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《最后的审判(续)》 第74节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 74

74. All the people who acknowledge and worship one God as creator of the universe have a concept of God as a human being. They assert that no one can have any other mental image of God than this. When they hear that many actually think of God as a little cloud, they ask where these people are; and when they are told that they are among the Christians, they say that this cannot be. They are given the reply, though, that these people get this idea from the fact that God is called a spirit in the Word [John 4:24], and they think of a spirit only as a little wisp of cloud, not realizing that every spirit and every angel is a human being. Such people were examined to find out whether the spiritual concept they have now was like the earthly one they used to have, and it turned out that those who inwardly recognize the Lord as the God of heaven and earth have a different spiritual concept than they used to.

I heard a particular Christian elder stating that no one could have a concept of a divine-human being. I saw him taken to various people of other religions, going in sequence to people of greater and greater depth; these people took him to their heavens, and eventually to a Christian heaven. At every step, how they inwardly perceived God was communicated to him; he realized that they all conceived of God as a human being, which is the same as having a concept of a divine-human being.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 74

74. All who acknowledge one God as Creator of the universe, and worship him, entertain the idea of God as a human being, saying that no one can have any other idea of God. When they hear that many people have an idea of God as being a kind of small cloud, they ask where such people are to be found. On being told that they are among the Christians, they declare that this is impossible. But they receive the reply that these people have formed such an idea because God is called in the Word a Spirit, and they cannot think of spirit as anything but a wisp of cloud, being unaware that every spirit and every angel is a human being. They were further tested to see whether their spiritual idea resembled their natural one, and it was discovered that it is not similar in the case of those who inwardly acknowledge the Lord as the God of heaven and earth. I heard a certain Christian priest say that no one can have any idea of a Divine Human. I saw him being taken to visit various groups of heathens, proceeding successively to those further and further in, and from there to their heavens, and finally to the Christian heaven. Everywhere he was allowed to share their inward perception of God, and he observed that they had no other idea of God than as a human being, and this is the same as the idea of a Divine Human.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 74

74. All who acknowledge and worship one God, the Creator of the universe, have concerning Him the idea of Man: they say, that concerning God, no one can have any other idea. When they hear that many cherish the idea of Him as of a small cloud, they inquire where they are, and on being told that they are among Christians, they deny the possibility of it. But it is replied, that Christians have this idea, because God in the Word is called Spirit, and of a spirit, they are accustomed to think that it is like a particle of cloud, not knowing that every spirit and every angel is a man. Yet when they were explored, to discover whether their spiritual and natural ideas were alike, it was found that they were not alike with those who interiorly acknowledge the Lord as the God of heaven and earth. I heard a certain presbyter of the Christians saying, that no one can have an idea of the Divine Human; and I saw him led about to various Gentiles, in succession to those who were more and more interior, and from them to their heavens, and at length to the Christian heaven, and the interior perception of all concerning God was communicated to him, and he perceived that their idea of God was no other than the idea of Man, which is the same as the idea of the Divine Human.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 74 (original Latin 1763)

74. Omnes qui unum Deum Creatorem universi agnoscunt et colunt, ideam Hominis de Deo habent; dicunt quod nemo aliam de Deo possit habere. Cum audiunt quod plures de Deo foveant ideam sicut nubeculae, quaerunt ubinam illi sunt, et cum dicitur quod sint inter Christianos, negant quod dabile sit; sed respondetur, quod sit illis talis idea ex eo, quod Deus in Verbo dicatur Spiritus, et de spiritu non aliter cogitant quam sicut de particula nubis, non scientes quod omnis spiritus et omnis angelus sit homo: at usque exploratum est, num spiritualis illorum idea sit similis ideae illorum naturali, et compertum est quod non similis sit apud illos qui Dominum pro Deo caeli et terrae interius agnoscunt. Audivi quendam presbyterum ex Christianis dicentem, quod nemo possit habere ideam Divini Humani; et vidi illum translatum ad varias Gentes successive ad interiores et interiores, et ab illis ad caelos eorum, et tandem ad caelum Christianum, et ubivis data est communicatio perceptionis interioris eorum de Deo; et animadvertit quod non alia illis idea Dei esset quam idea Hominis, quae eadem est cum idea Divini Humani.

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