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《圣爱与圣智》 第9节



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Divine Love and Wisdom #9 (Dole (2003))

9. The reason so many people do not grasp this is that they love what is earthly and are therefore reluctant to lift their thinking above it into spiritual light. People who are reluctant can think only spatially, even about God; and thinking spatially about God is thinking about the extended size of nature.

This premise is necessary because without a knowledge and some sense that Divinity is not in space, we cannot understand anything about the divine life that is love and wisdom, which are our present topic. This means there can be little if any understanding of divine providence, omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence, infinity, and eternity, which are to be dealt with in sequence.

Divine Love and Wisdom #9 (Rogers (1999))

9. That more people do not comprehend this, however, is because they love the natural world and are therefore unwilling to raise the thoughts of their intellect above it into spiritual light. And if they are unwilling to do this, they cannot help but think in terms of space, even concerning God, and to think of God in terms of space is to think of an expanse of nature.

This much must be stated in advance, because without the knowledge and some perception that the Divine does not exist in space, it is impossible to understand anything of the Divine life, which is love and wisdom, the subject of this work. Consequently, neither would it be possible to understand more than a little if anything of Divine providence, omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence, infinity and eternity, subjects we are going to take up in succession later.

Divine Love and Wisdom #9 (Harley and Harley (1969))

9. The reason, however, that many do not comprehend this is that they love the natural and therefore do not wish to raise the thoughts of their understanding above the natural into spiritual light. And they who will not do so are unable to think except from space, even concerning God; and to think about God from space is to think about an extension of nature. This has to be premised, for without a knowledge and some perception that the Divine is not in space, nothing can be understood about the Divine Life which is Love and Wisdom, the subjects here treated of, and hence little if anything about Divine Providence, Omnipresence, Omniscience, Omnipotence, Infinity and Eternity, which will be treated of in order.

Divine Love and Wisdom #9 (Ager (1890))

9. But many fail to comprehend this because of their love of the natural, which makes them unwilling to raise the thoughts of their understanding above the natural into spiritual light; and those who are unwilling to do this can think only from space, even concerning God; and to think according to space concerning God is to think concerning the expanse of nature. This has to be premised, because without a knowledge and some perception that the Divine is not in space, nothing can be understood about the Divine Life, which is Love and Wisdom, of which subjects this volume treats; and hence little, if anything, about Divine Providence, Omnipresence, Omniscience, Omnipotence, Infinity and Eternity, which will be treated of in succession.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #9 (original Latin,1763)

9. Quod autem plures id non comprehendant, est quia amant naturale, et ideo non volunt cogitationes intellectus sui supra illud elevare in lucem spiritualem, et qui non volunt, illi non possunt nisi ex spatio cogitare, etiam de Deo, et cogitare de Deo ex spatio, est de extenso naturae. Hoc praemittendum est, quia absque scientia et aliqua perceptione quod Divinum non sit in spatio, non aliquid intelligi potest de Divina Vita, quae est Amor et Sapientia, de quibus hic agitur; et inde parum si quicquam de Divina Providentia, Omnipraesentia, Omniscientia, Omnipotentia, Infinitate et Aeternitate, de quibus in serie agendum est.

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