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《最后的审判(续)》 第75节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 75

75. There are many communities of people of other religions, especially Africans, who, when they have been taught about the Lord through angels, say that it makes perfect sense that God, the creator of the universe, became visible in the material world. After all, he created us and loves us; and how else could he become visible to our eyesight except in human form? When they are told that he did not become momentarily visible the way angels do but was instead born as a human and became visible in this way, they pause for a moment and ask whether he was born of a human father. When they hear that he was conceived by the God of the universe and born of a virgin, they say that this means he has a divine essence, and that because this essence is infinite and is life itself, he was not the same kind of human as others are. Angels then tell them that he looked just like other people do, but that when he was in the world his divine essence, which is intrinsically infinite and is life itself, cast out the finite nature and life he had received from his mother. In this way he took his human nature, which had been conceived and born in the world, and made it divine.

Since Africans think more spiritually within themselves than others do, they understood and accepted this.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 75

75. There are many communities of heathens, especially Africans, who, on being taught by angels about the Lord, say that it was inevitable that God the Creator of the universe should have appeared in the world, because He created and loves them; and that this appearance to the sight of the eye could only have been in human form. When they are told that He did not appear as angels usually do, but that He was born as a man and was seen as such, they hesitate a little and ask whether he had a human father. On hearing that He was conceived by the God of the universe and born of a virgin, they say that this means He had a Divine essence; and because this is infinite and life itself, He was not a man like other men. Later they are informed by angels that He looked like any other man; but when He was in the world, His Divine essence, which is in itself infinite and life itself, threw off His finite nature and the life He had from His mother and thus made Divine His Human, which was conceived and born in the world. The Africans, because their inward thinking is more spiritual than that of others, understood this and accepted it.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 75

75. There are many societies of Gentiles, especially from the Africans, who, on being instructed by the angels concerning the Lord, say that it cannot be otherwise than that God the Creator of the universe should appear in the world, because He created them and loves them; and that the appearance must be made before the very eyes in the Human form. When they are told, that He did not appear as the angels are wont to appear, but that He was born Man, and thus became visible, they hesitate awhile, and inquire whether He was born from a human father; and on hearing that He was conceived by the God of the universe, and born of a virgin, they say that thus He has the Divine essence itself, which because it is infinite and life itself, He was not such a man as others are. They are afterwards informed by the angels, that in aspect He was like another man, but that when He was in the world, His Divine essence, which in itself is infinite and life itself, rejected the finite nature and its life from the mother, and thus made His Human, which was conceived and born in the world, Divine. The Africans comprehended and received these things, because they think more interiorly and spiritually than others.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 75 (original Latin 1763)

75. Plures societates Gentium sunt, imprimis ex Africanis, qui dum instructi sunt per angelos de Domino, dicunt quod non aliter possit esse, quam quod Deus Creator universi apparuerit in mundo, quia creavit illos, et amat illos; et quod apparitio non potuerit fieri quam usque ad visum ocularem in Humana forma. Cum illis dicitur, quod non apparuerit sicut solent angeli, sed quod natus sit Homo, et sic visus, haesitant aliquantum, et inquirunt num natus sit a patre homine; et cum audiunt quod conceptus sit a Deo universi et natus a virgine, dicunt quod sic Ipsi Divina Essentia sit, quae quia infinita et ipsa Vita est, non talis homo fuerit sicut alii. Informantur postea ab angelis, quod homo fuerit in conspectu sicut alius; sed quod cum in mundo fuit, Essentia Ipsius Divina, quae in se infinita et ipsa Vita est, rejecerit naturam finitam et hujus vitam a matre, et sic Humanum suum in mundo conceptum et natum, Divinum fecerit. Haec Africani, quia interius spiritualiter prae reliquis cogitant, comprehenderunt et receperunt.

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