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《最后的审判(续)》 第7节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 7

7. You can conclude from what has been said so far that the Last Judgment cannot take place in the physical world but can take place in the spiritual world. You can also see that the Last Judgment did in fact happen in that world, from the eyewitness accounts in the earlier booklet Last Judgment (4572) and also from the eyewitness accounts of the judgment on Protestants, which follow below [1431].

Anyone who gives it careful consideration might also be able to tell that this has happened from the fact that new information about heaven, the Word, and the church is now being revealed. Who could make all this up out of nothing?

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 7

7. From what has been said so far it can be established that the Last Judgment cannot take place in the natural world, but must be in the spiritual world. It has in fact already taken place there, as can be seen from the reports of events witnessed given in my earlier small book on THE LAST JUDGMENT (45-72), and further evidence will be presented in the following accounts of the judgment on the Reformed. Any attentive reader can see that from the new facts now revealed about heaven, the Word and the church. No one could possibly invent them for himself.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 7

7. From what has been said already, it may appear that the Last Judgment cannot exist in the natural world, but in the spiritual world. That it also has existed there, may be seen from the things related of it from sight, in the former small work on The Last Judgment (The Last Judgment 45-72), and still further from the particulars about to be related from sight, of the Last Judgment upon the Reformed. He who attends may also see it from the new things which are now revealed concerning heaven, the Word, and the church. What man can draw such things from himself?

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 7 (original Latin 1763)

7. Ex his quae hactenus dicta sunt, constare potest, quod ultimum judicium non in mundo naturali, sed in mundo spirituali existere possit. Quod etiam in illo mundo exstiterit, videri potest ex illis quae in priori opusculo De Ultimo Judicio (45-72), ex visis memorata sunt; ac ulterius ex sequentibus, quae de judicio super Reformatos ex visis memoranda sunt. Ille qui attendit, id quoque videre potest ex novis, quae de caelo, de Verbo, et de ecclesia nunc revelantur. Quis homo potest talia sumere a se?

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