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《最后的审判(续)》 第71节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 71

71. As for their religion, this kind of belief was allowed because it suits the viewpoint of those in the Middle East. That is why it has been accepted in so many nations—this and the fact that in it the rules given in the Ten Commandments are made matters of religious practice, and there is material from the Word in it as well. In particular, the Lord is recognized as the Son of God and as the wisest of all. Islam also eliminated the idolatrous practices of many nations.

The reason an inward religion was not opened to them by Muhammad was their polygamy, which causes an unclean atmosphere to blow toward heaven. This is because the marriage of one husband and one wife corresponds to the marriage of the Lord and the church.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 71

71. As regards their religious beliefs, these have been permitted to be as they are because they suit the oriental character, so that they are accepted in so many kingdoms; and also because the Ten Commandments are made a part of their religious system, and it contains something drawn from the Word; but chiefly because in it the Lord is recognised as the Son of God and the wisest of all. It has also served to banish the idolatrous practices of many nations. The reason no inward religion was opened to them through Mohammed was their practice of polygamy which emits a stink towards heaven. For the marriage of a husband with one wife corresponds to the marriage of the Lord and the church.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 71

71. As regards their religion, it was permitted such as it is, because of its agreement with the genius of the Orientals, on which account, too, it was received in so many kingdoms; and because, at the same time, it made the precepts of the Decalogue a matter of religion, and it had something from the Word, and especially because it acknowledged the Lord as the Son of God, and the wisest of all. And besides it dissipated the idolatries of many nations. The reason why Mohammed was not made the means of opening to his followers a more interior religion, was on account of polygamy, which exhales uncleanness towards heaven; for the marriage of a husband with one wife, corresponds to the marriage of the Lord and the Church.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 71 (original Latin 1763)

71. Quod religionem illorum attinet; haec talis permissa est quia conveniens genio orientalium, quare etiam in tot regnis recepta est; et quia in illa 1praecepta decalogi simul religionis facta sunt; et aliquid ex Verbo etiam in illa 1erat: et imprimis quia Dominus pro Filio Dei, et Sapientissimo omnium agnitus est. Per illam quoque idololatrica multarum gentium dissipata sunt. Quod non interior religio illis per Mahumedem aperta sit, fuit propter polygamiam, quae immundum versus caelum exhalat; conjugium enim mariti cum una uxore correspondet conjugio Domini et Ecclesiae.


1. [NCBSP: Hae notae in hac editione verba non habent. 'Illa' emendatio alius formae probabiliter est.]

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