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《圣爱与圣智》 第120节



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Divine Love and Wisdom #120 (Dole (2003))

120. At this point, then, we need to discuss the regions in the spiritual world. There are regions there just as there are in the physical world; but the regions of the spiritual world, like that world itself, are spiritual, while the regions of the physical world, like this world itself, are physical. This means that they are so different that they have nothing in common.

There are four regions in each world, called the east, the west, the south, and the north. In the physical world, these four regions are static, determined by the sun in the south. The north is behind, with the east on one side and the west on the other. These regions are determined by the south wherever you go, since the sun's position at noon is always the same and therefore static.

It is different in the spiritual world. There the regions are determined by the sun, which always appears in its own place; and where it appears is the east. So the assignment of regions in that world is not from the south as it is in the physical world but from the east. The west is behind, with the south on one side and the north on the other. We will see below, however, that the regions are not caused by its sun but by the inhabitants of that world, the angels and spirits.

Divine Love and Wisdom #120 (Rogers (1999))

120. We must now say something here about zones in the spiritual world. There are zones in the spiritual world just as in the natural world, but the zones in the spiritual world are - like that world itself - spiritual, while the zones in the natural world are - like that world - natural. Consequently the zones are so different as to have nothing in common.

There are four points of the compass in each world, called east, west, south and north. These four points in the natural world are constant, being determined in relation to the sun at its zenith in the south. Opposite to this is the north, with the east on one side and the west on the other. These directions are everywhere determined in relation to the south, for the position of the sun at its zenith in the south is everywhere the same and thus provides a fixed point of reference.

Not so in the spiritual world. There the points of the compass are determined in relation to its sun which appears constantly in the same place, and where it appears is the east. Consequently the determination of these points in that world is made, not as in the natural world in relation to the south, but in relation to the east. Opposite to that is the west, with the south on one side and the north on the other.

Nevertheless, the resulting zones are not created by the sun there, but by the inhabitants of that world, who are angels and spirits, as we will see in the discussion following this.

Divine Love and Wisdom #120 (Harley and Harley (1969))

120. The quarters in the spiritual world will now be spoken of. There are quarters there in like manner as in the natural world, but the quarters of the spiritual world, like that world itself, are spiritual, while the quarters of the natural world, like that world itself, are natural. Wherefore, they differ so much that they have nothing in common. In each world there are four quarters which are called east, west, south and north. In the natural world, these four quarters are constant, being determined by the sun on the meridian. Opposite this is north, on one side is east, on the other is west. These quarters are determined by the meridian of each place, for the sun's station on the meridian everywhere is always the same and therefore fixed. In the spiritual world it is different. The quarters there are determined by the Sun of that world which appears constantly in its own place, and where it appears is the east. Wherefore the determination of the quarters in that world is not, as in the natural world, from the south, but is from the east. Opposite this is west, on one side is south, on the other is north. But that these quarters are not from the Sun there, but from the inhabitants of that world, who are angels and spirits, will be seen in what follows.

Divine Love and Wisdom #120 (Ager (1890))

120. The quarters in the spiritual world shall now be spoken of. There are quarters there in like manner as in the natural world, but like that world itself, they are spiritual; while the quarters in the natural world, like that world itself, are natural; the difference between them therefore is so great that they have nothing in common. In each world there are four quarters, which are called east, west, south, and north. In the natural world, these four quarters are constant, determined by the sun on the meridian; opposite this is north, on one side is east, on the other, west. These quarters are determined by the meridian of each place; for the sun's station on the meridian at each point is always the same, and is therefore fixed. In the spiritual world it is different. The quarters there are determined by the sun of that world, which appears constantly in its own place, and where it appears is the east; consequently the determination of the quarters in that world is not from the south, as in the natural world, but from the east, opposite to this is west, on one side is south, and on the other, north. But that these quarters are not determined by the sun, but by the inhabitants of that world, who are angels and spirits, will be seen in what follows.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #120 (original Latin,1763)

120. Hic nunc dicetur de Plagis in Mundo Spirituali; sunt ibi similiter Plagae sicut in Mundo naturali; sed Plagae Mundi Spiritualis, sicut ipse Mundus est, sunt Spirituales[;] at Plagae Mundi naturalis, sicut ipse Mundus, sunt naturales; quare tantum differunt ut nihil commune habeant. Sunt quatuor Plagae in utroque Mundo, quae Oriens, Occidens, Meridies et Septentrio vocantur: illae quatuor Plagae in Mundo naturali sunt constantes, determinatae a Sole in Meridie[;] antrorsum est septentrio, ab uno latere est oriens, ab altero est occidens, quae plagae a meridie cujusvis loci determinantur, Solis enim statio in meridie ubivis est semper eadem et sic fixa. Aliter in Mundo Spirituali; ibi Plagae determinantur a Sole ibi, qui constanter apparet in suo loco, et ubi apparet est Oriens; quare determinatio plagarum in illo Mundo non est sicut in Mundo naturali a Meridie, sed est ab Oriente; antrorsum est Occidens, ab uno latere est Meridies, ab altero est Septentrio. Sed quod Plagae illae non sint a Sole ibi, sed ab Incolis illius Mundi, qui sunt Angeli et Spiritus, videbitur in sequentibus.

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