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《最后的审判(续)》 第84节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 84

84. After the fanatical spirits just mentioned have been distanced from them and the infestation of quaking that had taken over their bodies has ceased, they then just feel a motion on their left side.

I have been shown that from very early on, Quakers started straying more and more into evil practices, and eventually into heinous acts, under the command of their “holy spirit”—practices they keep secret from everyone. I have talked, though, with the founder of their religion and with Penn, both of whom said that they had had no part in anything like that.

After they die, individuals who have perpetrated such acts are sent away to a place of darkness and they sit in the corners there, looking like the dregs in a bottle of oil.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 84

84. After the first group of enthusiastic spirits were taken away, the trembling coming from them which gripped the bodies of the rest ceased, and they then felt a movement towards the left. It was demonstrated that from their first beginnings they successively turned to worse and worse actions, and finally to crimes, at the bidding of their 'holy spirit'; these they reveal to none. I spoke with the founder of their religious system, and with Penn; 1they said they had nothing to do with such practices. Those who have committed such crimes are after death sent down to a dark place, where they sit in corners looking like dregs.


1. William Penn (1644-1718), the founder of Pennsylvania.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 84

84. After the former enthusiastic spirits were removed from them, the trembling which from these spirits had seized their bodies ceased, and they now feel a motion in their left side. It was shown, that from the first time they have gone successively into worse things, and at length, by command of their holy spirit, into heinous things, which they divulge to no one. I conversed with the founder of their religious persuasion, and with Penn, who said that they had no part in such things. But they who have perpetrated such things, are sent down after death into a dark place, where they sit in corners, appearing like the dregs of oil.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 84 (original Latin 1763)

84. Postquam priores spiritus enthusiastici ab illis remoti sunt, tremor qui ab illis invasit corpus illorum, cessavit, et nunc motionem ad sinistrum sentiunt. Ostensum est, quod a primo tempore successive abiverint in pejora et tandem in nefaria ex mandato spiritus sancti illorum, quae nulli propalant. Locutus sum cum Instauratore religiosi illorum, et cum Penn, qui dixerunt quod in talibus nullam partem habeant. Sed illi qui talia patrarunt, post mortem demittuntur in locum tenebricosum, et sedent in angulis, apparentes sicut amurcae.

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