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《最后的审判(续)》 第69节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 69

69. Since our religion is absolutely central to our nature and everything else about us derives from that center, and since Muslims think of Muhammad whenever they think of their religion, there is always a Muhammad set visibly before Muslims in the spiritual world; and in order to turn their faces toward the east, above which is the Lord, he is placed next to the central Christian region.

This is not, however, Muhammad himself, the writer of the Qur’an, but someone else who plays that role. It is not always the same individual either; it changes. At one time it was a man originally from Saxony who had become a Muslim after being taken captive by some Algerians. Because he had originally been a Christian, he was persuaded to talk to them about the Lord, saying that Jesus was not the son of Joseph, as they had believed in the world, but the son of God himself; he instilled in them a concept of the oneness of the Lord with the Father both in person and in essence.

This Muhammad was followed by others who were persuaded to say similar things, with the result that many Muslims have gained a belief concerning the Lord that could be called truly Christian. These Muslims are brought to a community nearer to the east where they are granted communication with heaven, and eventually are raised into heaven itself.

In the place where this Muhammad is to be found, the fire of a burning torch appears as a sign so that people will know where he is; but this fire is visible only to Muslims.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 69

69. Since religion makes up the inmost part of a person, and the rest of him derives from the inmost, and since Mohammed is associated in their minds with religion, there is always a Mohammed set up for them to see. He is placed in the Christian heartland, but underneath, so that they should face the east, above which the Lord is. He is not the real Mohammed who wrote the Koran, but another who acts for him; nor is it always the same one, but he changes. At one time it was a man from Saxony who was captured by Algerians and became a Mohammedan. Since he had also been a Christian, he was impelled to talk in their presence about the Lord, telling them that He was not, as they had believed in the world, the son of Joseph, but the Son of God Himself. By this means he put into their minds the idea that in person and essence the Lord was one with the Father. This Mohammed was followed by others, who were impelled to speak in much the same way. As a result many of them come to accept a truly Christian belief about the Lord. Those who do are taken to a community nearer to the east, where there is contact with heaven; and later on they are raised up to heaven. In the place where this Mohammed lives, a fire like that of a torch is to be seen as a mark by which he is recognised. But this fire is invisible to all but Mohammedans.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 69

69. Since religion makes man's inmost, and all the rest proceeds from the inmost, and since Mohammed is closely connected with their religion, therefore some Mohammed is always placed in their sight; and in order that they may turn their faces to the east, above which the Lord is, he is placed beneath in the Christian center. It is not the Mohammed himself who wrote the Koran, but another who fills his office; nor is it always the same, but he is changed. Once it was one from Saxony, who had been taken by the Algerians, and became a Mohammedan; and who, having been also a Christian, was actuated to speak to them concerning the Lord, that He was not the Son of Joseph, as they believed in the world, but the Son of God Himself, by which he insinuated into them an idea of the unity of the Lord's Person and Essence with the Father. To this Mohammed, others afterwards succeeded, who were actuated to declare the same. By this means, many of them accede to a truly Christian faith concerning the Lord, and they who do so accede, are carried to a society nearer to the east, where communication is granted them from heaven, into which they are afterwards elevated. In the place where the seat of that Mohammed is, there appears a fire like a torch, that he may be known, but it is invisible to all but Mohammedans.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 69 (original Latin 1763)

69. Quoniam religio facit intimum hominis, et ex intimo sunt reliqua ejus, et quoniam Mahumedes versatur in animis illorum una cum religione, ideo semper aliquis Mahumedes in conspectu illorum ponitur; ac ut vertant facies suas ad orientem, super quo est Dominus, ponitur ille in meditullio christiano infra. Non est ipse Mahumedes qui Alcoranum scripsit, sed alius qui munere illo fungitur; nec est idem semper, sed mutatur. Quondam fuit unus ex Saxonia, qui captus ab Algiriensibus factus est Mahumedanus: is quia Christianus etiam fuerat, actus est ad loquendum coram illis de Domino, quod non fuerit filius Josephi, ut crediderunt in mundo, sed Filius Ipsius Dei, per quod insinuavit eis ideam de unitate Personae et Essentiae Domini cum Patre. Isti Mahumedi successerunt postea alii, qui acti sunt ad similia loquendum. Inde multi ex illis ad vere Christianam fidem de Domino accedunt; et qui accedunt, feruntur ad societatem propiorem orienti, ubi datur communicatio cum caelo, in quod etiam postea elevantur. In loco ubi Mahumedes ille sedem habet, apparet ignis sicut faculae, ut noscatur; sed ille ignis non conspicuus est nisi quam Mahumedanis.

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