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《圣爱与圣智》 第121节



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Divine Love and Wisdom #121 (Dole (2003))

121. Since these regions are spiritual because of their source (the Lord as the sun), the places where angels and spirits live are spiritual as well, since the places all depend on these regions. The places are spiritual because their locations depend on the angels' acceptance of love and wisdom from the Lord. People who are at a higher level of love live in the east, while people who are at a lower level of love live in the west. People who are at a higher level of wisdom live in the south, while people who are at a lower level of wisdom live in the north.

This is why "the east" in the Word, in its highest sense, means the Lord, while in a secondary sense it means a love for him, while "the west" means a waning love for him. "The south" means wisdom in the light and "the north" wisdom beclouded. There are some variations of these meanings as they relate to the state of the people under discussion.

Divine Love and Wisdom #121 (Rogers (1999))

121. Since these zones from their origin, which is the Lord as the sun, are spiritual, therefore the regions inhabited by angels and spirits - all of which are established in accordance with these zones - are also spiritual. And they are spiritual because the inhabitants dwell where they do in accordance with their reception of love and wisdom from the Lord. Those possessing a higher degree of love dwell in the east, those possessing a lower degree of love in the west, those possessing a higher degree of wisdom in the south, and those possessing a lower degree of wisdom in the north.

So it is that in the Word, by the east in its highest sense is meant the Lord, and in a relative sense, love toward Him; by the west, a decreasing love toward Him; by the south, wisdom in a state of light; and by the north, wisdom in a state of comparative darkness. Or similar things are meant relative to the state of the people being referred to.

Divine Love and Wisdom #121 (Harley and Harley (1969))

121. Since these quarters from their very origin, which is the Lord as a Sun, are spiritual, so the dwelling-places of angels and spirits, all of which are according to these quarters, are also spiritual. They are spiritual because angels and spirits have their dwelling-places in accordance with their reception of love and wisdom from the Lord. Those who are in a higher degree of love dwell in the east; those in a lower degree of love in the west; those in a higher degree of wisdom in the south, and those in a lower degree of wisdom, in the north. Hence it is that, in the Word, by "the east" in the highest sense, is understood the Lord, and in a relative sense, love to Him; by "the west" a decreasing love to Him, by "the south," wisdom in light, and by "the north" wisdom in shade, or similar things relatively to the state of those treated of.

Divine Love and Wisdom #121 (Ager (1890))

121. As these quarters, by virtue of their origin, which is the Lord as a sun, are spiritual, so the dwelling-places of angels and spirits, all of which are according to these quarters, are also spiritual. They are spiritual, because angels and spirits have their places of abode according to their reception of love and wisdom from the Lord. Those in a higher degree of love dwell in the east; those in a lower degree of love in the west; those in a higher degree of wisdom, in the south; and those in a lower degree of wisdom, in the north. From this it is that, in the Word, by "the east," in the highest sense, is meant the Lord, and in a relative sense love to Him; by the "west," a diminishing love to Him; by the "south" wisdom in light; and by the "north" wisdom in shade; or similar things relatively to the state of those who are treated of.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #121 (original Latin,1763)

121. Quoniam Plagae illae ex origine sua, qui est Dominus ut Sol, sunt Spirituales, ideo Habitationes Angelorum et Spirituum, quae omnes sunt secundum Plagas illas, etiam Spirituales sunt; et Spirituales sunt, quia habitant secundum receptiones amoris et sapientiae a Domino; illi qui in amoris gradu superiori sunt, habitant in Oriente, qui in Amoris gradu inferiore in Occidente, qui in Sapientiae gradu superiore in Meridie, et qui in Sapientiae gradu inferiore in Septentrione. Inde est, quod in Verbo per Orientem in supremo sensu intelligatur Dominus, et in sensu respectivo amor in Ipsum, per Occidentem amor in Ipsum decrescens, per Meridiem sapientia in luce, et per Septentrionem sapientia in umbra: aut similia respective ad statum eorum de quibus agitur.

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