)》 第53节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 53

53. During the days of the Last Judgment I saw many thousands of people from that nation cast out of those cities and out of the surrounding towns and regions, people who in this world had not performed any good action for the sake of its connection with religion or conscience, but had done so solely for the sake of their own reputation, in order to be regarded as honest so that they could make a profit. When people like this lose their concern for their reputation or profit, which happens in the spiritual world, they plunge into all kinds of criminal behavior, robbing everyone they run into when they are in the fields and outside the cities.

I saw them cast down, some into a burning chasm that extended beneath the eastern quarter and others into a dark cave that extended beneath the southern quarter. I witnessed this on January 9, 1757.

The ones who lived by their religion, though, and had a conscience as a result, were allowed to stay.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 53

53. During the days of the Last Judgment I saw many thousands of that nation thrown out of the towns there and the villages and surrounding lands. These were those who in the world had not been led by any religious principles or by conscience to do any good, being only induced to keep up a reputation for honesty because it was to their advantage. For such people, when, as happens in the spiritual world, they stop thinking about reputation and advantage, plunge into every kind of crime, robbing any people they come across, while they are in the fields outside the towns. I saw them thrown into a fiery chasm stretching under the eastern district, and into a gloomy cavern stretching under the southern district. Their expulsion was witnessed on the ninth of January 1757. Those who had religious principles and conscience arising from them were left behind.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 53

53. 1In the days of the Last Judgment, I saw many thousands of that nation cast out of the cities there, and out of the villages and surrounding lands. They were those who when in the world had done nothing of good from any religion or conscience, but only on account of reputation, that they might appear sincere for the sake of gain; for such when the prospect of fame and gain is taken away, as is the case in the spiritual world, then rush into every abomination; and when they are in the fields, and outside the cities, they rob every one they encounter. I saw them cast into a fiery gulf stretching under the eastern tract, and into a dark cavern stretching under the southern tract. This casting out I saw on the 9th day of January, 1757. Those only were left, among whom there was religion, and a conscience from religion.


1. There is no section 52 in the original Latin.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 53 (original Latin 1763)

53. Diebus ultimi judicii vidi ex urbibus ibi, et ex villis et terris circum, ex illa natione ejectos ad plura millia, qui in mundo nihil boni fecerunt ex aliqua religione seu conscientia, sed solum propter famam ut sinceri apparerent lucri causa; tales enim, cum intuitio famae et lucri aufertur, quod fit in mundo spirituali, tunc ruunt in omne nefas, spoliando obvios quoscunque offendunt, dum in campis et extra urbes sunt. Illos conjectos vidi in voraginem igneam tendentem sub tractum orientalem, et in cavernam tenebrosam tendentem sub tractum meridionalem. Haec ejectio visa est anno 1757, die 9 Jan. Remanentibus illis apud quos erat religio, et ex religione conscientia.

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