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《最后的审判(续)》 第54节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 54

54. I have spoken with Calvin, but only once. He was in a community of heaven that can be seen toward the front, above the head. He said that he did not agree with Luther and Melanchthon about faith alone, because so often the Word speaks of works and commands us to act, and therefore faith and works are to be united. I heard from a governor of that community that Calvin was welcome there because he was honest and caused no trouble.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 54

54. I had a conversation, but only once, with Calvin. 1He was in a community of heaven which appears in front above head level. He said that he had not agreed with Luther and Melanchthon about the doctrine of faith alone, since works are so often mentioned in the Word and are ordered to be done, so that faith and works must be linked. I heard from one of its governors that Calvin is accepted in his community because he is upright and does not cause disturbances.


1. Calvin (1509-64) another leading Reformer, born in France but lived mainly in Switzerland.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 54

54. I have spoken, but only once, with Calvin; he was in a society of heaven, which appears in front, above the head; and he said that he did not agree with Luther and Melancthon about faith alone, because works are so often named in the Word, and the doing of them commanded, and that therefore, faith and works ought to be conjoined. I heard from one of the governors of that society, that Calvin was accepted in his society, because he was upright and made no disturbance.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 54 (original Latin 1763)

54. Locutus sum, sed modo semel, cum Calvino. Erat in societate caeli quae spectatur antrorsum supra caput; et dixit quod non consenserit cum Luthero et Melanchthone de sola fide, quoniam in Verbo toties nominantur opera, et mandatur facere, et quod ideo fides et opera conjungenda sint. Quod Calvinus in sua societate acceptus sit, quia probus et non turbas facit, audivi ex uno moderatore istius societatis.

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