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《最后的审判(续)》 第81节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 81

81. In the spiritual world Jews trade in various commodities, just as they do in this world—especially in precious stones, which they get by clandestine routes from heaven, where precious stones are plentiful.

The reason why they deal in precious stones is that they read the Word in its original language and hold its literal meaning to be holy; and precious stones correspond to the literal meaning of the Word (on this correspondence, see Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Sacred Scripture 4245). They sell them to people of other religions who live near them in the northern region.

They also possess the skill to manufacture similar stones and create the illusion that they are genuine, but individuals who do this are severely punished by the governors.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 81

81. In that world as in the previous one the Jews are merchants dealing in various goods, especially precious stones which they acquire by ways unknown to me from heaven, where they are plentiful. The reason they trade in precious stones is that they read the Word in its original language, and regard its literal sense as holy; precious stones correspond to the literal sense of the Word. (For this correspondence see THE TEACHING OF THE NEW JERUSALEM ABOUT THE SACRED SCRIPTURE 42-45). They sell them to the heathen who live around them in the northern quarter. They are even able to fake imitations and make people imagine they are real; but those who do so are severely punished by their rulers.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 81

81. In that world, as in the former, they traffic in various things, especially in precious stones, which, by unknown ways, they procure for themselves from heaven, where there are precious stones in abundance. The reason of their trading in precious stones is, that they read the Word in its original language, and regard the sense of its letter as holy, and precious stones correspond to the sense of the letter of the Word. On the subject of this correspondence, see The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Concerning the Sacred Scripture 42-45). They sell their precious stones to the Gentiles who encircle them in the northern quarter. They also have the art of producing imitations, and of inducing the fancy that they are genuine; but they who do so are heavily fined by their governors.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 81 (original Latin 1763)

81. Negotiantur in illo mundo sicut in priori cum variis, imprimis cum lapidibus pretiosis, quos sibi per vias incognitas comparant e caelo, ubi lapides pretiosi in copia sunt. Quod negotiatio illis cum lapidibus pretiosis sit est quia Verbum in sua originali lingua legunt, et sensum litterae ejus sanctum habent, ac lapides pretiosi sensui litterae Verbi correspondent; de qua correspondentia videatur in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra (42-45). Vendunt illos gentilibus, qui circum illos in plaga septentrionali sunt. Possunt etiam arte parare similes, ac phantasiam inducere quod genuini sint; sed hi a suis praefectis severe mulctantur.

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