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《圣爱与圣智》 第123节



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Divine Love and Wisdom #123 (Dole (2003))

123. Since the Lord as the sun is always in the east, early people--for whom all the elements of worship were symbolic of spiritual realities--faced the east when they worshiped. Further, to be sure that they did this in all their rituals, they faced their temples in the same direction. This is the reason churches are built in the same way at present.

Divine Love and Wisdom #123 (Rogers (1999))

123. Since the Lord as the sun is constantly in the east, therefore people in ancient times - among whom all elements of worship were representative of spiritual things - in their adorations turned their faces to the east. And to ensure their doing the same in all their worship, they turned their temples as well in that direction. It is for this reason that even temples today are built similarly positioned.

Divine Love and Wisdom #123 (Harley and Harley (1969))

123. Since the Lord as a Sun is constantly in the east, so the ancients, with whom all things of worship were representative of spiritual things, turned their faces towards the east when worshipping. And in order to do the same in all worship, they turned their temples also in that direction. For which reason it is that, at the present day, churches are built in like manner.

Divine Love and Wisdom #123 (Ager (1890))

123. Since the Lord as a sun is constantly in the east, the ancients, with whom all things of worship were representative of spiritual things, turned their faces to the east in their devotions; and that they might do the like in all worship, they turned their temples also in that direction. From this it is that, at the present day, churches are built in like manner.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #123 (original Latin,1763)

123. Quoniam Dominus ut Sol constanter est in Oriente, ideo Antiqui, apud quos omnia cultus repraesentativa spiritualium fuerunt, in adorationibus suis verterunt facies ad Orientem; ac ut simile in omni cultu facerent, Templa sua etiam illuc verterunt; ex quo est, quod etiam Templa hodie similiter aedificentur.

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