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《圣爱与圣智》 第10节



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Divine Love and Wisdom #10 (Dole (2003))

10. I have stated that in the spiritual world, just as in this physical world, we can see space and therefore distances as well, but that they are appearances, dependent on spiritual likenesses of love and wisdom, or of what is good and true. This is why even though the Lord is with angels everywhere in heaven, he still appears high overhead, looking like a sun. Further, since it is the acceptance of love and wisdom that causes likeness to him, if angels have a closer resemblance because of their acceptance, their heavens appear to be closer to the Lord than those of the angels whose resemblance is more remote. This is also why the heavens (there are three of them) are marked off from each other, as are the communities of each heaven. It is also why the hells underneath them are farther away in proportion to their rejection of love and wisdom.

It is the same for us. The Lord is present in us and with us throughout the whole world; and the reason for this is simply that the Lord is not in space.

Divine Love and Wisdom #10 (Rogers (1999))

10. We said that in the spiritual world just as in the natural world, intervals of space appear, consequently also intervening intervals of space, but that these are appearances in accordance with spiritual affinities which are affinities of love and wisdom or of good and truth. So it is that even though the Lord is in the heavens with angels everywhere, still He appears high above them as the sun. Moreover, because reception of His love and wisdom brings about an affinity with Him, therefore heavens in which the angels by their reception possess a closer affinity appear closer to Him than heavens in which the angels possess a more distant affinity. That, too, is why the heavens - of which there are three - are apart from each other, likewise the societies in each heaven, and why the hells beneath these are still more remote according to their rejection of His love and wisdom.

The case is the same with people, in whom and with whom the Lord is present throughout the entire world; and this solely because the Lord does not exist in space.

Divine Love and Wisdom #10 (Harley and Harley (1969))

10. It has been stated that, in the spiritual world just as in the natural world, there appear to be spaces, consequently also distances, but that these are appearances in accordance with spiritual affinities which are of love and wisdom, or of good and truth. Hence it is that the Lord, although He is everywhere in the heavens with the angels, yet appears high above them as a Sun. And because the reception of love and wisdom causes affinity with Him, therefore the heavens in which the angels are in closer affinity appear nearer to Him than those where angels are in more remote affinity. It is as a result of this also that the heavens, which are three in number, are distinct from each other, and similarly the societies of each heaven; and further, that the hells under them are remote in accordance with their rejection of love and wisdom. The same is the case with men in whom and with whom the Lord is present throughout the whole earth. And this is solely for the reason that the Lord is not in space.

Divine Love and Wisdom #10 (Ager (1890))

10. It has been said that in the spiritual world, just as in the natural world, there appear to be spaces, consequently also distances, but that these are appearances according to spiritual affinities which are of love and wisdom, or of good and truth. From this it is that the Lord, although everywhere in the heavens with angels, nevertheless appears high above them as a sun. Furthermore, since reception of love and wisdom causes affinity with the Lord, those heavens in which the angels are, from reception, in closer affinity with Him, appear nearer to Him than those in which the affinity is more remote. From this it is also that the heavens, of which there are three, are distinct from each other, likewise the societies of each heaven; and further, that the hells under them are remote according to their rejection of love and wisdom. The same is true of men, in whom and with whom the Lord is present throughout the whole earth; and this solely for the reason that the Lord is not in space.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #10 (original Latin,1763)

10. Dictum est, quod in Mundo spirituali aeque appareant spatia ut in Mundo naturali, consequenter etiam distantiae, sed quod sint apparentiae secundum affinitates spirituales quae sunt amoris et sapientiae, seu boni et veri: inde est, quod Dominus, tametsi est in coelis apud angelos ubique, usque appareat alte supra illos ut Sol: et quia receptio amoris et sapientiae facit affinitatem cum Ipso, ideo propiores1 Ipsi apparent Coeli ubi angeli in propiore 2 affinitate ex receptione sunt, quam qui in remotiore: ex eo etiam est, quod Coeli, qui tres sunt, inter se distincti sint, similiter Societates cujusvis Coeli; tum quod Inferni sub illis sint remoti secundum rejectionem amoris et sapientiae. Simile est cum hominibus, in quibus et apud quos Dominus praesens est in universo terrarum orbe; et hoc unice ex causa, quia Dominus non est in spatio.


1. Prima editio: propriores

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