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《最后的审判(续)》 第80节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 80

80. From time to time an angel with a rod in his hand appears in midair above them. He leads them to believe that he is Moses. He urges them to give up the folly of waiting for a messiah there, since Christ, who is ruling over them and over everyone, is the Messiah. He tells them that he himself knows this now, and that even when he was living in the world he knew something about Christ. After hearing this they go their way; most of them forget it but a few retain it. The ones who retain it are sent to synagogues of converted Jews, and are taught. The ones who accept this teaching are given new clothes instead of the ragged ones they had been wearing. They are also given a beautifully written copy of the Word and a nicer home in the city.

The ones who do not accept what they are taught are cast down into hells underneath that large region of theirs, many into forests and deserts, where they keep robbing each other.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 80

80. There is sometimes seen by the Jews an angel at a moderate height above them with a rod in his hand, who gives them to understand he is Moses. He begs them to abandon the folly of waiting for the Messiah even there, since the Messiah is Christ, their ruler and everyone's. He says that he knows this and knew something about Him when he was in the world. On hearing this they depart; the majority forget it, and only a few remember. Those who do remember are sent to synagogues run by converted Jews, where they are instructed. Those of them who accept instruction are given new clothes to replace the rags they had before, and a neatly written copy of the Word. They are given a not ill-favoured home in the city. Those, however, who do not accept it are cast down into the hells below that wide region of theirs, many into forests and deserts, where they prey on one another.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 80

80. An angel sometimes appears to them in a middle altitude above them, with a rod in his hand, and gives them to believe that he is Moses, and exhorts them to desist from the madness of expecting the Messiah even there, because Christ, who governs them and all other men, is the Messiah: he says, that he knows it to be so, and also, that when he was in the world, he knew something concerning Him. On hearing this, they retire; the chief part of them forgetting, and only a few retaining it. They who do retain it are sent to synagogues, which are composed of the converted, and are there instructed; and if they receive instruction, they have new garments given them in place of their old tattered ones, and are presented with the Word neatly written, and with a dwelling in a not unsightly city. But they who do not receive, are cast down into the hells, beneath their great tract; many also are cast into forests and into deserts, where they commit robberies among themselves.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 80 (original Latin 1763)

80. Apparet illis aliquoties angelus supra, in media altitudine, cum baculo in manu; et dat credere quod sit Moses, ac hortatur ut desistant a vesania de exspectatione Messiae etiam ibi, quia Messias est Christus, qui illos et omnes regit; et quod ipse id sciat, et quoque aliquid de Ipso sciverit cum in mundo fuit: quibus auditis recedunt; et maxima pars obliviscuntur, et pauci retinent; et qui retinent, mittuntur ad synagogas, quae sunt ex conversis, ac instruuntur; et illis qui instructi recipiunt, dantur novae vestes pro laceris, in quibus prius fuerunt, et datur Verbum nitide scriptum, tum habitatio in urbe non indecora. Illi autem qui non recipiunt, dejiciuntur in inferna sub magno illorum tractu, et multi in silvas et in deserta, ubi agunt inter se latrocinia.

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