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《圣爱与圣智》 第122节



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Divine Love and Wisdom #122 (Dole (2003))

122. Since the east is the basis on which all the regions in the spiritual world are laid out, and since the east in the highest sense means the Lord and divine love, we can see that the Lord and love for him is the source of everything. We can also see that to the extent that people do not share in that love, they are far from him and live either in the west or in the south or in the north, with the distance depending on their openness to love.

Divine Love and Wisdom #122 (Rogers (1999))

122. Since all the zones in the spiritual world are determined in relation to the east, and by the east in its highest sense is meant the Lord, and also Divine love, it is apparent that all things stand there in relation to the Lord and love toward Him. And further, that to the extent anyone does not possess that love, to that extent he is removed from the Lord and dwells either in the west, or in the south, or in the north, at this or that distance there in accordance with his reception of love.

Divine Love and Wisdom #122 (Harley and Harley (1969))

122. Since it is from the east that all the quarters in the spiritual world are determined, and by "the east" in the highest sense is understood the Lord, and also the Divine Love, it is clear that the Lord and love to Him are the source from which all things are; and that to the extent that anyone is not in that love, to that extent he is remote from Him and dwells either in the west, or in the south, or in the north, at distances there in accordance with the receptions of love.

Divine Love and Wisdom #122 (Ager (1890))

122. Since the east is the point from which all quarters in the spiritual world are determined, and by the east, in the highest sense, is meant the Lord, and also Divine Love, it is evident that the source from which all things are, is the Lord and love to Him, and that one is remote from the Lord in the measure in which he is not in that love, and dwells either in the west, or in the south, or in the north, at distances corresponding to the reception of love.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #122 (original Latin,1763)

122. Quoniam Oriens est a quo omnes Plagae in Mundo Spirituali determinantur, et per Orientem in supremo sensu intelligitur 1 Dominus et quoque Divinus Amor, patet, quod Dominus et Amor in Ipsum sit, a quo omnia sunt; et quod quantum quis non in illo amore est, tantum ab Ipso remotus sit, et habitet vel in occidente, vel in meridie, vel in septentrione, ad distantias ibi secundum receptiones amoris.


1. Prima editio: intelligirur

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