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《最后的审判(续)》 第83节




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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 83

83. Quakers in the Spiritual World

There are fanatical spirits who are convinced they are divinely inspired. They are kept apart from all others and are so thickheaded that they believe they are the Holy Spirit. When Quakerism was just beginning, these spirits were drawn forth from the surrounding forests where they had been wandering. They infested many individuals [on earth], filling them with the conviction that they were being impelled by the Holy Spirit. And because those who were infested felt an inflow physically, this conviction took possession of them all to such an extent that they believed they were holier and more enlightened than other people. As a result, they could not be induced to give up their [new] religion.

People who have completely convinced themselves of this come after death into the same kind of fanaticism. They are separated from others and sent away to kindred spirits in the forests, where from a distance they look like wild boars. People who have convinced themselves less completely are first separated from others and then sent to a similar place in a wilderness in the far south, where caves serve as their places of worship.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 83


There are some spirits of the Enthusiast type who are kept apart from all others; they are of such gross insensitivity 1that they believe they are the Holy Spirit. When the Quaker movement began, these were brought out of the surrounding forests where they wandered, and they battened on many people, inducing the belief that they were impelled by the Holy Spirit. Because they could sensibly feel the influence acting on them, that religious persuasion totally engrossed them, so that they believed themselves to be extraordinarily enlightened and holy. For this reason it was impossible to wean them from their beliefs. Those who have become convinced of them experience a similar state of enthusiasm after death; they are separated from others and banished to join their fellows in the forests, where seen from a distance they look like wild boars. Those who have not become convinced of these ideas are separated from the others and sent away to a desert-like district on the outer fringe of the southern quarter, where caves serve them as meeting places.


1. Literally 'of such a fat nose'. The phrase goes back ultimately to the Roman poet Horace (Epodes 12, 3). Enthusiasts were those who believed they were personally inspired.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 83


There are enthusiastic spirits, separated from all others, of such gross perception, that they believe themselves to be the Holy Spirit. When Quakerism commenced, these spirits, being drawn out as it were from encircling forests where they were wandering, obsessed many; infusing the persuasion that they were moved by the Holy Spirit; and because they perceived the influx sensibly, they became so completely filled with this kind of religious persuasion, that they believed themselves more enlightened and holier than the rest; therefore also they could not be withdrawn from their religious persuasion. They who have confirmed themselves therein, come into a similar enthusiasm after death, and are separated from the rest, and sent away to their like in forests, where, at a distance, they appear like wild swine. But they who have not confirmed themselves, being separated from the others, are remanded to a place like a desert, in the extreme borders of the southern quarter, where they have caves for their temples.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 83 (original Latin 1763)


Sunt enthusiastici spiritus, separati ab omnibus aliis, tam obesae naris, ut credant se Spiritum Sanctum esse. Hi, cum Quaquerianismus incepit, sicut extracti sunt e silvis circumcirca ubi errarunt, ac obsederunt 1plures, et infuderunt persuasionem quod a Spiritu Sancto agerentur; et quia sensu perceperunt influxum, religiosum istud ita occupavit illos totos, ut crederent se prae reliquis illustratos et sanctos; quare etiam a religioso suo non abduci potuerunt. Illi qui se confirmaverunt in illo, in similem enthusiasmum veniunt post mortem, ac separantur a reliquis, et ablegantur in silvas ad similes, ubi e longinquo apparent sicut sues silvestres. Illi autem qui se non confirmaverunt, separati ab aliis amandantur in locum similem deserto, qui est in ultimis plagae meridionalis, ubi speluncae sunt templa eorum.


"1. obsederunt pro ""obsiderunt"""

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