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《最后的审判》 第31节



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The Last Judgment (New Century Edition 2020) 31

31. The physical life in us counts for nothing. It is the spiritual life that lies within our physical life that counts, since in its own right our earthly self is devoid of life; the life it seems to have comes from the life in our spiritual self. So it is our spiritual self that is judged. In fact, when the Word speaks of our being judged according to our actions, it means that it is the spiritual self [behind our actions that is judged]. See the chapter in Heaven and Hell titled “Our Nature after Death Depends on the Kind of Life We Led in the World” (470-484).

Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1992) 31

31. A person's natural life counts for nothing, but it is his spiritual life in the natural life which does, since the natural is by itself lifeless. The life it appears to have comes from the life of the spiritual man. It is this which is judged, and it is a person's spiritual element which is meant by 'being judged according to one's deeds'. On all this see HEAVEN AND HELL, in the chapter entitled 'A person's nature after death is determined by his life in the world' (470-484).

Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1892) 31

31. That the natural life in man effects nothing, but his spiritual life in the natural, since what is natural of itself is void of life; and that the life which appears in it, is from the life of the spiritual man, thus that this is what is judged; and moreover that being "judged according to deeds," means that man's spiritual is judged, may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell, in the article headed, That Man after Death is such as his Life in the World was (470-484).

De Ultimo Judicio 31 (original Latin 1758)

31. Quod vita naturalis apud hominem nihil faciat, sed vita ejus spiritualis in naturali, quoniam naturale ex se est expers vitae, et quod vita apparens in illo sit ex vita spiritualis hominis, ita quod hic sit qui judicatur, et quod etiam spirituale hominis intelligatur per "judicari secundum facta," videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno, et ibi in articulo inscripto, Quod Homo sit post Mortem qualis ejus Vita fuit in Mundo (470-484).

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