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《最后的审判(续)》 第70节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 70

70. The real Muhammad, the writer of the Qur’an, is not seen in public these days. I was told that in the beginning he was the leader of the Muslims in the spiritual world, but because he wanted to control all aspects of their religious life as if he himself were God, he was removed from where he was living, which was next to the Catholic region, and was sent down to the right near the southern quarter.

At one point malevolent individuals persuaded several Muslim communities to acknowledge Muhammad as God. To quell this uprising, Muhammad himself was brought up from the lower regions and shown to them. I, too, saw him at that time. He looked like those body-oriented spirits who have no deeper perception, with a face that was almost black. I heard him say only these words: “I am your Muhammad.” Shortly afterward he appeared to sink back down and return to his place.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 70

70. The real Mohammed who wrote the Koran is not to be seen at the present time. I was told that in the earliest times he was set over them but because he wanted to control the whole of their religion as if he were God, he was thrown out of the residence he had below the Roman Catholics and sent down to the right near the south. On one occasion some communities of Mohammedans were stirred up by malicious spirits to acknowledge Mohammed as God. In order to quell this revolt Mohammed was brought up from the depths and displayed to them; and I too was then able to see him. He looked like the corporeal spirits who lack any interior power of perception, his face dark and almost black. I heard him say only these words 'I am your Mohammed', and shortly afterward he seemed to sink down and return to his place.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 70

70. Mohammed himself, who wrote the Koran, is not to be seen at the present day. I was told, that in early times he presided over the Mohammedans, but because he wished to domineer over all things of their religion as a God, he was cast out of his seat which he held beneath the Papists, and was sent downwards, to the right side near the south. Once some societies of Mohammedans were excited by the malicious to acknowledge Mohammed as God. To quell the sedition, Mohammed was raised up from below and shown to them, and then I also saw him. He appeared like corporeal spirits, who have no interior perception, his face approaching to black; and I heard him saying these words only, "I am your Mohammed;" and soon sinking down, as it were, he returned to his place.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 70 (original Latin 1763)

70. Ipse Mahumedes, qui scripsit Alcoranum, non in conspectum hodie venit. Dictum mihi est quod primis temporibus praefuerit illis, sed quia voluit dominari super omnia religionis illorum ut Deus, quod e sede sua, quam sub Pontificiis habuit, ejectus sit, et ad latus dextrum juxta meridiem demissus. Quondam aliquae societates ex Mahumedanis excitatae sunt ex malitiosis ad agnoscendum Mahumedem pro Deo: ut seditio sedaretur, sublatus est Mahumedes ab inferis, ac ostensus, et tunc quoque mihi visus est; apparuit similis spiritibus corporeis, quibus nulla perceptio interior est, facie ad nigrum vergente; et audivi illum loquentem haec verba solum, "Ego sum Mahumedes vester:" et mox quasi subsidens in locum suum rediit.

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